public CompositeColumnsGroupcontrol(GridEXGroup group, GridEXTable table)

			// This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

			mCompositeColumns = new List<GridEXColumn>();

			if (group.Table != null)
				this.Table = group.Table;
				this.Table = table;
			// Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

			this.mGroup = group;
			if (mGroup.CustomGroup != null)
				this.CustomGroup = mGroup.CustomGroup;
				GridEXCustomGroup newCustomGroup = new GridEXCustomGroup();
				newCustomGroup.CustomGroupType = CustomGroupType.CompositeColumns;
				this.CustomGroup = newCustomGroup;
				mGroup.CustomGroup = newCustomGroup;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetFilterText(this GridEXTable table)
            object emptyString = "";

            if (table.FilterApplied != null && table.FilterApplied.Conditions.Count > 0)
                return(Convert.ToString(table.FilterApplied.Conditions[0].Value1 ?? emptyString));
Esempio n. 3
        public ColumnGroupControl(GridEXGroup group, GridEXTable table)

            // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

            this.mGroup = group;
            if (group.Column != null)
                this.Table = group.Column.Table;
            else if (group.Table != null)
                this.Table = group.Table;
                this.Table = table;

            if (this.Table.ChildTables.Count > 0 || this.Table.ParentTable != null)
                bool allowChildTables = false;
                if (this.Table.AllowChildTableGroups == InheritableBoolean.Default)
                    allowChildTables = this.Table.GridEX.AllowChildTableGroups;
                else if (this.Table.AllowChildTableGroups == InheritableBoolean.True)
                    allowChildTables = true;
                if (allowChildTables)
                    this.grbTable.Visible = true;
                    if (this.Table.ChildTables.Count == 0)
                        this.cboTables.ReadOnly = true;
                    this.grbTable.Visible = false;
                this.grbTable.Visible = false;

            this.Column = group.Column;
            // Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

Esempio n. 4
        private void AddChildTables(GridEXTable table, int indent)
            Janus.Windows.EditControls.UIComboBoxItem item = new Janus.Windows.EditControls.UIComboBoxItem(table.Caption, table);
            item.ImageIndex = table.ImageIndex;
            item.IndentLevel = indent;

            foreach (GridEXTable childTable in table.ChildTables)
                this.AddChildTables(childTable, indent + 1);

Esempio n. 5
        private void FillTablesCombo()
            this.cboTables.ImageList = mTable.GridEX.ImageList;
            GridEXTable rootTable= mTable;

            while (rootTable.ParentTable != null)
                rootTable = rootTable.ParentTable;

            this.AddChildTables(rootTable, 0);
            this.cboTables.SelectedValue = Table;
Esempio n. 6
        private void InitGrid()
            GridEXColumn col;

            var rt = new GridEXTable();

            grdList.RootTable = rt;


            CssContext.Instance.Host.Personalisation.RestoreGridLayout("mygrid", grdList);
Esempio n. 7
		private void CreateGridColumns()

			GridEX1.ImageList = ImageList1;
			GridEX1.AllowAddNew = InheritableBoolean.True;
			GridEX1.AllowDelete = InheritableBoolean.True;
			GridEX1.EmptyRows = true;
			GridEX1.ColumnAutoResize = true;

			//Create a new GridEXTable
			GridEXTable table = new GridEXTable();
			//add columns to the table

			//adding an unbound icon column
			GridEXColumn iconColumn = table.Columns.Add("Icon", ColumnType.Image, EditType.NoEdit);
			//set other properties
			iconColumn.Width = 22;
			iconColumn.Caption = "";
			iconColumn.AllowSort = false;
			iconColumn.AllowGroup = false;
			iconColumn.AllowSize = false;
			iconColumn.Selectable = false;
			iconColumn.BoundMode = ColumnBoundMode.UnboundFetch;
			iconColumn.ImageKey = "TaskIcon"; //TaskIcon image is defined in ImageList1

			//adding a checkbox column that will be bound to "Complete" DataColumn in the datasource
			GridEXColumn completeColumn = table.Columns.Add("Complete", ColumnType.CheckBox, EditType.CheckBox);
			completeColumn.Width = 24;
			completeColumn.AllowSize = false;
			completeColumn.Caption = "";

			//adding a text column that will be bound to "Subject" DataColumn in the datasource
			GridEXColumn subjectColumn = table.Columns.Add("Subject", ColumnType.Text, EditType.TextBox);
			subjectColumn.Width = 250;

			//adding a CalendarCombo combo that will be bound to "DueDate" DataColumn in the datasource
			GridEXColumn dueDateColumn = table.Columns.Add("DueDate", ColumnType.Text, EditType.CalendarCombo);
			dueDateColumn.Width = 120;
			dueDateColumn.DefaultGroupInterval = GroupInterval.Date;
			dueDateColumn.FormatString = "d"; //use short date format

			//once all columns have been added to the GridEXTable, set the table as the RootTable of the grid
			GridEX1.RootTable = table;

Esempio n. 8
        private void InitGrid()
            GridEXColumn col;
            var          rt = new GridEXTable();

            col            = rt.Columns.Add("DocumentID");
            col.EditType   = EditType.NoEdit;
            col.Selectable = false;

            col            = rt.Columns.Add("Name");
            col.EditType   = EditType.NoEdit;
            col.Selectable = false;

            grdList.RootTable        = rt;
            grdList.ColumnAutoResize = true;

            CssContext.Instance.Host.Personalisation.RestoreGridLayout("uniquestringforgrid", grdList);
Esempio n. 9
		public ConditionalGroupControl(GridEXGroup group, GridEXTable table)

			// This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
			if (group.Table != null)
				this.mTable = group.Table;
				this.mTable = table;
			// Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

			this.Group = group;
Esempio n. 10
        private void CreateGridColumns()
            GridEX1.ImageList = ImageList1;
            GridEX1.AllowAddNew = InheritableBoolean.True;
            GridEX1.AllowDelete = InheritableBoolean.True;
            GridEX1.EmptyRows = true;
            GridEX1.ColumnAutoResize = true;

            //Create a new GridEXTable
            GridEXTable table = new GridEXTable();
            //add columns to the table

            //adding an unbound icon column
            GridEXColumn iconColumn = table.Columns.Add("Icon", ColumnType.Image, EditType.NoEdit);
            //set other properties
            iconColumn.Width = 22;
            iconColumn.Caption = "";
            iconColumn.AllowSort = false;
            iconColumn.AllowGroup = false;
            iconColumn.AllowSize = false;
            iconColumn.Selectable = false;
            iconColumn.BoundMode = ColumnBoundMode.UnboundFetch;
            iconColumn.ImageKey = "TaskIcon"; //TaskIcon image is defined in ImageList1

            //adding a checkbox column that will be bound to "Complete" DataColumn in the datasource
            GridEXColumn completeColumn = table.Columns.Add("Complete", ColumnType.CheckBox, EditType.CheckBox);
            completeColumn.Width = 24;
            completeColumn.AllowSize = false;
            completeColumn.Caption = "";

            //adding a text column that will be bound to "Subject" DataColumn in the datasource
            GridEXColumn subjectColumn = table.Columns.Add("Subject", ColumnType.Text, EditType.TextBox);
            subjectColumn.Width = 250;

            //adding a CalendarCombo combo that will be bound to "DueDate" DataColumn in the datasource
            GridEXColumn dueDateColumn = table.Columns.Add("DueDate", ColumnType.Text, EditType.CalendarCombo);
            dueDateColumn.Width = 120;
            dueDateColumn.DefaultGroupInterval = GroupInterval.Date;
            dueDateColumn.FormatString = "d"; //use short date format

            //once all columns have been added to the GridEXTable, set the table as the RootTable of the grid
            GridEX1.RootTable = table;
Esempio n. 11
        private void InitGrid()
            GridEXColumn col;
            var          rt = new GridEXTable();

            rt.HierarchicalMode = HierarchicalMode.SelfReferencingChildList;
            rt.SelfReferencingSettings.ChildListMember = "Items";

            col            = rt.Columns.Add("Selected");
            col.EditType   = EditType.CheckBox;
            col.ColumnType = ColumnType.CheckBox;

            col = rt.Columns.Add("Name");

            gridEX1.RootTable         = rt;
            gridEX1.Hierarchical      = true;
            gridEX1.ColumnHeaders     = InheritableBoolean.False;
            gridEX1.VisualStyle       = VisualStyle.Office2010;
            gridEX1.GroupByBoxVisible = false;
            gridEX1.UpdateMode        = UpdateMode.CellUpdate;
 private void LoadGrid()
     //Set GridEX in unbound mode
     this.gridEX1.BoundMode = BoundMode.Unbound;
     this.gridEX1.AllowAddNew = InheritableBoolean.True;
     this.gridEX1.AllowDelete = InheritableBoolean.True;
     this.gridEX1.RowHeaders = InheritableBoolean.True;
     //Create root table and columns
     GridEXTable gridTable = new GridEXTable();
     //Assign the table as the root table of the grid
     gridEX1.RootTable = gridTable;
     GridEXColumn column;
     column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Id", ColumnType.Text);
     column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.Int32;
     column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Name", ColumnType.Text);
     column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.String;
     column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Date", ColumnType.Text, EditType.CalendarCombo);
     column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.DateTime;
     column.DefaultValue = DateTime.Today;
     column.FormatString = "d";
        private void LoadGrid()
            //Set GridEX in unbound mode
            this.gridEX1.BoundMode   = BoundMode.Unbound;
            this.gridEX1.AllowAddNew = InheritableBoolean.True;
            this.gridEX1.AllowDelete = InheritableBoolean.True;
            this.gridEX1.RowHeaders  = InheritableBoolean.True;
            //Create root table and columns
            GridEXTable gridTable = new GridEXTable();

            //Assign the table as the root table of the grid
            gridEX1.RootTable = gridTable;
            GridEXColumn column;

            column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Id", ColumnType.Text);
            column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.Int32;
            column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Name", ColumnType.Text);
            column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.String;
            column = gridTable.Columns.Add("Date", ColumnType.Text, EditType.CalendarCombo);
            column.DataTypeCode = TypeCode.DateTime;
            column.DefaultValue = DateTime.Today;
            column.FormatString = "d";
Esempio n. 14
        private void InitGrid()
            GridEXColumn col;

            var rt = new GridEXTable();

            grdList.RootTable = rt;


            CssContext.Instance.Host.Personalisation.RestoreGridLayout("mygrid", grdList);
Esempio n. 15
        private void InitGrid()
            GridEXColumn col;
            var rt = new GridEXTable();

            col = rt.Columns.Add("DocumentID");
            col.EditType = EditType.NoEdit;
            col.Selectable = false;

            col = rt.Columns.Add("Name");
            col.EditType = EditType.NoEdit;
            col.Selectable = false;

            grdList.RootTable = rt;
            grdList.ColumnAutoResize = true;

            CssContext.Instance.Host.Personalisation.RestoreGridLayout("uniquestringforgrid", grdList);