Esempio n. 1
        public void Put_and_Replace(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c)
            c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(10, "Dog"));
            var numItems = c.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual("Dog", c.Get(10).Value, "Cache did not contain key 10");
            c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(10, "Cat")); // Dog should be replaced with "Cat"
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat", c.Get(10).Value, "Cache did not contain key 10");
            Assert.AreEqual(numItems, c.Count, 0, "Cache size changed");
Esempio n. 2
 /// <param name="c">Expected to be empty, capacity constraint may impact performance</param>
 /// <param name="NumPuts"></param>
 public void ManyPuts(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c, int NumPuts = 1000)
     for (int i = 0; i < NumPuts; i++)
         c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(i, i.ToString()));
Esempio n. 3
        public void ParallelOperations(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c, int NumThreads = 10)
            int MaxKey  = NumThreads * 100;
            int NumGets = 1000;

            if (c.Capacity < MaxKey)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            Parallel.For(0, NumThreads, t =>
                var maxIndex = (t * 100) + 100;
                for (int i = (t * 100); i < maxIndex; i++)
                    c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(i, i.ToString()));

            Assert.AreEqual(MaxKey, c.Count, 0, "Cache size incorrect");

            Parallel.For(0, NumThreads * 10, t =>
                for (int i = 0; i < NumGets; i++)
                    var k = this.random.Next(0, MaxKey);
                    var n = c.Get(k);
                    Assert.AreEqual(k.ToString(), n.Value, "Cache did not contain key.");
Esempio n. 4
 public void Optimize(TFChunk.TFChunk chunk)
     if (!chunk.ChunkHeader.IsScavenged)
     _cache.Put(chunk.FileName, chunk);
Esempio n. 5
 static public void AddRainbowItems(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c)
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(0, "Red"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(1, "Orange"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(2, "Yellow"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(3, "Green"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(4, "Blue"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(5, "Indigo"));
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(6, "Violet"));
Esempio n. 6
 /// <param name="c">Expect the cache to be empty with a capacity of at least 10</param>
 public void ExpirationTest(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c)
     c.Put(new SimpleLRUCacheItem(1, "Cat", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))); // 5 second timespan
     Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Count);
     Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000);                                         // Sleep for 5 seconds.
     Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual("Cat", c.Get(1).Value);
     Thread.Sleep(4 * 1000); // Sleep for 5 seconds.
     Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Count);
     Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); // Sleep for 5 seconds.
     Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Count);
Esempio n. 7
        public void RemoveOneTest(ILRUCache <SimpleLRUCacheItem, int> c)
            var dog = new SimpleLRUCacheItem(10, "Dog");

            var numItems = c.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual("Dog", c.Get(dog.Key).Value, "Cache did not contain dog");
            var wasRemoved = c.Remove(dog.Key);

            Assert.IsTrue(wasRemoved); // Was it successfully removed?
                var dog2 = c.Get(10); // Try to get dogs Key
                Assert.IsTrue(true, "Dog was found but not expected");
            } catch (KeyNotFoundException kex)
                // OK!
Esempio n. 8
        public void Commit(CommitLogRecord commit)
            var lastCommitPosition = Interlocked.Read(ref _lastCommitPosition);

            if (commit.LogPosition < lastCommitPosition || (commit.LogPosition == lastCommitPosition && !_indexRebuild))
                return;  // already committed
            bool   first       = true;
            int    eventNumber = -1;
            uint   streamHash  = 0;
            string streamId    = null;

            foreach (var prepare in GetTransactionPrepares(commit.TransactionPosition))
                if (first)
                    streamHash = _hasher.Hash(prepare.EventStreamId);
                    streamId   = prepare.EventStreamId;
                    first      = false;
                    Debug.Assert(prepare.EventStreamId == streamId);

                bool addToIndex = false;
                if ((prepare.Flags & PrepareFlags.StreamDelete) != 0)
                    eventNumber = EventNumber.DeletedStream;
                    _committedEvents.PutRecord(prepare.EventId, Tuple.Create(streamId, eventNumber), throwOnDuplicate: false);
                    addToIndex = commit.LogPosition > _persistedCommitCheckpoint ||
                                 commit.LogPosition == _persistedCommitCheckpoint && prepare.LogPosition > _persistedPrepareCheckpoint;
                else if ((prepare.Flags & PrepareFlags.Data) != 0)
                    eventNumber = commit.EventNumber + prepare.TransactionOffset;
                    _committedEvents.PutRecord(prepare.EventId, Tuple.Create(streamId, eventNumber), throwOnDuplicate: false);
                    addToIndex = commit.LogPosition > _persistedCommitCheckpoint ||
                                 commit.LogPosition == _persistedCommitCheckpoint && prepare.LogPosition > _persistedPrepareCheckpoint;

                // could be just empty prepares for TransactionBegin and TransactionEnd, for instance
                // or records which are rebuilt but are already in PTables
                if (addToIndex)
                    long pos;
                    if (_tableIndex.TryGetOneValue(streamHash, eventNumber, out pos))
                        ReadEventResult res = ((IReadIndex)this).ReadEvent(eventStreamId, eventNumber);
                        if (res.Result == SingleReadResult.Success)
                            throw new Exception(
                                          "Trying to add duplicate event #{0} for stream {1}(hash {2})\nCommit: {3}\nPrepare: {4}.",
                    _tableIndex.Add(commit.LogPosition, streamHash, eventNumber, prepare.LogPosition);
                    _bus.Publish(new StorageMessage.EventCommited(commit.LogPosition, eventNumber, prepare));

            if (first)
                throw new Exception("No prepares for commit found!");

            var newLastCommitPosition = commit.LogPosition > lastCommitPosition ? commit.LogPosition : lastCommitPosition;
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lastCommitPosition, newLastCommitPosition, lastCommitPosition) != lastCommitPosition)
                throw new Exception("Concurrency error in ReadIndex.Commit: _lastCommitPosition was modified during Commit execution!");

                                 key => new StreamCacheInfo(eventNumber, null),
                                 (key, old) => new StreamCacheInfo(eventNumber, old.Metadata));