Esempio n. 1
        internal static DatabaseIfc Generate(ModelView mdv, string path)
            DatabaseIfc db = new DatabaseIfc(true, mdv);
            IfcSite site = new IfcSite(db, "TestSite");
            //IfcPerson  NOT RV
            //IfcOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcPersonAndOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcOwnerHistory  NOT RV
            //fcApplication NOT RV
            //                     IfcProjectLibrary NOT RV Can't have multiple context
            IfcProject project = new IfcProject(site, "TestProject", IfcUnitAssignment.Length.Millimetre)
            IfcBuilding building = new IfcBuilding(site, "TestBuilding")
            IfcBuildingStorey buildingStorey = new IfcBuildingStorey(building, "TestBuildingStorey", 3000);
            IfcSpace          space          = new IfcSpace(buildingStorey, null, null)
                Name = "TestSpace"

            space.RelatingType = new IfcSpaceType(db, "TestSpaceType", IfcSpaceTypeEnum.INTERNAL);

            IfcZone zone = new IfcZone(buildingStorey, "TestZone", "TestZoneLongName", new List <IfcSpace>()

            IfcLocalPlacement localPlacement = buildingStorey.Placement as IfcLocalPlacement;

            IfcMaterial material = new IfcMaterial(db, "TestMaterial")
                Description = "TestDescription", Category = "TestCategory"
            IfcMaterialProperties materialProperties = new IfcMaterialProperties("TestMaterialProperties", material)
                Properties = new List <IfcProperty>()
                    new IfcPropertySingleValue(db, "MassDensity", new IfcMassDensityMeasure(1))
            IfcSurfaceStyleShading surfaceStyleShading = new IfcSurfaceStyleShading(new IfcColourRgb(db, "Red", 1, 0, 0));
            IfcSurfaceStyle        surfaceStyle        = new IfcSurfaceStyle(surfaceStyleShading, null, null, null, null);
            IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation materialDefinitionRepresentation = new IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation(new List <IfcStyledRepresentation>()
                new IfcStyledRepresentation(new IfcStyledItem(surfaceStyle, "TestStyledItem"))
            }, material);

            IfcIndexedPolyCurve          indexedPolyCurve          = IPE200Curve(db);
            IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef arbitraryClosedProfileDef = new IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("IPE200", indexedPolyCurve);
            IfcMaterialProfile           materialProfile           = new IfcMaterialProfile("TestMaterialProfile", material, arbitraryClosedProfileDef);
            IfcMaterialProfileSet        materialProfileSet        = new IfcMaterialProfileSet("TestMaterialProfileSet", materialProfile);

            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(arbitraryClosedProfileDef, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 1, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), 5000);
            IfcBeamType          beamType          = new IfcBeamType(db, "TestBeamType", IfcBeamTypeEnum.BEAM);

            beamType.MaterialSelect = materialProfileSet;
            IfcBeam beam = new IfcBeam(buildingStorey, new IfcLocalPlacement(localPlacement, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1000, 2000, 0))
                RefDirection = new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)
            }), new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid)));

            beam.RelatingType = beamType;

            //	if(mdv != ModelView.Ifc4Reference)
            //			IfcActorRole  NOT RV

            //IfcAdvancedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcAdvancedFace   NOT RV
            //IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcBeamStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcBlock   NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanClippingResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcColumnStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcCompositeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectedFaceSet  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionCurveGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcCsgSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcCShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDerivedProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDoorStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcEdge	 NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeCurve  NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcEllipseProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcFace  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceOuterBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcFacetedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcFeatureElementAddition  NOT RV
            //IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcGridPlacement  NOT RV
            //IfcHalfSpaceSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryInformation  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryReference  NOT RV
            //IfcLoop   NOT RV
            //IfcLShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialUsageDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcMemberStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpeningStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpenShell  NOT RV
            //IfcOrientedEdge  NOT RV
            //IfcPcurve  NOT RV
            //IfcPlane  NOT RV
            //IfcPlateStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyline  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcProjectionElement  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertySetTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangularPyramid  NOT RV
            //IfcRelAssociatesLibrary  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsPathElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelFlowControlElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelInterferesElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelProjectsElement  NOT RV
            //IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCone  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCylinder  NOT RV
            //IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcSimplePropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSphere  NOT RV
            //IfcSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfRevolution  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures surfaceStyleWithTextures = new IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures(new IfcImageTexture(db,true,true,""));
            //IfcTelecomAddress  NOT RV
            //IfcTShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcUShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcVertex  NOT RV
            //IfcVertexPoint  NOT RV
            //IfcVirtualGridIntersection  NOT RV
            //IfcWallElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWallStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWindowStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcZShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            db.WriteFile(Path.Combine(path, mdv.ToString() + ".ifc"));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the IfcSpaceType of this space, null if one is not defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="space"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IfcSpaceType GetSpaceType(this IfcSpace space)
            IfcTypeObject sType = space.GetDefiningType();

            return(sType as IfcSpaceType);
Esempio n. 3
 public SpaceKeyType(IfcSpace ifcSpace, CoBieLiteHelper helper)
     : this()
     FloorName = helper.SpaceFloorLookup[ifcSpace].Name;
     SpaceName = ifcSpace.Name;
Esempio n. 4
 public IfcRelCoversSpaces(IfcGloballyUniqueId __GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory __OwnerHistory, IfcLabel?__Name, IfcText?__Description, IfcSpace __RelatingSpace, IfcCovering[] __RelatedCoverings)
     : base(__GlobalId, __OwnerHistory, __Name, __Description)
     this._RelatingSpace    = __RelatingSpace;
     this._RelatedCoverings = new HashSet <IfcCovering>(__RelatedCoverings);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get space gross floor area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcSpace">IfcSpace object</param>
        /// <param name="allPropertyValues">COBieDataPropertySetValues object holds all the properties for all the IfcSpace</param>
        /// <returns>property value as string or default value</returns>
        private string GetGrossFloorArea(IfcSpace ifcSpace, COBieDataPropertySetValues allPropertyValues)
            string areaUnit  = null;
            double areavalue = 0.0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.WorkBookUnits.AreaUnit))
                areaUnit = Context.WorkBookUnits.AreaUnit;//see what the global area unit is
            //Do Gross Areas
            IfcAreaMeasure grossAreaValue = ifcSpace.GetGrossFloorArea();

            if (grossAreaValue != null)
                areavalue = ((double)grossAreaValue);
            else//if we fail on IfcAreaMeasure try GSA keys
                IfcQuantityArea spArea = ifcSpace.GetQuantity <IfcQuantityArea>("GSA Space Areas", "GSA BIM Area");
                if ((spArea is IfcQuantityArea) && (spArea.AreaValue != null))
                    areavalue = ((double)spArea.AreaValue);
            if (areavalue > 0.0)
                //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaUnit)) && (areaUnit.ToLower().Contains("milli")) && (areavalue > 250000.0)) //we are using millimetres, and areavalue is lightly to be in mmsq if over 250000(0.5msq)
                //    areavalue = areavalue / 1000000.0;


            //Fall back to properties
            //get the property single values for this ifcSpace
            if (allPropertyValues.CurrentObject != ifcSpace)

            //try and find it in the attached properties of the ifcSpace
            string value = allPropertyValues.GetPropertySingleValueValue("GrossFloorArea", true);

            if (value == DEFAULT_STRING)
                value = allPropertyValues.GetPropertySingleValueValue("GSA", true);

            if (value == DEFAULT_STRING)
                if (double.TryParse(value, out areavalue))
                    //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaUnit)) && (areaUnit.ToLower().Contains("milli")) && (areavalue > 250000.0))//we are using millimetres, and areavalue is lightly to be in mmsq if over 250000(0.5msq)
                    //    areavalue = areavalue / 1000000.0;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add space placement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieCoordinateRow holding the data for one corner</param>
        /// <param name="rowNext">COBieCoordinateRow holding the data for the other corner</param>
        private void AddBoundingBoxAsExtrudedAreaSolid(COBieCoordinateRow row, COBieCoordinateRow rowNext)
            if (row.SheetName.ToLower() == "floor")
                IfcBuildingStorey ifcBuildingStorey = null;
                if (ValidateString(row.ExtIdentifier))
                    IfcGloballyUniqueId id = new IfcGloballyUniqueId(row.ExtIdentifier);
                    ifcBuildingStorey = Model.Instances.Where <IfcBuildingStorey>(bs => bs.GlobalId == id).FirstOrDefault();

                if ((ifcBuildingStorey == null) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                    ifcBuildingStorey = Model.Instances.Where <IfcBuildingStorey>(bs => bs.Name == row.RowName).FirstOrDefault();

                if (ifcBuildingStorey != null)
                    //using statement will set the Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject to IfcRoot.OwnerHistory as OwnerHistoryAddObject is used upon any property changes,
                    //then swaps the original OwnerHistoryAddObject back in the dispose, so set any properties within the using statement
                    using (COBieXBimEditScope context = new COBieXBimEditScope(Model, ifcBuildingStorey.OwnerHistory))
                        IfcProduct placementRelToIfcProduct = ifcBuildingStorey.SpatialStructuralElementParent as IfcProduct;
                        AddExtrudedRectangle(row, rowNext, ifcBuildingStorey, placementRelToIfcProduct);
            if (row.SheetName.ToLower() == "space")
                IfcSpace ifcSpace = null;
                if (ValidateString(row.ExtIdentifier))
                    IfcGloballyUniqueId id = new IfcGloballyUniqueId(row.ExtIdentifier);
                    ifcSpace = Model.Instances.Where <IfcSpace>(bs => bs.GlobalId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((ifcSpace == null) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                    ifcSpace = Model.Instances.Where <IfcSpace>(bs => bs.Name == row.RowName).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((ifcSpace == null) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                    IEnumerable <IfcSpace> ifcSpaces = Model.Instances.Where <IfcSpace>(bs => bs.Description == row.RowName);
                    //check we have one, if >1 then no match
                    if ((ifcSpaces.Any()) && (ifcSpaces.Count() == 1))
                        ifcSpace = ifcSpaces.FirstOrDefault();

                if (ifcSpace != null)
                    if (ifcSpace.Representation != null) //check it has no graphics attached, if it has then skip
                    //using statement will set the Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject to IfcRoot.OwnerHistory as OwnerHistoryAddObject is used upon any property changes,
                    //then swaps the original OwnerHistoryAddObject back in the dispose, so set any properties within the using statement
                    using (COBieXBimEditScope context = new COBieXBimEditScope(Model, ifcSpace.OwnerHistory))
                        IfcProduct placementRelToIfcProduct = ifcSpace.SpatialStructuralElementParent as IfcProduct;

                        AddExtrudedRectangle(row, rowNext, ifcSpace, placementRelToIfcProduct);

            if (row.SheetName.ToLower() == "component")
                IfcElement ifcElement = null;
                if (ValidateString(row.ExtIdentifier))
                    IfcGloballyUniqueId id = new IfcGloballyUniqueId(row.ExtIdentifier);
                    ifcElement = Model.Instances.Where <IfcElement>(bs => bs.GlobalId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((ifcElement == null) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                    ifcElement = Model.Instances.Where <IfcElement>(bs => bs.Name == row.RowName).FirstOrDefault();

                if ((ifcElement == null) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                    IEnumerable <IfcElement> ifcElements = Model.Instances.Where <IfcElement>(bs => bs.Description == row.RowName);
                    //check we have one, if >1 then no match
                    if ((ifcElements.Any()) && (ifcElements.Count() == 1))
                        ifcElement = ifcElements.FirstOrDefault();

                if (ifcElement != null)
                    if (ifcElement.Representation != null) //check it has no graphics attached, if it has then skip

                    //using statement will set the Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject to IfcRoot.OwnerHistory as OwnerHistoryAddObject is used upon any property changes,
                    //then swaps the original OwnerHistoryAddObject back in the dispose, so set any properties within the using statement
                    using (COBieXBimEditScope context = new COBieXBimEditScope(Model, ifcElement.OwnerHistory))
                        IfcProduct placementRelToIfcProduct = ifcElement.ContainedInStructure as IfcProduct;
                        IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure ifcRelContainedInSpatialStructure = Model.Instances.OfType <IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure>().Where(rciss => rciss.RelatedElements.Contains(ifcElement)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ((ifcRelContainedInSpatialStructure != null) &&
                            (ifcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.RelatingStructure != null)
                            placementRelToIfcProduct = ifcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.RelatingStructure as IfcProduct;
                            AddExtrudedRectangle(row, rowNext, ifcElement, placementRelToIfcProduct);
                            Console.WriteLine("COBieXBimCoordinate.AddBoundingBoxAsExtrudedAreaSolid: Cannot find Parent object placement");
                    Console.WriteLine("COBieXBimCoordinate.AddBoundingBoxAsExtrudedAreaSolid: Cannot find object to relate points too");