public SequenceNode FunctionCall(Function from, Node[] args, RegisterNode result, out Action <Node> nextNodeSetter) { var pl = _enclosedIn == null ? 0 : 1; // space for enclosing function stack frame address var seq = new Node[args.Length + Math.Max(0, args.Length - Target.HardwareRegistersOrder.Length) + 3 + pl]; // params in registers, params on stack, call, result, cleanup stack if (pl == 1) { seq[0] = new AssignmentNode(Target.HardwareRegistersOrder[0], from.ComputationOfStackFrameAddress(this)); } var i = 0; for (; i < Target.HardwareRegistersOrder.Length && i < args.Length; ++i) { seq[i + pl] = new AssignmentNode(Target.HardwareRegistersOrder[i], args[i]); } var ptr = i + pl; for (; i < args.Length; ++i) { var v = Push(args[i]); seq[ptr++] = v.Item1; seq[ptr++] = v.Item2; } seq[ptr++] = new FunctionCallNode(this); seq[ptr++] = new AssignmentNode(result, Body.Last().ResultRegister); // Assume value of function body is return value seq[ptr++] = new AssignmentNode(Target.RSP, new AddOperatorNode(Target.RSP, new ConstantNode <long>(_stackFrameSize))); return(new SequenceNode(seq, out nextNodeSetter, result)); }
private QueryNode FormatIndexOfFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { QueryNode result = FormatStringFunction("INSTR", nodeIn); _sql.Append(" - 1"); return(result); }
public LanguageType Visit(FunctionCallNode node) { var functionNode = CurrentSymbolTable.Get(node.Name, CurrentSymbolTable).Node as FunctionNode; var child = functionNode.Params; var paramchildren = node.GetChildren(); while (child != null) { if (paramchildren == null) { throw new AlangExeption(node, $"Too few arguments, in {functionNode.Identifier}. Should have been {functionNode.Params.NumberOfSiblings} number of argument, but was {node.NumberOfChildren}"); } var ShouldBeType = child.Accept(this); var actualtype = paramchildren.Accept(this); if (ShouldBeType != actualtype) { throw new AlangExeption(node, $"Argument at {paramchildren.Start} is type {actualtype.ToLower()}, but should be {ShouldBeType.ToLower()}"); } child = child.RightSibling; paramchildren = paramchildren.RightSibling; } if (paramchildren != null) { throw new AlangExeption(node, $"Too many arguments, in {functionNode.Identifier}. Should have been {functionNode.Params.NumberOfSiblings} number of argument, but was {node.NumberOfChildren}"); } return(functionNode.Type); }
public void VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node) { for (int i = 0, ilen = node.Arguments.Count; i < ilen; ++i) { node.Arguments[i] = _processor.ProcessReplacement(node.Arguments[i]); } }
public override AssociativeNode VisitFunctionCallNode(FunctionCallNode node) { if (node == null) { return(null); } var func = node.Function.Accept(this); if (node.Function != func) { node.Function = func; } node.FormalArguments = VisitNodeList(node.FormalArguments); if (node.ArrayDimensions != null) { var newArrayDimensions = node.ArrayDimensions.Accept(this); if (node.ArrayDimensions != newArrayDimensions) { node.ArrayDimensions = newArrayDimensions as ArrayNode; } } return(node); }
private IdentifierListNode GenerateNewIdentifierList(string newNodeName, FunctionCallNode funcCall) { var newNode = CoreUtils.CreateNodeFromString(newNodeName); if (newNode == null) { return(null); } // append argument list from original method to newNode var newMethodName = ((IdentifierListNode)newNode).RightNode.Name; var newMethod = new FunctionCallNode { Function = AstFactory.BuildIdentifier(newMethodName), FormalArguments = funcCall.FormalArguments }; var newIdentList = new IdentifierListNode { LeftNode = ((IdentifierListNode)newNode).LeftNode, RightNode = newMethod, Optr = }; return(newIdentList); }
private QueryNode FormatSubstringFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.Append("SUBSTRING("); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); if (nodeIn.Arguments.Count > 1) { this.sql.Append(", "); var constantParam = (ConstantNode)nodeIn.Arguments[1]; nodeIn.Arguments[1] = new ConstantNode(Convert.ToInt32(constantParam.Value) + 1); //workaround for SQLCe firing exception when simply appending +1 to the query parameter nodeIn.Arguments[1].Accept(this); if (nodeIn.Arguments.Count > 2) { this.sql.Append(", "); nodeIn.Arguments[2].Accept(this); } else // SQL Substring requires the length, if nothing passed, we grab till the end of string { this.sql.Append(", "); this.sql.AppendFormat("LEN("); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(")"); } } this.sql.Append(")"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatFloorFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { // CASE WHEN x >= 0 THEN CAST(id AS INTEGER) // for +ve values cast to integer to drop the decimal places // WHEN CAST(id AS INTEGER) = id THEN id // for integers just return them as they are // ELSE CAST(id - 1.0 AS INTEGER) // for -ve values cast to integer rounds up close to zero // END var whenXisPositive = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual, nodeIn.Arguments[0], new ConstantNode(0)); var castToInt = new ConvertNode(nodeIn.Arguments[0], typeof(int)); var whenXIsInteger = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.Equal, castToInt, nodeIn.Arguments[0]); var subtractOne = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.Subtract, nodeIn.Arguments[0], new ConstantNode(1)); var subtractOneThenCast = new ConvertNode(subtractOne, typeof(int)); _sql.Append("(CASE WHEN "); whenXisPositive.Accept(this); _sql.Append(" THEN "); castToInt.Accept(this); _sql.Append(" WHEN "); whenXIsInteger.Accept(this); _sql.Append(" THEN "); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); _sql.Append(" ELSE "); subtractOneThenCast.Accept(this); _sql.Append(" END)"); return(nodeIn); }
//check if function resoluted has the same arguments type and return type public override void Visit(FunctionCallNode node) { base.Visit(node); if (node.Definition == null) { throw new TypeCheckException("Definition is not resolved."); } var listOfFunctionCallArguments = node.Arguments.ToList(); var listOfFunctionArguments = node.Definition.Parameters.ToList(); if (listOfFunctionArguments.Count != listOfFunctionCallArguments.Count) { throw new TypeCheckException("Improper number of arguments."); } for (int i = 0; i < listOfFunctionArguments.Count; i++) { if (!listOfFunctionArguments[i].Type.Equals(listOfFunctionCallArguments[i].ExpressionType, false)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Argument {0} has improper type.", i)); } } node.ExpressionType = node.Definition.ResultType; }
public void VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node) { // Don't insert unreachable code if (!_builder.InsertBlock.IsValid) { return; } CodeGeneratorContext.Function func = _genContext.GetFunctionDeclaration(node.LHS); Type[] paramTypes = func.FunctionType.ParamTypes; Value[] args = new Value[node.Arguments.Count]; for (int i = 0, ilen = node.Arguments.Count; i < ilen; ++i) { node.Arguments[i].AcceptExpressionVisitor(this); if (!_visitedValue.IsValid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("argument did not produce a usable rvalue"); } args[i] = ConvertToType(_visitedValue, paramTypes[i]); } // Force debug location on call instructions to make ExecutionEngine happy SetCurrentDebugLocation(node, true); _visitedValue = _builder.BuildCall(func.FunctionValue, args); _builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(Metadata.Null); }
public void ToODataString_EscapesThe_Uri() { //__updatedat gt datetimeoffset'2014-04-04T07:00:00.0000000+00:00' var datetime1 = new ConstantNode(new DateTimeOffset(2014, 4, 4, 7, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(0))); var updatedAt = new MemberAccessNode(null, "__updatedat"); var gt1 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan, updatedAt, datetime1); // __updatedat gt datetime'2014-04-04T07:0:0.000Z' var datetime2 = new ConstantNode(new DateTime(2014, 4, 4, 7, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)); var someDate = new MemberAccessNode(null, "someDate"); var gt2 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan, someDate, datetime2); // startswith(text,'this&''%%=,?#') var text = new MemberAccessNode(null, "text"); var value = new ConstantNode("this&'%%=,?#"); var startswith = new FunctionCallNode("startswith", new QueryNode[] { text, value }); //__updatedat gt datetimeoffset'2014-04-04T07:00:00.0000000+00:00' and startswith(text,'this&''%%=,?#') var and2 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.And, gt2, startswith); var and1 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.And, gt1, and2); var desc = new MobileServiceTableQueryDescription("someTable") { Filter = and1 }; Assert.AreEqual(desc.ToODataString(), EscapedODataString); }
public void VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node) { Print($"Function Call (name: {node.LHS.Name}, {node.Arguments.Count} arguments)"); foreach (IExpressionNode argument in node.Arguments) { VisitSubnode(argument); } }
public static void functionCallNode(FunctionCallNode functionCallNode, ActivationFrame activationFrame, VariableDeclarationNode variableToAssignTo) { IList <Node> functionList = new List <Node>(); functionList.Add(functionCallNode); interpreterCallback.execute(functionList); assignReturnValueToVariable(activationFrame, variableToAssignTo); }
public override Node visitFunctionCall(JuliarParser.FunctionCallContext ctx) { FunctionCallNode node = new FunctionCallNode(); new IterateOverContext(this, ctx, this, node); return(node); }
private QueryNode FormatDateFunction(string formatSting, FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.AppendFormat("DATEPART({0}, ", formatSting); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(")"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatFloorFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.Append("FLOOR("); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(")"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatCeilingFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.Append("CEILING("); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(")"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatDateFunction(string formatSting, FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { // CAST(strftime('%d', datetime([__createdAt], 'unixepoch')) AS INTEGER) this.sql.AppendFormat("CAST(strftime('{0}', datetime(", formatSting); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(", 'unixepoch')) AS INTEGER)"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatRoundFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.Append("ROUND("); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(", 0)"); return(nodeIn); }
public void Visit(FunctionCallNode functionCall) { functionCall.Callee.Parent = functionCall; functionCall.Callee.Accept(this); foreach (var arg in functionCall.Arguments) { arg.Parent = functionCall; arg.Accept(this); } }
public void visit(FunctionCallNode fcn) { foreach (BaseCommand bc in commands) { if (bc.Match(fcn.Name)) { bc.Execute(vm, fcn); } } }
private QueryNode FormatIndexOfFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { this.sql.Append("CHARINDEX("); nodeIn.Arguments[1].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(", "); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(")"); this.sql.Append(" - 1"); return(nodeIn); }
public void ReproMAGN3603() { string code = @"a = 1 + (2 * 3); b = (1 + 2) * 3; c = 1 + 2 * 3;"; ElementResolver elementResolver = new ElementResolver(); ParseParam parseParam = new ParseParam(Guid.NewGuid(), code, elementResolver); Assert.IsTrue(CompilerUtils.PreCompileCodeBlock(thisTest.CreateTestCore(), ref parseParam)); Assert.IsTrue(parseParam.ParsedNodes != null && parseParam.ParsedNodes.Count() > 0); var parsedNode = parseParam.ParsedNodes.ElementAt(0); BinaryExpressionNode n = parsedNode as BinaryExpressionNode; FunctionCallNode funcCall = n.RightNode as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(n != null && funcCall != null); IdentifierNode identNode = funcCall.Function as IdentifierNode; Assert.IsTrue(identNode != null && identNode.Value == "%add"); var args = funcCall.FormalArguments; Assert.IsTrue(args.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(args[0] is IntNode); FunctionCallNode nestedFuncCall = args[1] as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(nestedFuncCall != null && (nestedFuncCall.Function as IdentifierNode).Value == "%mul"); parsedNode = parseParam.ParsedNodes.ElementAt(1); n = parsedNode as BinaryExpressionNode; funcCall = n.RightNode as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(n != null && funcCall != null); identNode = funcCall.Function as IdentifierNode; Assert.IsTrue(identNode != null && identNode.Value == "%mul"); args = funcCall.FormalArguments; Assert.IsTrue(args.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(args[1] is IntNode); nestedFuncCall = args[0] as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(nestedFuncCall != null && (nestedFuncCall.Function as IdentifierNode).Value == "%add"); parsedNode = parseParam.ParsedNodes.ElementAt(2); n = parsedNode as BinaryExpressionNode; funcCall = n.RightNode as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(n != null && funcCall != null); identNode = funcCall.Function as IdentifierNode; Assert.IsTrue(identNode != null && identNode.Value == "%add"); args = funcCall.FormalArguments; Assert.IsTrue(args.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(args[0] is IntNode); nestedFuncCall = args[1] as FunctionCallNode; Assert.IsTrue(nestedFuncCall != null && (nestedFuncCall.Function as IdentifierNode).Value == "%mul"); }
private static FunctionDotCallNode CreateFunctionCallNode(string className, string methodName, List <AssociativeNode> args, Core core) { FunctionCallNode fNode = new FunctionCallNode(); fNode.Function = new IdentifierNode(methodName); fNode.FormalArguments = args; IdentifierNode inode = new IdentifierNode(className); return(CoreUtils.GenerateCallDotNode(inode, fNode, core)); }
public void VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node) { VisitPreOrder(node); foreach (IExpressionNode argument in node.Arguments) { argument.AcceptExpressionVisitor(this); } VisitPostOrder(node); }
public override AstNode VisitFunctioncall(ALangParser.FunctioncallContext context) { FunctionCallNode node = new FunctionCallNode(context); node.Name = context.ID().GetText(); if (context.inputparams() != null) { node.AdoptChildren(context.inputparams().Accept(this)); } return(node); }
private QueryNode FormatCeilingFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { // floor(x) + (x == floor(x) ? 0 : 1) FormatFloorFunction(nodeIn); this.sql.Append(" + (CASE WHEN "); nodeIn.Arguments[0].Accept(this); this.sql.Append(" = "); FormatFloorFunction(nodeIn); this.sql.Append(" THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)"); return(nodeIn); }
private QueryNode FormatConcatFunction(FunctionCallNode nodeIn) { string separator = String.Empty; foreach (QueryNode arg in nodeIn.Arguments) { this.sql.Append(separator); arg.Accept(this); separator = " || "; } return(nodeIn); }
public Brep.Node Build(FunctionCallNode funCallNode) { var args = new Brep.Node[funCallNode.Arguments.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { args[i] = Build(funCallNode.Arguments[i] as dynamic); } Action <Brep.Node> setter; return(funCallNode.Definition.BackendFunction.FunctionCall(funDef.BackendFunction, args, out setter)); }
public virtual void VisitFunctionCallNode(FunctionCallNode node) { for (int i = 0; i < node.FormalArguments.Count; ++i) { node.FormalArguments[i].Accept(this); } if (node.ArrayDimensions != null) { node.ArrayDimensions.Accept(this); } }
/// <summary> /// Process member references. /// </summary> /// <param name="expression"> /// The expression to visit. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The visited expression. /// </returns> private Expression VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression expression) { // Lookup the Mobile Services name of the member and use that string memberName = GetTableMemberName(expression, this.contractResolver); if (memberName != null) { this.filterExpression.Push(new MemberAccessNode(null, memberName)); return expression; } // Check if this member is actually a function that looks like a // property (like string.Length, etc.) string methodName = null; MemberInfoKey memberInfoKey = new MemberInfoKey(expression.Member); if (InstanceProperties.TryGetValue(memberInfoKey, out methodName)) { var fnCallNode = new FunctionCallNode(methodName, null); this.filterExpression.Push(fnCallNode); this.Visit(expression.Expression); this.SetChildren(fnCallNode); return expression; } // Otherwise we can't process the member. throw new NotSupportedException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The member '{0}' is not supported in the 'Where' Mobile Services query expression '{1}'.", expression != null && expression.Member != null ? expression.Member.Name : null, expression != null ? expression.ToString() : null)); }
private void ParseExpression(Node subtree) { if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Delim) return; //shunting yard #region Init Stack<OperatorNode> opStack = new Stack<OperatorNode>(); Stack<ExpressionNode> termStack = new Stack<ExpressionNode>(); Stack<int> argStack = new Stack<int>(); Func<ExpressionNode, bool> isConstantExpr = new Func<ExpressionNode,bool>(delegate (ExpressionNode e) { if(e.Children.Count !=1) return false; ConstantNode con = e.Children[0] as ConstantNode; if(con != null) return true; else return false; }); Action popAndMakeExpr = new Action(() => { ExpressionNode newExpr = new ExpressionNode(null); if (opStack.Peek().GetType() == typeof(FunctionCallNode)) { Stack<ExpressionNode> paramStack = new Stack<ExpressionNode>(); //since they pop backwards //make a new function node FunctionCallNode funcCall = (FunctionCallNode)opStack.Pop(); //whilst we have logged arguments for the current function while (argStack.Peek() != 0) { //take each arg and pop it to the stack. paramStack.Push(termStack.Pop()); int val = argStack.Pop(); argStack.Push(--val); } //okay no more args FunctionCallParamListNode paramList = new FunctionCallParamListNode(funcCall); foreach (ExpressionNode expr in paramStack) paramList.AddChild(expr); newExpr.AddChild(funcCall); //look up the function with the given arguments funcCall.Function = FunctionTable.Lookup(funcCall.Ident, funcCall.Children[0].Children); argStack.Pop(); } else { ExpressionNode term2 = termStack.Pop(); ExpressionNode term1 = termStack.Pop(); OperatorNode tempOpNode = opStack.Pop(); if (term1.Type != term2.Type) { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "Cannot form expression with types: " + term1.Type + " and " + term2.Type)); } newExpr.Type = term1.Type; //code folding if (isConstantExpr(term1) && isConstantExpr(term2)) { newExpr.AddChild(OpTable.Calculate((ConstantNode)term1.Children[0], (ConstantNode)term2.Children[0], tempOpNode.Op)); } else { newExpr.AddChild(term1); newExpr.AddChild(tempOpNode); newExpr.AddChild(term2); } } termStack.Push(newExpr); }); #endregion //welp while (true) { if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Type && tokens.NextToken == TokenType.Ident) { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "likely a missing delimiter")); break; } //Ident if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Ident) { if (argStack.Count > 0 && argStack.Peek() == 0) { argStack.Pop(); argStack.Push(1); } //Ident(..), also known as a function call if (tokens.NextToken == TokenType.LeftParen) { FunctionCallNode funcCall = new FunctionCallNode(null); //ew OperatorNode paren = new OperatorNode(null); paren.Op = TokenType.LeftParen; funcCall.Ident = tokens.CurrentToken.Value; opStack.Push(funcCall); opStack.Push(paren); argStack.Push(0); tokens.Next(); } else { ExpressionNode termNode = new ExpressionNode(null); //parentless for now VariableNode var = new VariableNode(termNode); var.Ident = tokens.CurrentToken.Value; var = SymbolTable.Lookup(var.Ident); termNode.Type = var.Type; termStack.Push(termNode); } //op time } else if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.StringLiteral || tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.False || tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.True || tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Number) { if (argStack.Count > 0 && argStack.Peek() == 0) { argStack.Pop(); argStack.Push(1); } ExpressionNode term = new ExpressionNode(null); switch (tokens.CurrentToken.Type) { case TokenType.StringLiteral: ConstantNode<string> stringNode = new ConstantNode<string>(term); stringNode.Value = tokens.CurrentToken.Value; term.Type = "String"; termStack.Push(term); break; case TokenType.False: case TokenType.True: ConstantNode<bool> boolNode = new ConstantNode<bool>(term); boolNode.Value = (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.True ? true : false); term.Type = "Bool"; termStack.Push(term); break; case TokenType.Number: int val; if (Int32.TryParse(tokens.CurrentToken.Value, out val)) { ConstantNode<int> intNode = new ConstantNode<int>(term); intNode.Value = val; term.Type = "Int"; termStack.Push(term); } else { ConstantNode<double> doubleNode = new ConstantNode<double>(term); doubleNode.Value = double.Parse(tokens.CurrentToken.Value); term.Type = "Double"; termStack.Push(term); } break; } } //operator else if (OpTable.ExpressionOperators.Contains(tokens.CurrentToken)) { OperatorNode opNode = new OperatorNode(null); opNode.Op = tokens.CurrentToken.Type; while (opStack.Count != 0 && OpTable.Precedence(opStack.Peek().Op) >= OpTable.Precedence(opNode.Op)) { popAndMakeExpr(); } opStack.Push(opNode); } //right paren else if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.RightParen) { while (opStack.Peek().Op != TokenType.LeftParen && opStack.Count != 0) { popAndMakeExpr(); } if (opStack.Count == 0) ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "mismatched brackets")); opStack.Pop(); if (opStack.Peek().GetType() == typeof(FunctionCallNode)) //function call { popAndMakeExpr(); } } //left paren else if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.LeftParen) { OperatorNode node = new OperatorNode(null); node.Op = TokenType.LeftParen; opStack.Push(node); } else if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Comma) { if (argStack.Count == 0) { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "found a comma outside of a function")); } while (opStack.Peek().Op != TokenType.LeftParen && opStack.Count != 0) { popAndMakeExpr(); } if (opStack.Count == 0) ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "mismatched brackets")); //opStack.Pop(); int args = argStack.Pop(); argStack.Push(++args); } else if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Delim) { tokens.Next(); break; } //delim, colon, error, etc else { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new UnexpectedTokenError(tokens.CurrentToken, "part of an expression or a delim", tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo)); } tokens.Next(); } //clean up while (termStack.Count > 1 && opStack.Count > 0 && opStack.Peek().Op != TokenType.LeftParen) { if (opStack.Count == 0) { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "Not enough operators, or missing a delim.")); break; } popAndMakeExpr(); } if(opStack.Count > 0 && opStack.Peek().Op == TokenType.LeftParen) { ErrorHandler.RaiseError(new Error(tokens.CurrentToken.LineNo, "bracket problems, or too many ops")); } string type = ((TypedNode)termStack.Peek().Children[0]).Type; termStack.Peek().Type = type; subtree.AddChild(termStack.Pop()); //okay we hit a delim return; }
/// <summary> /// Process method calls which map one-to-one on an odata supported method. /// </summary> /// <param name="expression"> /// The expression to visit. /// </param> /// <param name="methodName"> /// The name of the method to look for. /// </param> /// <param name="isStatic"> /// Indicates if the method to look for is static. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The visited expression. /// </returns> private void VisitODataMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expression, string methodName, bool isStatic) { Debug.Assert(expression != null, "expression cannot be null!"); Debug.Assert(methodName != null, "methodName cannot be null!"); var fnCallNode = new FunctionCallNode(methodName, null); // adding node as a marker for start of arguments this.filterExpression.Push(fnCallNode); foreach (Expression argument in GetFilterMethodArguments(expression, methodName, isStatic)) { this.Visit(argument); } SetChildren(fnCallNode); }
public void ToODataString_EscapesThe_Uri() { //updatedat gt datetimeoffset'2014-04-04T07:00:00.0000000+00:00' var datetime1 = new ConstantNode(new DateTimeOffset(2014, 4, 4, 7, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(0))); var updatedAt = new MemberAccessNode(null, "updatedat"); var gt1 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan, updatedAt, datetime1); // updatedat gt datetime'2014-04-04T07:0:0.000Z' var datetime2 = new ConstantNode(new DateTime(2014, 4, 4, 7, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)); var someDate = new MemberAccessNode(null, "someDate"); var gt2 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan, someDate, datetime2); // startswith(text,'this&''%%=,?#') var text = new MemberAccessNode(null, "text"); var value = new ConstantNode("this&'%%=,?#"); var startswith = new FunctionCallNode("startswith", new QueryNode[] { text, value }); //updatedat gt datetimeoffset'2014-04-04T07:00:00.0000000+00:00' and startswith(text,'this&''%%=,?#') var and2 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.And, gt2, startswith); var and1 = new BinaryOperatorNode(BinaryOperatorKind.And, gt1, and2); var desc = new MobileServiceTableQueryDescription("someTable") { Filter = and1 }; Assert.AreEqual(desc.ToODataString(), EscapedODataString); }
private static void GenerateFunctionCall(FunctionCallNode node, DataContext data) { bool shouldCallInvoke = !(node.FunctionExpression is MemberAccessNode); if (shouldCallInvoke) Append(data, "Invoke(context, "); GenerateExpression(node.FunctionExpression, data); if (!shouldCallInvoke) Append(data, "("); for (int i = 0; i < node.Args.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 || shouldCallInvoke) Append(data, ", "); GenerateExpression(node.Args[i], data); } Append(data, ")"); }
public FunctionCallNode(FunctionCallNode rhs) : base(rhs) { Function = ProtoCore.Utils.NodeUtils.Clone(rhs.Function); FormalArguments = new List<ImperativeNode>(); foreach (ImperativeNode argNode in rhs.FormalArguments) { ImperativeNode tempNode = ProtoCore.Utils.NodeUtils.Clone(argNode); FormalArguments.Add(tempNode); } }