public FlightQuery(Flight_Schedule flight, String originAirport, String originCountry, String destinationAirport, String destinationCountry)
     this.Flight = flight;
     this.OriginAirport = originAirport;
     this.OriginCountry = originCountry;
     this.DestinationAirport = destinationAirport;
     this.DestinationCountry = destinationCountry;
Esempio n. 2
        private void addFlightToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int             a  = 42;
            int             b  = 10;
            Flight_Schedule fl = new Flight_Schedule(a, b);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(int FromCityID, int ToCityID)
            var flightSchedule = new Flight_Schedule {

            if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <Flight_Schedule>(flightSchedule,
                                                            c => c.Flight_ScheduleID, c => c.RouteID, c => c.DepartDateTime, c => c.ArriveDateTime, c => c.AirCraftID, c => c.Economy, c => c.Business, c => c.PremEconomy, c => c.First))
                //if the route in this schedule does not exist, then reject to create
                if (!await _context.Routes.AnyAsync(r => r.FromCity.CityID == FromCityID && r.ToCity.CityID == ToCityID))  //get rid of the route that does not exist
                    ViewBag.ErrorNoRoute   = "No such route exists!";
                    ViewData["FromCityID"] = new SelectList(_context.Cities, "CityID", "Name");
                    ViewData["ToCityID"]   = new SelectList(_context.Cities, "CityID", "Name");
                int RouteID = await _context.Routes.Where(r => r.FromCity.CityID == FromCityID && r.ToCity.CityID == ToCityID).Select(r => r.RouteID).FirstAsync(); //get the ID of route between2 cities

                flightSchedule.Route = await _context.Routes.Where(r => r.RouteID == RouteID).FirstAsync();                                                         //set the route in the new Flight_Schedule

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException /* ex */)
                    //Log the error (uncomment ex variable name and write a log.)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. " +
                                             "Try again, and if the problem persists, " +
                                             "see your system administrator.");
            ViewData["FromCityID"] = new SelectList(_context.Cities, "CityID", "Name");
            ViewData["ToCityID"]   = new SelectList(_context.Cities, "CityID", "Name");
Esempio n. 4
        public int InitialBooking(List <int> tripList, string cabin, int passangers, DateTime bookingDateTime)
            using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
                    int suspendedID;
                    if (_context.BookingTransactions.Any())
                        suspendedID = _context.BookingTransactions.OrderByDescending(b => b.SuspendedID).Select(b => b.SuspendedID).FirstOrDefault() + 1;
                        IncrementCounter incrementCounter = new IncrementCounter();
                        suspendedID = incrementCounter.NextValue(); //生成一个自动递增的数

                    //var bookingDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                    foreach (int tripNo in tripList)
                        Flight_Schedule flight_Schedule = _context.Flight_Schedules.Where(x => x.Flight_ScheduleID == tripNo).FirstOrDefault();

                        for (int i = 0; i < passangers; i++)
                            //generate a specific booking transaction(BookingTransaction) for every passanger
                            BookingTransaction bookingTransaction = new BookingTransaction {
                                BookingDateTime = bookingDateTime, DepartDateTime = flight_Schedule.DepartDateTime, Flight_ScheduleID = flight_Schedule.Flight_ScheduleID, PersonalID = "", SuspendedID = suspendedID, CabinType = (CabinType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CabinType), cabin), Suspended = true

                    //change the booked seats number according the cabin and the nuumber of passengers
                    switch (cabin)
                    case "Economy":
                        foreach (var t in tripList)
                            _context.Flight_Schedules.Where(f => f.Flight_ScheduleID == t).ToList().ForEach(f => f.Economy = f.Economy - passangers);

                    case "Business":
                        foreach (var t in tripList)
                            _context.Flight_Schedules.Where(f => f.Flight_ScheduleID == t).ToList().ForEach(f => f.Business = f.Business - passangers);

                    case "PremEconomy":
                        foreach (var t in tripList)
                            _context.Flight_Schedules.Where(f => f.Flight_ScheduleID == t).ToList().ForEach(f => f.PremEconomy = f.PremEconomy - passangers);

                    case "First":
                        foreach (var t in tripList)
                            _context.Flight_Schedules.Where(f => f.Flight_ScheduleID == t).ToList().ForEach(f => f.First = f.First - passangers);

                catch (Exception ex)
        public async Task SearchSchedules(int FromCityID, int ToCityID, string trip, int searchCount, DateTime NextEarliestDepartLimit)
            if (searchCount != 0)
                Flight_Schedule flight_Schedule = flightContext.Where(x => x.Route.FromCityID == FromCityID)
                                                  .Where(x => x.Route.ToCityID == ToCityID)
                                                  .Where(x => x.DepartDateTime > NextEarliestDepartLimit) //(filter out the fights that too late to book)确保只获取晚于当前时间的航班
                                                  .Where(x => x.DepartDateTime.Date.ToString("d") == NextEarliestDepartLimit.Date.ToString("d"))
                                                  .OrderBy(x => x.DepartDateTime)                         //(get the earliest flight from the candidate flights)取起飞时间最早的转机航班
                                                  .FirstOrDefault();                                      //(get the earliest flight from the candidate flights)取起飞时间最早的转机航班
                if (flight_Schedule != null)
                    trip = trip + " " + flight_Schedule.Flight_ScheduleID.ToString();
                    CandidateTrip cR2 = new CandidateTrip
                        RouteList         = new List <int>(),
                        stopList          = new List <string>(),
                        EntertainmentList = new List <bool>(),
                        WiFiList          = new List <bool>(),
                        ACPowerList       = new List <bool>(),
                        AirCraftModelList = new List <string>(),
                        AirlineCodeList   = new List <string>(),

                    cR2.DepartTime  = departTime;
                    cR2.ArrivetTime = flight_Schedule.ArriveDateTime;
                    cR2.RouteList   = trip.Trim(' ').Split(' ').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();
                    AddCities(cR2.stopList, cR2.RouteList, cR2.EntertainmentList, cR2.WiFiList, cR2.ACPowerList, cR2.AirCraftModelList, cR2.AirlineCodeList);  //将RouteList中一路经过并转机的城市放入stopList中
                    //cR2.Entertainment = flight_Schedule.AirCraft.Entertainment;
                    //cR2.ACPower = flight_Schedule.AirCraft.ACPower;

                else if (searchCount < 2)
                    //”citiesNameInTrip“ prevents the searching route of recursion algorithm from being a dead loop(one route contains 2 identical cities)
                    //iterate all the adjacent cities, using recursion algorithm in each adjacent city
                    foreach (var t in  flightContext.Where(x => x.Route.FromCityID == FromCityID)
                             .Where(x => !citiesNameInTrip.Contains(x.Route.ToCityID))
                             .Where(x => x.DepartDateTime > NextEarliestDepartLimit)
                             .Where(x => x.DepartDateTime.Date.ToString("d") == NextEarliestDepartLimit.Date.ToString("d")) //(ensure all the results are in the same day)保证在同一天
                             .GroupBy(x => x.Route.FromCity)
                             .Select(x => x.OrderBy(y => y.DepartDateTime)).Select(x => x.First()))                         //CAUTION: 取起飞时间最早的转机航班
                        //List<int> tripTemp = trip;
                        string tripTemp = trip + " " + t.Flight_ScheduleID.ToString();
                        await SearchSchedules(t.Route.ToCityID, ToCityID, tripTemp, searchCount, t.ArriveDateTime.AddHours(1));     //(ensure there is at least 1 hour in a stop)确保转乘航班间有1个小时的间隔


                IEnumerable <Flight_Schedule> flight_Schedules = flightContext.Where(x => x.Route.FromCityID == FromCityID).Where(x => x.Route.ToCityID == ToCityID);

                if (flight_Schedules != null)
                    foreach (var flight_Schedule in flight_Schedules)
                        CandidateTrip cR = new CandidateTrip
                            RouteList         = new List <int>(),
                            stopList          = new List <string>(),
                            EntertainmentList = new List <bool>(),
                            WiFiList          = new List <bool>(),
                            ACPowerList       = new List <bool>(),
                            AirCraftModelList = new List <string>(),
                            AirlineCodeList   = new List <string>(),
                        AddCities(cR.stopList, cR.RouteList, cR.EntertainmentList, cR.WiFiList, cR.ACPowerList, cR.AirCraftModelList, cR.AirlineCodeList);
                        cR.DepartTime  = flight_Schedule.DepartDateTime;
                        cR.ArrivetTime = flight_Schedule.ArriveDateTime;
                        //cR.Entertainment = flight_Schedule.AirCraft.Entertainment;
                        //cR.ACPower = flight_Schedule.AirCraft.ACPower;

                //iterate all the adjacent cities, using recursion algorithm in each adjacent city
                foreach (var t in  flightContext.Where(x => x.Route.FromCityID == FromCityID).Where(x => x.Route.ToCityID != ToCityID))
                    //store the depart time of the 1st city as the depart time of a trip
                    departTime = t.DepartDateTime;
                    string tripTemp = trip + " " + t.Flight_ScheduleID.ToString();
                    await SearchSchedules(t.Route.ToCityID, ToCityID, tripTemp, searchCount, t.ArriveDateTime.AddHours(1));
