Esempio n. 1
        // Gets (additional) attributes that should apply to the tag. Should not return attributes that are
        // already known by the tag. The standard standard HtmlDeclaredElementsProvider returns only common
        // attributes.
        // Used by HtmlDeclaredElementsCache.GetAdditionalAttributesForTag so a provider can add additional
        // attributes to a known tag (e.g. angular attributes to a standard HTML tag)
        // Also used when generating descriptions for tags
        public IEnumerable <AttributeInfo> GetAttributeInfos(IPsiSourceFile sourceFile, IHtmlTagDeclaredElement tag, bool strict)
            lock (lockObject)
                // We have nothing to add to an angular tag - it already knows all angular tags
                if (tag is IAngularJsDeclaredElement)
                    return(EmptyArray <AttributeInfo> .Instance);

                // Note that this includes common attributes
                var attributeInfos = from d in cache.Directives
                                     where d.IsAttribute && d.IsForTag(tag.ShortName)
                                     from n in GetPrefixedNames(d.Name)
                                     new AttributeInfo(GetOrCreateAttributeLocked(n, tag), DefaultAttributeValueType.IMPLIED, null);

                // Get any elements that have the same name as the tag, and add the parameters as attributes
                // Don't include any attributes that are aleady defined by other providers (this causes the
                // HTML description cache component to crash)
                var providers = solution.GetComponents <IHtmlDeclaredElementsProvider>();

                var parameterAttributeInfos = from d in cache.Directives
                                              where d.IsElement && d.Name == tag.ShortName
                                              from p in d.Parameters
                                              where !IsKnownCommonAttribute(p.Name, providers)
                                              from n in GetPrefixedNames(p.Name)
                                              new AttributeInfo(GetOrCreateAttributeLocked(n, tag),
                                                                p.IsOptional ? DefaultAttributeValueType.IMPLIED : DefaultAttributeValueType.REQUIRED, null);

                // Parameter attributes take precedence over attribute directives. Only include one.
                       .Distinct(ai => ai.AttributeDeclaredElement.ShortName).ToList());
        private void RegisterCallbacks(
            [NotNull] DteProtocolModel model,
            [NotNull] ISolution solution
            var host = solution.GetComponent <ProjectModelViewHost>();
            // This manager will be stored in closures of callbacks.
            // Since the entire protocol will be deleted on file execution end,
            // this shouldn't cause memory leaks
            var astManager = new AstManager();

            foreach (var provider in solution.GetComponents <IEnvDteCallbackProvider>())
                provider.RegisterCallbacks(astManager, solution, host, model);