Esempio n. 1
        public SkillResponse FunctionHandler(SkillRequest input, ILambdaContext context)
            IOutputSpeech innerResponse    = null;
            var           log              = context.Logger;
            var           shouldEndSession = false;

            if (input.GetRequestType() == typeof(ILaunchRequest))
                // default launch request, let's just let them know what you can do
                log.LogLine("Default LaunchRequest made");

                // grab the existing game if there is one
                var currentGame = _dealer.FindGame(input.Session.User.UserId);

                if (currentGame != null)
                    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech
                        Text = $"Welcome back to Red or Black. Your current game has {currentGame.cardsRemainingCount} cards remaining with a score of {currentGame.score}. You can either continue this game by making a guess, or ask me to start a new game."
                    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech
                        Text = "Welcome to Red or Black. Ask me to start a game with you."
            else if (input.GetRequestType() == typeof(IIntentRequest))
                // intent request, process the intent
                log.LogLine($"Intent Requested {input.Request.Intent.Name}");

                switch (input.Request.Intent.Name)
                case "NewGameIntent":
                    innerResponse = StartNewGame(input.Session.User.UserId);

                case "GuessTheCardIntent":
                    innerResponse = CheckGuess(input.Session.User.UserId, input.Request.Intent.Slots);

                case "AMAZON.StopIntent":
                    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech
                        Text = "Goodbye. Thanks for playing"
                    shouldEndSession = true;

                    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech
                        Text = "Hmm, something went wrong. Try again"

            var response = new Response
                ShouldEndSession = shouldEndSession,
                OutputSpeech     = innerResponse

            var skillResponse = new SkillResponse
                Response = response,
                Version  = "1.0"
