Esempio n. 1
        public void CreateAnd()
            var target = Fn.And(
                Fn.Equals("sg-mysggroup", Fn.Ref("ASecurityGroup")),
                new ConditionRef {
                Condition = "SomeOtherCondition"

            var actual   = JToken.FromObject(target);
            var expected = JToken.Parse("{\"Fn::And\": [{\"Fn::Equals\": [\"sg-mysggroup\", {\"Ref\": \"ASecurityGroup\"}]},{\"Condition\": \"SomeOtherCondition\"}]}");

            Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(actual, expected));
Esempio n. 2
        private static Stack BuildStack()
            // Stack

            var stack = new Stack
                AWSTemplateFormatVersion = "2010-09-09",
                Description = "Description"

            // Mappings

            stack.Add("RegionMap", new Mapping
                ["us-east-1"] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["32"] = "ami-6411e20d", ["64"] = "ami-7a11e213"
                ["us-west-1"] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["32"] = "ami-c9c7978c", ["64"] = "ami-cfc7978a"
                ["ue-west-1"] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["32"] = "ami-37c2f643", ["64"] = "ami-31c2f645"
                ["ap-southeast-1"] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["32"] = "ami-66f28c34", ["64"] = "ami-60f28c32"
                ["ap-northeast-1"] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["32"] = "ami-9c03a89d", ["64"] = "ami-a003a8a1"

            // Parameter

            stack.Add("Environment", new Parameter
                Type          = "String",
                Description   = "Deployment environment",
                MinLength     = 3,
                MaxLength     = 4,
                AllowedValues = new List <string> {
                    "test", "uat", "prod"
                ConstraintDescription = "Allowed values: [test, uat, prod]"

            stack.Add("AutomationStack", new Parameter
                Type                  = "String",
                Description           = "Automation stack name",
                MinLength             = 1,
                MaxLength             = 255,
                AllowedPattern        = "^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
                ConstraintDescription = "Must be a valid Cloudformation Stack name"

            stack.Add("CodeS3Key", new Parameter
                Type      = "String",
                MinLength = 3

            stack.Add("SubnetIds", new Parameter
                Type      = "String",
                MinLength = 3

            stack.Add("SecurityGroup", new Parameter
                Type      = "String",
                MinLength = 3

            // Conditions
            stack.Add("CreateProdResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod")));
            stack.Add("CreateDevResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "dev")));
            stack.Add("NotCondition", new Condition(Fn.Not(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod"))));
                      new Condition(
                              Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
                              new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
                      new Condition(
                              Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
                              new { Condition = "NotCondition" }

            // Outputs
            stack.Add("DeploymentBucket", new Output
                Value  = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
                Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-DeploymentBucket") },

                Description = Fn.Sub("BucketName: ${BucketName}, DomainName: ${DomainName}", new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                    ["BucketName"] = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
                    ["DomainName"] = Fn.GetAtt("DeploymentBucket", S3.Bucket.Attributes.DomainName)

            stack.Add("AutomationServiceRole", new Output
                Value  = Fn.GetAtt("AutomationServiceRole", IAM.Role.Attributes.Arn),
                Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-AutomationServiceRole") }

            stack.Add("KmsKeyArn", new Output
                Value  = Fn.GetAtt("KmsKey", KMS.Key.Attributes.Arn),
                Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-KmsKeyArn") }

            stack.Add("MonitoringSnsTopicArn", new Output
                Value  = Fn.Ref("MonitoringSnsTopic"),
                Export = new { Name = Fn.Sub("${AWS::StackName}-MonitoringSnsTopicArn") }

            // Resources

            stack.Add("Volume", new EC2.Volume
                Size             = Fn.If("CreateProdResources", valueIfTrue: "100", valueIfFalse: "10"),
                AvailabilityZone = Fn.GetAtt("Ec2Instance", EC2.Instance.Attributes.AvailabilityZone)
                      condition: "CreateProdResources"); // Condition example

            stack.Add("VPC", new EC2.VPC
                CidrBlock          = "",
                EnableDnsSupport   = false,
                EnableDnsHostnames = false,
                InstanceTenancy    = "dedicated",
                Tags = new List <Tag>
                    new Tag {
                        Key = "foo", Value = "bar"

            stack.Add("Subnet", new EC2.Subnet
                VpcId            = Fn.Ref("VPC"),
                CidrBlock        = "",
                AvailabilityZone = Fn.Select("0", Fn.GetAZs(Fn.Ref("AWS::Region")))

            stack.Add("DbInstance", new RDS.DBInstance
                AllocatedStorage   = "5",
                DBInstanceClass    = "db.m1.small",
                Engine             = "MySQL",
                EngineVersion      = "5.5",
                MasterUsername     = "******",
                MasterUserPassword = "******"

            // Manually add a dependency to a resource
            stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance");
            stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance", "DbInstance", "Subnet");

            // Manually add a condition to a resource
            stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
            stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");

            stack.Add("Ec2Instance", new EC2.Instance
                ImageId      = Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64"),
                InstanceType = Fn.If("CreateProdResources", "c1.xlarge", Fn.If("CreateDevResources", "m1.large", "m1.small")),
                UserData     = Fn.Base64(
                    @"#!/bin/bash -e
                    dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
            }, condition: "CreateProdResources", dependsOn: new[] { "DbInstance", "Subnet" });

            stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance", "DbInstance");
            stack.AddDependsOn("Ec2Instance", "DbInstance");

            stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");
            stack.AddCondition("Ec2Instance", "CreateProdResources");

            stack.Add("AutomationServiceRole", new IAM.Role
                AssumeRolePolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
                    Statement = new List <Statement>
                        new Statement
                            Effect    = "Allow",
                            Principal = new { Service = "" },
                            Action    = "sts:AssumeRole"

            stack.Add("KinesisFirehoseRole", new IAM.Role
                AssumeRolePolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
                    Statement = new List <Statement>
                        new Statement
                            Effect    = "Allow",
                            Principal = new { Service = "" },
                            Action    = "sts:AssumeRole",
                            Condition = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, dynamic> >
                                ["StringEquals"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["sts:ExternalId"] = Fn.Ref("AWS::AccountId")
                                ["DateGreaterThan"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["aws:CurrentTime"] = "2013-08-16T12:00:00Z"
                                ["DateLessThan"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["aws:CurrentTime"] = "2013-08-16T15:00:00Z"
                                ["IpAddress"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["aws:SourceIp"] = new [] { "", "" }
                                ["StringLikeIfExists"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["ec2:InstanceType"] = new [] { "t1.*", "t2.*", "m3.*" }
                                ["Null"] = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                                    ["aws:TokenIssueTime"] = new [] { "true" }

            stack.Add("DeploymentBucket", new S3.Bucket
                BucketName = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName")
                      deletionPolicy: DeletionPolicy.Retain, metadata: new { SomeProp = "SomeProp", AnotherProp = "AnotherProp" });

            stack.Add("ImageBucket", new S3.Bucket
                BucketName = Fn.Join("", Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName"), "-images")

            stack.AddDelitionPolicy("ImageBucket", DeletionPolicy.Retain);
            stack.AddMetadata("ImageBucket", new { Object1 = "Location1", Object2 = "Object2" });

            stack.Add("DeploymentBucketPolicy", new S3.BucketPolicy
                Bucket         = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
                PolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
                    Version   = "2012-10-17",
                    Statement = new List <Statement>
                        new Statement
                            Effect    = "Allow",
                            Principal = new
                                AWS = Fn.GetAtt("AutomationServiceRole", IAM.Role.Attributes.Arn)
                            Action   = "s3:*",
                            Resource = new[]
                                Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket")),
                                Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"), "/*")

            stack.Add("KinesisStream", new Kinesis.Stream
                Name = "MyStream",
                RetentionPeriodHours = 24

            stack.Add("KinesisStreamMapping", new Lambda.EventSourceMapping
                Enabled        = true,
                EventSourceArn = Fn.GetAtt("KinesisStream", Kinesis.Stream.Attributes.Arn)
                      dependsOn: new[] { "KinesisStream" });

            stack.Add("LambdaFunction", new Lambda.Function
                Timeout      = 30,
                FunctionName = new { Ref = "AWS::StackName" },
                Runtime      = "dotnetcore1.0",
                Description  = "",
                Handler      = "SomeProject::SomeProject.SomeFunction::FunctionHandler",
                MemorySize   = 256,
                Code         = new Code
                    S3Bucket = Fn.ImportValue(Fn.Sub("${AutomationStack}-DeploymentBucket")),
                    S3Key    = new { Ref = "CodeS3Key" },
                Environment = new Environment
                    Variables = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                        ["EnvironmentName"] = Fn.Ref("Environment")

            stack.Add("MonitoringSnsTopic", new SNS.Topic
                DisplayName  = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName"),
                Subscription = new List <SNS.Subscription>
                    new SNS.Subscription {
                        Endpoint = "*****@*****.**", Protocol = "email"

            stack.Add("KmsKey", new KMS.Key
                Description = "A Key",
                KeyPolicy   = new PolicyDocument
                    Id        = "key-default-1",
                    Version   = "2012-10-17",
                    Statement = new List <Statement>
                        new Statement
                            Sid       = "Allow the administration of the key",
                            Effect    = "Allows",
                            Principal = new { AWS = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice" },
                            Action    = new[]
                            Resource = "*"

            stack.Add("LaunchConfig", new AutoScaling.LaunchConfiguration
                ImageId      = "ami-e689729e",
                InstanceType = "t2.micro",
                UserData     = ""

            stack.Add("AutoScalingGroupScheduledAction", new AutoScaling.ScheduledAction
                AutoScalingGroupName = Fn.Ref("AutoScalingGroup"),
                DesiredCapacity      = 2,
                StartTime            = "2017-06-02T20:00:00Z"

            stack.Add("AutoScalingGroup", new AutoScaling.AutoScalingGroup
                AvailabilityZones       = Fn.GetAZs(""),
                LaunchConfigurationName = Fn.Ref("LaunchConfig"),
                DesiredCapacity         = 1,
                MinSize = 1,
                MaxSize = 2
                      creationPolicy: new CreationPolicy
                ResourceSignal = new ResourceSignal
                    Count   = 3,
                    Timeout = "PT15M"
                      updatePolicy: new UpdatePolicy
                AutoScalingScheduledAction = new AutoScalingScheduledAction
                    IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties = true
                AutoScalingRollingUpdate = new AutoScalingRollingUpdate
                    MinInstancesInService = 2,
                    MaxBatchSize          = "2",
                    WaitOnResourceSignals = true,
                    PauseTime             = "PT10M"
                      metadata: new { Key1 = "Value1", Key2 = "Value2" });
