/// <summary>
        /// Creates bitmaps for the texture
        /// </summary>
        private static Bitmap[] CreateTextureBitmaps( IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, ISpherePlanet planet )
            Bitmap[] faceBitmaps = new Bitmap[ 6 ];
            int width = 256;
            int height = 256;
            progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 0 );

            ISpherePlanetTerrainRenderer renderer = planet.Renderer.GetRenderer<ISpherePlanetTerrainRenderer>( );
            if ( renderer == null )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Expected a valid ISpherePlanetTerrainRenderer to be available" );

            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.PositiveX ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.PositiveX, width, height ); progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 1 / 6.0f );
            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.NegativeX ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.NegativeX, width, height ); progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 2 / 6.0f );
            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.PositiveY ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.PositiveY, width, height ); progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 3 / 6.0f );
            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.NegativeY ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.NegativeY, width, height ); progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 4 / 6.0f );
            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.PositiveZ ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.PositiveZ, width, height ); progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 5 / 6.0f );
            faceBitmaps[ ( int )CubeMapFace.NegativeZ ] = renderer.CreateMarbleTextureFace( CubeMapFace.NegativeZ, width, height );
            progressMonitor.UpdateProgress( 1 );

            foreach ( object cubeMapFace in Enum.GetValues( typeof( CubeMapFace ) ) )
                faceBitmaps[ ( int )cubeMapFace ].Save( "PlanetCubeMap" + cubeMapFace + ".png" );

            return faceBitmaps;
		protected override SolutionEntityItem LoadSolutionItem (IProgressMonitor monitor, string fileName)
			SolutionEntityItem entry = base.LoadSolutionItem (monitor, fileName);
			if (entry == null)
				return null;
			Project project = entry as Project;
			if (project == null)
				return entry;

			MakefileData data = entry.ExtendedProperties ["MonoDevelop.Autotools.MakefileInfo"] as MakefileData;
			if (data == null)
				return entry;

			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Updating project from Makefile"), 1);
			try { 
				data.OwnerProject = project;
				if (data.SupportsIntegration)
					data.UpdateProject (monitor, false);
				monitor.Step (1);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"Error loading Makefile for project {0}", project.Name), e);
			} finally {
				monitor.EndTask ();

			entry.SetNeedsBuilding (false);
			return entry;
		protected override void LoadProject (IProgressMonitor monitor, MSBuildProject msproject)
			var doc = msproject.Document;
			projitemsFile = null;
			foreach (var no in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) {
				var im = no as XmlElement;
				if (im != null && im.LocalName == "Import" && im.GetAttribute ("Label") == "Shared") {
					projitemsFile = im.GetAttribute ("Project");
			if (projitemsFile == null)

			// TODO: load the type from msbuild
			((SharedAssetsProject)EntityItem).LanguageName = "C#";

			projitemsFile = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (msproject.FileName), projitemsFile);

			MSBuildProject p = new MSBuildProject ();
			p.Load (projitemsFile);

			MSBuildSerializer ser = CreateSerializer ();
			ser.SerializationContext.BaseFile = EntityItem.FileName;
			ser.SerializationContext.ProgressMonitor = monitor;

			Item.SetItemHandler (this);

			var cp = p.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault (g => g.Label == "Configuration");
			if (cp != null)
				((SharedAssetsProject)EntityItem).DefaultNamespace = cp.GetPropertyValue ("Import_RootNamespace");

			LoadProjectItems (p, ser, ProjectItemFlags.None);
        public object ReadFile(string file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (new StreamReader (file));
            reader.MoveToContent ();

            string version = reader.GetAttribute ("version");
            if (version == null) version = reader.GetAttribute ("fileversion");

            DataSerializer serializer = new DataSerializer (Runtime.ProjectService.DataContext, file);
            ICombineReader combineReader = null;

            if (version == "1.0" || version == "1") {
                combineReader = new CombineReaderV1 (serializer, monitor);
                monitor.ReportWarning (string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The file '{0}' is using an old combine file format. It will be automatically converted to the current format."), file));
            else if (version == "2.0")
                combineReader = new CombineReaderV2 (serializer, monitor);

            try {
                if (combineReader != null)
                    return combineReader.ReadCombine (reader);
                    throw new UnknownProjectVersionException (file, version);
            } finally {
                reader.Close ();
        protected internal override TestResult RunImpl(ITestCommand rootTestCommand, Model.Tree.TestStep parentTestStep, TestExecutionOptions options, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
            using (progressMonitor.BeginTask("Running tests.", rootTestCommand.TestCount))
                // Note: We do not check options.SkipTestExecution here because we want to build up
                // the tree of data-driven test steps.  So we actually check it later on in the
                // PatternTestExecutor.  This is different from framework adapters
                // at this time (because they do not generally support dynamically generated data-driven tests).
                Sandbox sandbox = new Sandbox();
                EventHandler canceledHandler = delegate { sandbox.Abort(TestOutcome.Canceled, "The user canceled the test run."); };
                    progressMonitor.Canceled += canceledHandler;


                    PatternTestExecutor executor = new PatternTestExecutor(options, progressMonitor, formatter, converter, environmentManager);

                    // Inlined to minimize stack depth.
                    var action = executor.CreateActionToRunTest(rootTestCommand, parentTestStep, sandbox, null);
                    return action.Result;
                    progressMonitor.Canceled -= canceledHandler;
		public static IDocumentIterator CreateDocumentIterator(DocumentIteratorType type, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			switch (type) {
				case DocumentIteratorType.CurrentDocument:
				case DocumentIteratorType.CurrentSelection:
					return new CurrentDocumentIterator();
				case DocumentIteratorType.Directory:
					try {
						if (!Directory.Exists(SearchOptions.LookIn)) {
							if (monitor != null) monitor.ShowingDialog = true;
							MessageService.ShowMessageFormatted("${res:Dialog.NewProject.SearchReplace.SearchStringNotFound.Title}", "${res:Dialog.NewProject.SearchReplace.LookIn.DirectoryNotFound}", FileUtility.NormalizePath(SearchOptions.LookIn));
							if (monitor != null) monitor.ShowingDialog = false;
							return new DummyDocumentIterator();
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						if (monitor != null) monitor.ShowingDialog = true;
						if (monitor != null) monitor.ShowingDialog = false;
						return new DummyDocumentIterator();
					return new DirectoryDocumentIterator(SearchOptions.LookIn,
				case DocumentIteratorType.AllOpenFiles:
					return new AllOpenDocumentIterator();
				case DocumentIteratorType.WholeProject:
					return new WholeProjectDocumentIterator();
				case DocumentIteratorType.WholeSolution:
					return new WholeSolutionDocumentIterator();
					throw new System.NotImplementedException("CreateDocumentIterator for type " + type);
Esempio n. 7
		public void WriteFile (string file, object obj, MSBuildFileFormat format, bool saveProjects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			Solution sol = (Solution) obj;

			string tmpfilename = String.Empty;
			try {
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Saving solution: {0}", file), 1);
				try {
					if (File.Exists (file))
						tmpfilename = Path.GetTempFileName ();
				} catch (IOException) {

				string baseDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (file);
				if (tmpfilename == String.Empty) {
					WriteFileInternal (file, sol, baseDir, format, saveProjects, monitor);
				} else {
					WriteFileInternal (tmpfilename, sol, baseDir, format, saveProjects, monitor);
					FileService.SystemRename (tmpfilename, file);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not save solution: {0}", file), ex);
				LoggingService.LogError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not save solution: {0}", file), ex);

				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpfilename) && File.Exists (tmpfilename))
					File.Delete (tmpfilename);
			} finally {
				monitor.EndTask ();
		public static BuildResult CompileXibFiles (IProgressMonitor monitor, IEnumerable<ProjectFile> files,
		                                           FilePath outputRoot)
			var result = new BuildResult ();
			var ibfiles = GetIBFilePairs (files, outputRoot).Where (NeedsBuilding).ToList ();
			if (ibfiles.Count > 0) {
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Compiling interface definitions"), 0);	
				foreach (var file in ibfiles) {
					file.EnsureOutputDirectory ();
					var args = new ProcessArgumentBuilder ();
					args.AddQuoted (file.Input);
					args.Add ("--compile");
					args.AddQuoted (file.Output);
					var psi = new ProcessStartInfo ("ibtool", args.ToString ());
					monitor.Log.WriteLine (psi.FileName + " " + psi.Arguments);
					psi.WorkingDirectory = outputRoot;
					string errorOutput;
					int code;
					try {
					code = ExecuteCommand (monitor, psi, out errorOutput);
					} catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError ("Error running ibtool", ex);
						result.AddError (null, 0, 0, null, "ibtool not found. Please ensure the Apple SDK is installed.");
						return result;
					if (code != 0) {
						//FIXME: parse the plist that ibtool returns
						result.AddError (null, 0, 0, null, "ibtool returned error code " + code);
				monitor.EndTask ();
			return result;
		internal void Initialize1(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
			ICollection<ProjectItem> items = project.Items;
			ProjectService.ProjectItemAdded   += OnProjectItemAdded;
			ProjectService.ProjectItemRemoved += OnProjectItemRemoved;
			// TODO: Translate me
//			progressMonitor.TaskName = "Resolving references for " + project.Name + "...";
			AbstractProject abstractProject = project as AbstractProject;
			if (abstractProject != null) {
				foreach (var reference in abstractProject.ResolveAssemblyReferences(progressMonitor.CancellationToken)) {
					if (!initializing) return; // abort initialization
					AddReference(reference, false, progressMonitor.CancellationToken);
			} else {
				foreach (ProjectItem item in items) {
					if (!initializing) return; // abort initialization
					if (ItemType.ReferenceItemTypes.Contains(item.ItemType)) {
						ReferenceProjectItem reference = item as ReferenceProjectItem;
						if (reference != null) {
							AddReference(reference, false, progressMonitor.CancellationToken);
 protected internal override TestResult RunImpl(ITestCommand rootTestCommand, TestStep parentTestStep, TestExecutionOptions options, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
     using (progressMonitor.BeginTask("Running tests.", rootTestCommand.TestCount))
         return RunTest(rootTestCommand, parentTestStep, options, progressMonitor);
Esempio n. 11
		public override IEnumerable<MemberReference> FindReferences (MonoDevelop.Projects.Project project, IProjectContent content, IEnumerable<FilePath> files, IProgressMonitor monitor, IEnumerable<object> searchedMembers)
		{ // TODO: Type system conversion.
			yield break;
//			var editor = TextFileProvider.Instance.GetTextEditorData (fileName);
//			AspNetAppProject project = dom.Project as AspNetAppProject;
//			if (project == null)
//				yield break;
//			var unit = AspNetParserService.GetCompileUnit (project, fileName, true);
//			if (unit == null)
//				yield break;
//			var refman = new DocumentReferenceManager (project);
//			var parsedAspDocument = (AspNetParsedDocument)new AspNetParser ().Parse (dom, fileName, editor.Text);
//			refman.Doc = parsedAspDocument;
//			var usings = refman.GetUsings ();
//			var documentInfo = new DocumentInfo (dom, unit, usings, refman.GetDoms ());
//			var builder = new AspLanguageBuilder ();
//			var buildDocument = new Mono.TextEditor.TextDocument ();
//			var offsetInfos = new List<LocalDocumentInfo.OffsetInfo> ();
//			buildDocument.Text = builder.BuildDocumentString (documentInfo, editor, offsetInfos, true);
//			var parsedDocument = AspLanguageBuilder.Parse (dom, fileName, buildDocument.Text);
//			foreach (var member in searchedMembers) {
//				foreach (var reference in SearchMember (member, dom, fileName, editor, buildDocument, offsetInfos, parsedDocument)) {
//					yield return reference;
//				}
//			}
		public override void LoadProject (IProgressMonitor monitor, SolutionEntityItem item, MSBuildProject msproject)
			base.LoadProject (monitor, item, msproject);

			var dnp = item as DotNetProject;
			if (dnp == null)

			// Convert .projitems imports into project references

			foreach (var sp in msproject.Imports.Where (im => im.Label == "Shared" && im.Project.EndsWith (".projitems"))) {
				var projitemsFile = sp.Project;
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (projitemsFile)) {
					projitemsFile = MSBuildProjectService.FromMSBuildPath (item.ItemDirectory, projitemsFile);
					projitemsFile = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (msproject.FileName), projitemsFile);
					if (File.Exists (projitemsFile)) {
						MSBuildSerializer iser = Handler.CreateSerializer ();
						iser.SerializationContext.BaseFile = projitemsFile;
						iser.SerializationContext.ProgressMonitor = monitor;
						MSBuildProject p = new MSBuildProject ();
						p.Load (projitemsFile);
						Handler.LoadProjectItems (p, iser, ProjectItemFlags.Hidden | ProjectItemFlags.DontPersist);
						var r = new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Project, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (projitemsFile));
						r.Flags = ProjectItemFlags.DontPersist;
						r.SetItemsProjectPath (projitemsFile);
						dnp.References.Add (r);
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds all references to the specified entity.
		/// The results are reported using the callback.
		/// FindReferences may internally use parallelism, and may invoke the callback on multiple
		/// threads in parallel.
		/// </summary>
		public static async Task FindReferencesAsync(IEntity entity, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Action<SearchedFile> callback)
			if (entity == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
			if (progressMonitor == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("progressMonitor");
			if (callback == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
			if (SD.ParserService.LoadSolutionProjectsThread.IsRunning) {
				progressMonitor.ShowingDialog = true;
				progressMonitor.ShowingDialog = false;
			double totalWorkAmount;
			List<ISymbolSearch> symbolSearches = PrepareSymbolSearch(entity, progressMonitor.CancellationToken, out totalWorkAmount);
			double workDone = 0;
			ParseableFileContentFinder parseableFileContentFinder = new ParseableFileContentFinder();
			foreach (ISymbolSearch s in symbolSearches) {
				using (var childProgressMonitor = progressMonitor.CreateSubTask(s.WorkAmount / totalWorkAmount)) {
					await s.FindReferencesAsync(new SymbolSearchArgs(childProgressMonitor, parseableFileContentFinder), callback);
				workDone += s.WorkAmount;
				progressMonitor.Progress = workDone / totalWorkAmount;
		public Dictionary<string, List<NSObjectTypeInfo>> GetTypeUpdates (IProgressMonitor monitor, CodeDomProvider provider,
			out Dictionary<string, NSObjectTypeInfo> newTypes,
			out Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> newFiles)
			Dictionary<string, List<NSObjectTypeInfo>> designerFiles = new Dictionary<string, List<NSObjectTypeInfo>> ();
			string defaultNamespace;
			// First, we need to name any new user-defined types.
			foreach (var job in TypeSyncJobs) {
				if (!job.IsFreshlyAdded) {
					monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Found updated class: {0}", job.Type.CliName);
				defaultNamespace = Project.GetDefaultNamespace (job.RelativePath);
				job.Type.CliName = defaultNamespace + "." + provider.CreateValidIdentifier (job.Type.ObjCName);
				monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Found newly-added class: {0}", job.Type.CliName);
				ProjectInfo.InsertUpdatedType (job.Type);
			// Next we can resolve base-types, outlet types, and action parameter types for each of our user-defined types.
			foreach (var job in TypeSyncJobs) {
				defaultNamespace = Project.GetDefaultNamespace (job.RelativePath);
				ProjectInfo.ResolveObjcToCli (monitor, job.Type, provider, defaultNamespace);
			AggregateTypeUpdates (monitor, provider, designerFiles, out newTypes, out newFiles);
			MergeExistingTypes (designerFiles);
			return designerFiles;
Esempio n. 15
		public CustomToolContext(IProject project, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
			if (project == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("project");
			this.project = project;
			this.ProgressMonitor = progressMonitor;
Esempio n. 16
 private void SetTestPackage(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
     using (progressMonitor.CreateSubProgressMonitor(10))
		public SearchProgressMonitor (Pad pad)
			outputPad = (SearchResultPad) pad.Content;
			outputPad.AsyncOperation = AsyncOperation;
			outputPad.BeginProgress (pad.Title);
			statusMonitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetStatusProgressMonitor (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Searching..."), Stock.StatusSearch, false, true, false, pad);
		public static bool ReplaceNextInSelection(IProgressMonitor monitor)
			if (lastResult != null && WorkbenchSingleton.Workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindow != null) {
				ITextEditorControlProvider provider = WorkbenchSingleton.Workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindow.ViewContent as ITextEditorControlProvider;
				if (provider != null) {
					TextEditorControl textarea = provider.TextEditorControl;
					SelectionManager selectionManager = textarea.ActiveTextAreaControl.TextArea.SelectionManager;
					if (selectionManager.SelectionCollection.Count == 1
					    && selectionManager.SelectionCollection[0].Offset == lastResult.Offset
					    && selectionManager.SelectionCollection[0].Length == lastResult.Length
					    && lastResult.FileName == textarea.FileName)
						string replacePattern = lastResult.TransformReplacePattern(SearchOptions.ReplacePattern);
						textarea.Document.Replace(lastResult.Offset, lastResult.Length, replacePattern);
						textarea.ActiveTextAreaControl.Caret.Position = textarea.Document.OffsetToPosition(lastResult.Offset + replacePattern.Length);
						textSelection.Length -= lastResult.Length - replacePattern.Length;
			return FindNextInSelection(monitor);
Esempio n. 19
 private void ExploreTests(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
     using (var subProgressMonitor = progressMonitor.CreateSubProgressMonitor(90))
         testController.Explore(subProgressMonitor, projectController.TestRunnerExtensionSpecifications);
Esempio n. 20
		public static BuildResult BuildProject(DubProject prj, IProgressMonitor mon, ConfigurationSelector sel)
			var br = new BuildResult();

			// Skip building sourceLibraries
			string targetType = null;
			var cfg = prj.GetConfiguration (sel) as DubProjectConfiguration;
			if (cfg != null){
				cfg.BuildSettings.TryGetTargetTypeProperty (prj, sel, ref targetType);
					prj.CommonBuildSettings.TryGetTargetTypeProperty (prj, sel, ref targetType);

				if (targetType != null && targetType.ToLower ().Contains("sourcelibrary")) {
					br.BuildCount = 1;
					return br;

			var args = new StringBuilder("build");

			BuildCommonArgAppendix(args, prj, sel);

			string output;
			string errDump;

			int status = ProjectBuilder.ExecuteCommand(DubSettings.Instance.DubCommand, args.ToString(), prj.BaseDirectory, 
				mon, out errDump, out output);
			br.CompilerOutput = output;

			ErrorExtracting.HandleReturnCode (mon, br, status);
			ErrorExtracting.HandleCompilerOutput(prj, br, output);
			ErrorExtracting.HandleCompilerOutput(prj, br, errDump);

			return br;
        public override void Install(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
            using (progressMonitor.BeginTask("Installing TestDriven.Net Runner", testFrameworkManager.TestFrameworkHandles.Count + 2))
                // Remove old registrations.

                // Register Icarus
                string icarusPath = FindIcarusPath();
                if (icarusPath != null)
                    InstallRegistryKeysForIcarus(icarusPath, progressMonitor);

                // Register frameworks
                foreach (ComponentHandle<ITestFramework, TestFrameworkTraits> testFrameworkHandle in testFrameworkManager.TestFrameworkHandles)
                    TestFrameworkTraits testFrameworkTraits = testFrameworkHandle.GetTraits();
                    TDNetRunnerInstallationMode installationMode = preferenceManager.GetInstallationModeForFramework(testFrameworkHandle.Id);

                    if (installationMode != TDNetRunnerInstallationMode.Disabled)
                        int priority = installationMode == TDNetRunnerInstallationMode.Default ? 25 : 5;
                        foreach (AssemblySignature frameworkAssembly in testFrameworkTraits.FrameworkAssemblies)
                            InstallRegistryKeysForFramework(testFrameworkTraits.Name, frameworkAssembly, priority,

		static void GenerateInternal (IProgressMonitor monitor, ProjectFile file, SingleFileCustomToolResult result)
			if (file.Project.SupportedLanguages.All (l => l != "C#")) {
				const string msg = "Razor templates are only supported in C# projects";
				result.Errors.Add (new CompilerError (file.Name, -1, -1, null, msg));
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (msg);

			var host = new PreprocessedRazorHost (file.FilePath);

			var defaultOutputName = file.FilePath.ChangeExtension (".cs");

			var ns = CustomToolService.GetFileNamespace (file, defaultOutputName);
			host.DefaultNamespace = ns;

			CompilerErrorCollection errors;
			var code = host.GenerateCode (out errors);
			result.Errors.AddRange (errors);

			var writer = new MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.CodeBehindWriter ();
			writer.WriteFile (defaultOutputName, code);
			writer.WriteOpenFiles ();

			result.GeneratedFilePath = defaultOutputName;

			foreach (var err in result.Errors) {
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (err);
Esempio n. 23
        public override void ApplyPendingSettingsChanges(IElevationContext elevationContext, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
            base.ApplyPendingSettingsChanges(elevationContext, progressMonitor);

            optionsController.AutoSaveProject = autoSave.Checked;
 void OnCancel(IProgressMonitor m)
     lock (list) {
         foreach (IAsyncOperation operation in list)
             operation.Cancel ();
 public void SetUp()
     testController = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ITestController>();
     projectController = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IProjectController>();
     loadPackageCommand = new LoadPackageCommand(testController, projectController);
     progressMonitor = MockProgressMonitor.Instance;
        private static bool InstallOrUninstallWithElevationContext(IEnumerable<ComponentHandle<IInstaller, InstallerTraits>> installerHandles,
            IElevationContext elevationContext, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
            InstallerOperation operation)
            foreach (var installerHandle in installerHandles)
                if (progressMonitor.IsCanceled)
                    return false;

                IProgressMonitor subProgressMonitor = progressMonitor.CreateSubProgressMonitor(1);
                if (elevationContext != null && installerHandle.GetTraits().RequiresElevation)
                        new InstallerElevatedCommand.Arguments(installerHandle.Id, operation),
                    IInstaller installer = installerHandle.GetComponent();

                    if (operation == InstallerOperation.Install)

            return true;
Esempio n. 27
        protected override void Execute(IntPtr bridgeFunc, IProgressMonitor subMonitor)
            using (subMonitor.BeginTask("Exploring " + File.Name, 100))
                BoostTestExploreDelegate bridge =

                VisitorDelegate visitTestCase = new VisitorDelegate(VisitTestCase);
                VisitorDelegate beginVisitTestSuite = new VisitorDelegate(BeginVisitTestSuite);
                VisitorDelegate endVisitTestSuite = new VisitorDelegate(EndVisitTestSuite);

                ErrorReporterDelegate errorReporter =
                    new ErrorReporterDelegate((text) => Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Error, text));




                TestModelSerializer.PublishTestModel(TestModel, MessageSink);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override TestResult RunImpl(ITestCommand rootTestCommand, TestStep parentTestStep, TestExecutionOptions options, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)

            using (progressMonitor.BeginTask(Resources.MbUnit2TestController_RunningMbUnitTests, 1))
                if (progressMonitor.IsCanceled)
                    return new TestResult(TestOutcome.Canceled);

                if (options.SkipTestExecution)
                    return SkipAll(rootTestCommand, parentTestStep);
                    IList<ITestCommand> testCommands = rootTestCommand.GetAllCommands();

                    using (InstrumentedFixtureRunner fixtureRunner = new InstrumentedFixtureRunner(fixtureExplorer,
                        testCommands, progressMonitor, parentTestStep))
                        return fixtureRunner.Run();
Esempio n. 29
        protected override TestResult RunImpl( ITestCommand rootTestCommand, TestStep parentTestStep, TestExecutionOptions options, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor )
            using(progressMonitor.BeginTask( "Verifying Specifications", rootTestCommand.TestCount ) )
                if( options.SkipTestExecution )
                    return SkipAll( rootTestCommand, parentTestStep );
                    ITestContext rootContext = rootTestCommand.StartPrimaryChildStep( parentTestStep );
                    TestStep rootStep = rootContext.TestStep;
                    TestOutcome outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;

                    foreach( ITestCommand command in rootTestCommand.Children )
                        NSpecAssemblyTest assemblyTest = command.Test as NSpecAssemblyTest;
                        if( assemblyTest == null )

                        var assemblyResult = this.RunAssembly( command, rootStep );
                        outcome = outcome.CombineWith( assemblyResult.Outcome );

                    return rootContext.FinishStep( outcome, null );
		protected override BuildResult Build (IProgressMonitor monitor, SolutionEntityItem entry, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			BuildResult res = base.Build (monitor, entry, configuration);
			if (res.ErrorCount > 0 || !(entry is DotNetProject))
				return res;
			DotNetProject project = (DotNetProject) entry;
			AddinData data = AddinData.GetAddinData (project);
			if (data == null)
				return res;
			monitor.Log.WriteLine (AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Verifying add-in description..."));
			string fileName = data.AddinManifestFileName;
			ProjectFile file = data.Project.Files.GetFile (fileName);
			if (file == null)
				return res;
			string addinFile;
			if (file.BuildAction == BuildAction.EmbeddedResource)
				addinFile = project.GetOutputFileName (ConfigurationSelector.Default);
				addinFile = file.FilePath;
			AddinDescription desc = data.AddinRegistry.GetAddinDescription (new ProgressStatusMonitor (monitor), addinFile);
			StringCollection errors = desc.Verify ();
			foreach (string err in errors) {
				res.AddError (data.AddinManifestFileName, 0, 0, "", err);
				monitor.Log.WriteLine ("ERROR: " + err);
			return res;
Esempio n. 31
 public void RevertToRevision(FilePath localPath, Revision revision, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     OnRevertToRevision(localPath, revision, monitor);
Esempio n. 32
 // Adds a file or directory to the repository
 public void Add(FilePath localPath, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     Add(new FilePath[] { localPath }, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 33
 protected virtual void OnMoveDirectory(FilePath localSrcPath, FilePath localDestPath, bool force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     FileService.SystemDirectoryRename(localSrcPath, localDestPath);
Esempio n. 34
 // Moves a directory. This method may be called for versioned and unversioned
 // files. The default implementetions performs a system file move.
 public void MoveDirectory(FilePath localSrcPath, FilePath localDestPath, bool force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     ClearCachedVersionInfo(localSrcPath, localDestPath);
     OnMoveDirectory(localSrcPath, localDestPath, force, monitor);
Esempio n. 35
 protected virtual void OnMoveFile(FilePath localSrcPath, FilePath localDestPath, bool force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     File.Move(localSrcPath, localDestPath);
Esempio n. 36
 protected abstract void OnAdd(FilePath[] localPaths, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 37
 public void Add(FilePath[] localPaths, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     OnAdd(localPaths, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 38
 public void Revert(FilePath[] localPaths, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     OnRevert(localPaths, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 39
 protected abstract void OnRevertToRevision(FilePath localPath, Revision revision, IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 40
 public void Checkout(FilePath targetLocalPath, Revision rev, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     OnCheckout(targetLocalPath, rev, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 41
 public void Revert(FilePath localPath, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     Revert(new FilePath[] { localPath }, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 42
 protected abstract void OnCommit(ChangeSet changeSet, IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 43
 protected abstract void OnCheckout(FilePath targetLocalPath, Revision rev, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 44
 // Updates a local file or directory from the repository
 // Returns a list of updated files
 public void Update(FilePath localPath, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     Update(new FilePath[] { localPath }, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 45
 // Gets the contents of this repositories into the specified local path
 public void Checkout(FilePath targetLocalPath, bool recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     Checkout(targetLocalPath, null, recurse, monitor);
Esempio n. 46
        // Imports a directory into the repository. 'serverPath' is the relative path in the repository.
        // 'localPath' is the local directory to publish. 'files' is the list of files to add to the new
        // repository directory (must use absolute local paths).
        public Repository Publish(string serverPath, FilePath localPath, FilePath[] files, string message, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            var res = OnPublish(serverPath, localPath, files, message, monitor);

Esempio n. 47
 // Commits changes in a set of files or directories into the repository
 public void Commit(ChangeSet changeSet, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     OnCommit(changeSet, monitor);
Esempio n. 48
 protected override BuildResult OnBuild(IProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
Esempio n. 49
 protected abstract Repository OnPublish(string serverPath, FilePath localPath, FilePath[] files, string message, IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 50
        public override void Clean(ProjectFileCollection projectFiles, CProjectConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            //clean up object files
            foreach (string oFile in ObjectFiles(projectFiles, configuration, false))
                if (File.Exists(oFile))

                string dFile = Path.ChangeExtension(oFile, ".d");

                if (File.Exists(dFile))

Esempio n. 51
 protected override void OnExecute(IProgressMonitor monitor, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
Esempio n. 52
        public override BuildResult Compile(
            Project project,
            ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
            ProjectPackageCollection packages,
            CProjectConfiguration configuration,
            IProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (!appsChecked)
                appsChecked   = true;
                compilerFound = CheckApp(compilerCommand);
                linkerFound   = CheckApp(linkerCommand);

            if (!compilerFound)
                BuildResult cres = new BuildResult();
                cres.AddError("Compiler not found: " + compilerCommand);

            if (!linkerFound)
                BuildResult cres = new BuildResult();
                cres.AddError("Linker not found: " + linkerCommand);

            CompilerResults cr           = new CompilerResults(new TempFileCollection());
            bool            success      = true;
            string          compilerArgs = GetCompilerFlags(project, configuration) + " " + GeneratePkgCompilerArgs(packages);

            string outputName = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputDirectory,

            // Precompile header files and place them in .prec/<config_name>/
            if (configuration.PrecompileHeaders)
                string precDir       = Path.Combine(configuration.SourceDirectory, ".prec");
                string precConfigDir = Path.Combine(precDir, configuration.Id);
                if (!Directory.Exists(precDir))
                if (!Directory.Exists(precConfigDir))

                if (!PrecompileHeaders(projectFiles, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr))
                    success = false;
                //old headers could interfere with the build

            //compile source to object files
            monitor.BeginTask(GettextCatalog.GetString("Compiling source to object files"), 1);
            foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles)
                if (!success)
                if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory || f.BuildAction != BuildAction.Compile || CProject.IsHeaderFile(f.FilePath))

                if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling(f, configuration))
                    success = DoCompilation(f, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
            if (success)

            if (success)
                switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
                case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
                    MakeBin(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
                    MakeStaticLibrary(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
                    MakeSharedLibrary(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

            return(new BuildResult(cr, ""));
Esempio n. 53
 protected override void OnClean(IProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
Esempio n. 54
 public static void ReplaceFirstInSelection(int offset, int length, IProgressMonitor monitor)
     FindFirstInSelection(offset, length, monitor);
Esempio n. 55
        private void MakeSharedLibrary(Project project,
                                       ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
                                       CProjectConfiguration configuration,
                                       ProjectPackageCollection packages,
                                       CompilerResults cr,
                                       IProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
            if (!NeedsUpdate(projectFiles, configuration, outputName))

            string        objectFiles = string.Join(" ", ObjectFiles(projectFiles, configuration, true));
            string        pkgargs     = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs(packages);
            StringBuilder args        = new StringBuilder();

            if (configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0)
                string extraLinkerArgs = ExpandBacktickedParameters(configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace('\n', ' '));
                args.Append(extraLinkerArgs + " ");

            if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
                foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
                    args.Append("-L\"" + StringParserService.Parse(libpath, GetStringTags(project)) + "\" ");

            if (configuration.Libs != null)
                foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs)
                    string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lib);
                    string library   = Path.GetFileName(lib);

                    // Is this a 'standard' (as in, uses an orthodox naming convention) library..?
                    string link_lib = String.Empty;
                    if (IsStandardLibrary(configuration, directory, library, ref link_lib))
                        args.Append("-l\"" + link_lib + "\" ");
                    // If not, reference the library by it's full pathname.
                        args.Append("\"" + lib + "\" ");

            string linker_args = string.Format("-shared -o \"{0}\" {1} {2} {3}",
                                               outputName, objectFiles, pkgargs, args.ToString());

            monitor.BeginTask(GettextCatalog.GetString("Generating shared object \"{0}\" from object files", Path.GetFileName(outputName)), 1);

            string errorOutput;
            int    exitCode = ExecuteCommand(linkerCommand, linker_args, Path.GetDirectoryName(outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);

            if (exitCode == 0)

            ParseCompilerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            ParseLinkerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            CheckReturnCode(exitCode, cr);
Esempio n. 56
 static void SetSearchOptions(IProgressMonitor monitor)
     find.SearchStrategy   = SearchReplaceUtilities.CreateSearchStrategy(SearchOptions.SearchStrategyType);
     find.DocumentIterator = SearchReplaceUtilities.CreateDocumentIterator(SearchOptions.DocumentIteratorType, monitor);
Esempio n. 57
        private bool DoPrecompileHeader(ProjectFile file, string output, string args, IProgressMonitor monitor, CompilerResults cr)
            string completeArgs = String.Format("\"{0}\" {1} -o {2}", file.Name, args, output);
            string errorOutput;
            int    exitCode = ExecuteCommand(compilerCommand, completeArgs, Path.GetDirectoryName(output), monitor, out errorOutput);

            ParseCompilerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            return(exitCode == 0);