public void Execute() { GBaseFeed feed = ReadFromStandardInput(); GBaseEntry result = service.Insert(uriFactory.ItemsFeedUri, feed.Entries[0] as GBaseEntry); WriteToStandardOutput(result); }
public void Execute() { GBaseFeed feed = ReadFromStandardInput(); GBaseEntry entry = feed.Entries[0] as GBaseEntry; entry.EditUri = entry.Id.Uri; service.Update(entry); Console.WriteLine("Item updated: " + entry.Id.Uri); }
public void ReadItemTypesFeedFromXml() { string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + "<feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:gm=''>\n" + " <id></id>\n" + " <updated>2006-08-24T14:32:27.228Z</updated>\n" + " <title type='text'>Item types for locale en_US</title>\n" + " <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/>\n" + " <link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>\n" + " <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>\n" + " <author>\n" + " <name>Google Inc.</name>\n" + " <email>[email protected]</email>\n" + " </author>\n" + " <generator version='1.0' uri=''>GoogleBase</generator>\n" + " <openSearch:totalResults>1</openSearch:totalResults>\n" + " <openSearch:itemsPerPage>1</openSearch:itemsPerPage>\n" + " <entry>\n" + " <id></id>\n" + " <updated>2006-08-24T14:32:27.233Z</updated>\n" + " <category scheme='' term='products'/>\n" + " <title type='text'>products</title>\n" + " <content type='text'>products</content>\n" + " <gm:item_type>products</gm:item_type>\n" + " <gm:attributes>\n" + " <gm:attribute name='product type' type='text'/>\n" + " <gm:attribute name='condition' type='text'/>\n" + " <gm:attribute name='count' type='int'/>\n" + " </gm:attributes>\n" + " </entry>\n" + "</feed>"; GBaseFeed feed = Parse(xml); GBaseEntry entry = feed.Entries[0] as GBaseEntry; Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "entry"); ItemTypeDefinition def = entry.ItemTypeDefinition; Assert.IsNotNull(def, "ItemTypeDefinition"); Assert.AreEqual("products", def.ItemType); Assert.AreEqual(3, def.Attributes.Count); Assert.AreEqual("product type", def.Attributes[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual(GBaseAttributeType.Text, def.Attributes[0].Type); Assert.AreEqual("condition", def.Attributes[1].Name); Assert.AreEqual(GBaseAttributeType.Text, def.Attributes[1].Type); Assert.AreEqual("count", def.Attributes[2].Name); Assert.AreEqual(GBaseAttributeType.Int, def.Attributes[2].Type); }
public void ReadAttributesFeedFromXml() { string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + "<feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:gm=''>" + " <id></id>" + " <updated>2006-08-24T14:26:45.558Z</updated>" + " <title type='text'>Attribute histogram for query: </title>" + " <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/>" + " <link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>" + " <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>" + " <generator version='1.0' uri=''>GoogleBase</generator>" + " <openSearch:totalResults>1</openSearch:totalResults>" + " <openSearch:itemsPerPage>1</openSearch:itemsPerPage>" + " <entry>" + " <id></id>" + " <updated>2006-08-24T14:26:45.651Z</updated>" + " <title type='text'>label(text)</title>" + " <content type='text'>Attribute label of type text.</content>" + " <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>" + " <gm:attribute name='label' type='text' count='158778'>" + " <gm:value count='47544'>housing</gm:value>" + " <gm:value count='36954'>reviews</gm:value>" + " </gm:attribute>" + " </entry>" + "</feed>"; GBaseFeed feed = Parse(xml); GBaseEntry entry = feed.Entries[0] as GBaseEntry; Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "entry"); AttributeHistogram hist = entry.AttributeHistogram; Assert.AreEqual("label", hist.Name, "name"); Assert.AreEqual(GBaseAttributeType.Text, hist.Type, "type"); Assert.AreEqual(158778, hist.Count, "count"); List <HistogramValue> values = hist.Values; Assert.AreEqual(2, values.Count, "values.Length"); Assert.AreEqual("housing", values[0].Content); Assert.AreEqual(47544, values[0].Count); Assert.AreEqual("reviews", values[1].Content); Assert.AreEqual(36954, values[1].Count); }
private void CheckParsedFeedEntries(GBaseFeed feed) { GBaseEntry entry = feed.Entries[0] as GBaseEntry; Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "entry"); GBaseAttributes attrs = entry.GBaseAttributes; Assert.AreEqual("Recipes", attrs.ItemType, "item type"); Assert.AreEqual("Mountain View, CA 94043", attrs.Location, "location"); String[] labels = attrs.Labels; Assert.AreEqual("kung pao chicken", labels[0], "label"); Assert.AreEqual("chinese cuisine", labels[1], "label"); Assert.AreEqual("recipes", labels[2], "label"); Assert.AreEqual("asian", labels[3], "label"); Assert.AreEqual("sichuan", labels[4], "label"); Assert.AreEqual(5f, attrs.GetNumberAttribute("serving count", 0f)); Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Stats, "gm:stats"); Assert.AreEqual(100, entry.Stats.Impressions.Total, "gm:impressions"); }
public void testGetSetAttributeHistogram() { AttributeHistogram xHistogram = new AttributeHistogram("x", GBaseAttributeType.Int, 2); AttributeHistogram yHistogram = new AttributeHistogram("x", GBaseAttributeType.Int, 2); GBaseEntry entry = new GBaseEntry(); Assert.IsNull(entry.AttributeHistogram); entry.AttributeHistogram = xHistogram; Assert.AreEqual(xHistogram, entry.AttributeHistogram); entry.AttributeHistogram = yHistogram; Assert.AreEqual(yHistogram, entry.AttributeHistogram); entry.AttributeHistogram = null; Assert.AreEqual(null, entry.AttributeHistogram); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>runs an authentication test</summary> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void GoogleBaseAuthenticationTest() { Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering Base AuthenticationTest"); FeedQuery query = new FeedQuery(); Service service = new GBaseService(this.ApplicationName, this.gBaseKey); int iCount; if (this.gBaseURI != null) { if (this.userName != null) { service.Credentials = new GDataCredentials(this.userName, this.passWord); } service.RequestFactory = this.factory; query.Uri = new Uri(this.gBaseURI); AtomFeed baseFeed = service.Query(query); // this should have a batch URI Assert.IsTrue(baseFeed.Batch != null, "This is a base Feed, it should have batch URI"); ObjectModelHelper.DumpAtomObject(baseFeed, CreateDumpFileName("AuthenticationTest")); iCount = baseFeed.Entries.Count; String strTitle = "Dinner time" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (baseFeed != null && baseFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { // get the first entry AtomEntry entry = baseFeed.Entries[0]; entry = ObjectModelHelper.CreateGoogleBaseEntry(1); entry.Title.Text = strTitle; GBaseEntry newEntry = baseFeed.Insert(entry) as GBaseEntry; newEntry.PublishingPriority = new PublishingPriority("high"); GBaseEntry updatedEntry = newEntry.Update() as GBaseEntry; // publishing priority does not seem to be echoed back // Assert.IsTrue(updatedEntry.PublishingPriority.Value == "high"); iCount++; Tracing.TraceMsg("Created google base entry"); // try to get just that guy..... FeedQuery singleQuery = new FeedQuery(); singleQuery.Uri = new Uri(newEntry.SelfUri.ToString()); AtomFeed newFeed = service.Query(singleQuery); AtomEntry sameGuy = newFeed.Entries[0]; Assert.IsTrue(sameGuy.Title.Text.Equals(newEntry.Title.Text), "both titles should be identical"); } baseFeed = service.Query(query); if (baseFeed != null && baseFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { // look for the one with dinner time... foreach (AtomEntry entry in baseFeed.Entries) { Tracing.TraceMsg("Entrie title: " + entry.Title.Text); if (String.Compare(entry.Title.Text, strTitle) == 0) { entry.Content.Content = "Maybe stay until breakfast"; entry.Content.Type = "text"; entry.Update(); Tracing.TraceMsg("Updated entry"); } } } baseFeed = service.Query(query); if (baseFeed != null && baseFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { // look for the one with dinner time... foreach (AtomEntry entry in baseFeed.Entries) { Tracing.TraceMsg("Entrie title: " + entry.Title.Text); if (String.Compare(entry.Title.Text, strTitle) == 0) { entry.Delete(); iCount--; Tracing.TraceMsg("deleted entry"); } } } baseFeed = service.Query(query); service.Credentials = null; } }