Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the menu state from e if e is a geode menu.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">A menu</param>
 public void SaveMenuState(StardewValley.Menus.IClickableMenu e)
     if (e is GeodeMenu menu)
         this.menuStateInfo = menu.SaveState();
Esempio n. 2
 ** Event Listeners
 /// <summary>Raised after the game window is resized.</summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
 private void OnWindowResized(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // recreate menu to fit new window size
     if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GeodeMenu menu)
         this.menuStateInfo        = menu.SaveState();
         Game1.activeClickableMenu = new GeodeMenu(this, this.config, this.GetNextDropsForGeodes(this.config.NumberOfNextGeodeDropsToShow), this.menuStateInfo, true);
         * Event Listeners

        /// <summary>
        /// Window resized event listener. Re-creates the menu to make it fit in the new window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void WindowResized(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GeodeMenu)
                this.menuStateInfo = (Game1.activeClickableMenu as GeodeMenu).SaveState();
                GeodeMenu menu = new GeodeMenu(this, this.config, GetNextDropsForGeodes(this.config.NumberOfNextGeodeDropsToShow), this.menuStateInfo, true);
                Game1.activeClickableMenu = menu;
Esempio n. 4
        public GeodeMenu(ModEntry mod, ModConfig config, IList <Tuple <int[], bool[]> > items, GeodeMenuStateInfo savedState = null, bool forceReloadState = false)
            : base(Game1.uiViewport.Width / 2 - (800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.uiViewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 800 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true)
            this.config   = config;
            this.modEntry = mod;
            this.wasSearchTextBoxSelectedWhenPageLeft = false;

            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "search", "Search for Drops")
                myID            = 15960,
                downNeighborID  = 0,
                rightNeighborID = 15961,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new SearchTab(mod, config, this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));
            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 2, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "normal", "Geode")
                myID            = 15961,
                downNeighborID  = 1,
                rightNeighborID = 15962,
                leftNeighborID  = 15960,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new GeodeTab("geode", items[0], this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));
            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 3, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "frozen", "Frozen Geode")
                myID            = 15962,
                downNeighborID  = 2,
                rightNeighborID = 15963,
                leftNeighborID  = 15961,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new GeodeTab("frozen geode", items[1], this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));
            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "magma", "Magma Geode")
                myID            = 15963,
                downNeighborID  = 3,
                rightNeighborID = 15964,
                leftNeighborID  = 15962,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new GeodeTab("magma geode", items[2], this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));
            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "omni", "Omni Geode")
                myID            = 15964,
                downNeighborID  = 4,
                rightNeighborID = 15965,
                leftNeighborID  = 15963,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new GeodeTab("omni geode", items[3], this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));
            this.tabs.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 6, this.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.tabYPositionRelativeToMenuY + Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), "trove", "Artifact Trove")
                myID           = 15965,
                downNeighborID = 5,
                leftNeighborID = 15964,
                tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists = true,
                fullyImmutable = true
            this.pages.Add((IClickableMenu) new GeodeTab("artifact trove", items[4], this.xPositionOnScreen, this.yPositionOnScreen, this.width, this.height));

            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null)

            GeodeMenu.forcePreventClose = false;

            if (savedState != null)
                (this.pages[0] as SearchTab).SetSearchBoxText(savedState.searchText);
                if (config.IfRememberingMenuStateAlsoRememberScrollBarPositions || forceReloadState)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        (this.pages[i] as IScrollableMenu).SetCurrentIndex(savedState.scrollBarIndicies[i]);

            if (Game1.options.SnappyMenus)
                this.pages[this.currentTab].allClickableComponents.AddRange((IEnumerable <ClickableComponent>) this.tabs);

            if (savedState != null)