Esempio n. 1
        private void showWhoAllocatedMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Histogram selectedHistogram;
            string    title;
            TypeDesc  selectedType = FindSelectedType();
            double    minAge       = 0;
            double    maxAge       = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double    age          = 0;

            foreach (Bucket b in bucketTable)
                if (b.selected)
                    minAge = age;
                    maxAge = age + timeScale;
                age += timeScale;
            title = "Allocation Graph for objects";
            if (selectedType != null)
                title = string.Format("Allocation Graph for {0} objects", selectedType.typeName);
            if (minAge > 0.0)
                title += string.Format(" of age between {0} and {1} seconds", FormatTime(minAge), FormatTime(maxAge));
            selectedHistogram = new Histogram(liveObjectTable.readNewLog);
            LiveObjectTable.LiveObject o;
            double nowTime = liveObjectTable.readNewLog.TickIndexToTime(liveObjectTable.lastTickIndex);

            for (liveObjectTable.GetNextObject(0, int.MaxValue, out o); < int.MaxValue; liveObjectTable.GetNextObject( + o.size, int.MaxValue, out o))
                age = nowTime - liveObjectTable.readNewLog.TickIndexToTime(o.allocTickIndex);
                if (minAge <= age && age < maxAge)
                    TypeDesc t = (TypeDesc)typeIndexToTypeDesc[o.typeIndex];

                    if (selectedType == null || t == selectedType)
                        selectedHistogram.AddObject(o.typeSizeStacktraceIndex, 1);

            Graph graph = selectedHistogram.BuildAllocationGraph();

            GraphViewForm graphViewForm = new GraphViewForm(graph, title);

            graphViewForm.Visible = true;