Esempio n. 1
        private void SettingButtonClick(object Sender, EventArgs e)
            // Find the corresponding button details.
            int i = 0;

            while ((i < settingButtonProperties.Length) &&
                   ((settingButtonProperties[i] == null) || (settingButtonProperties[i].button != Sender)))
            if (i >= settingButtonProperties.Length)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find setting button properties");

            // Take the appropriate action.
            Setting setting = settings[i];

            switch (setting.Type)
            case "openfile":
            case "savefile":
                FileDialogData data   = (FileDialogData)settingButtonProperties[i].data;
                FileDialog     dialog = setting.Type == "openfile" ? (FileDialog)(new OpenFileDialog()) :
                                        (FileDialog)(new SaveFileDialog());
                dialog.FileName         = controls[i].Text;
                dialog.Filter           = data.filter;
                dialog.FilterIndex      = data.filterIndex;
                dialog.InitialDirectory = data.initialDir;
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    controls[i].Text = dialog.FileName;

            case "exefile":
                FormFileTreeView dialog = new FormFileTreeView();
                dialog.FileName = controls[i].Text;
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    controls[i].Text = dialog.FileName;

            case "comportin":
            case "comportout":
                FormComSelect dialog = new FormComSelect();
                dialog.ComPortSpec = settingButtonProperties[i].data.ToString();
                dialog.IsInputPort = setting.Type == "comportin";
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    settingButtonProperties[i].data = dialog.ComPortSpec;
                    controls[i].Text = GetComPortDescription(settingButtonProperties[i].data.ToString());

                throw new Exception("Invalid setting type: " + setting.Type);
Esempio n. 2
        public FormSettings(Settings settings, SettingsValidator validator)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Keep track of the validator.
            this.validator = validator;

            // This assumes all fonts on the form are the same size.
            Graphics g         = CreateGraphics();
            int      charWidth = (int)g.MeasureString("H", Font).Width;

            // Keep a reference to the supplied Settings object.
            this.settings = settings;

            // Create a tab page for each settings group.
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; i++)
                Setting setting = settings[i];
                int     j       = 0;
                while ((j < tabControl.TabPages.Count) && (setting.Group != tabControl.TabPages[j].Text))
                if (j >= tabControl.TabPages.Count)
                    TabPage newPage = new TabPage();
                    newPage.Text = setting.Group;

            // Create a scrollable panel on each tab page.
            controlPanels = new ScrollablePanel[tabControl.TabPages.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < tabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
                controlPanels[i]          = new ScrollablePanel();
                controlPanels[i].Location = new Point(0, 0);
                controlPanels[i].Size     = tabControl.TabPages[i].ClientSize;

            // Create controls for each setting.
            controls = new Control[settings.Count];
            settingButtonProperties = new SettingButtonProperties[settings.Count];
            int[] controlOffset = new int[tabControl.TabPages.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; i++)
                Setting setting = settings[i];

                // Assemble the parameters for the setting.
                int j = 0;
                System.Collections.Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
                if (setting.Params.Length % 2 != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Params array does not have an even number of elements");
                while (j < setting.Params.Length)
                    parameters[setting.Params[j]] = setting.Params[j + 1];
                    j += 2;

                // Find the corresponding tab page and panel.
                j = 0;
                while ((j < tabControl.TabPages.Count) && (setting.Group != tabControl.TabPages[j].Text))
                if (j >= tabControl.TabPages.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Tab page not found. Should be impossible.");
                ScrollablePanel controlPanel    = controlPanels[j];
                int             maxControlWidth = controlPanel.ContentWidth - 2 * marginLeft;

                // Add the appropriate control.
                if (setting.Type == "boolean")
                    // The caption is part of the check box control.
                    CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
                    checkBox.Text    = setting.Caption;
                    checkBox.Width   = maxControlWidth;
                    checkBox.Checked = (bool)setting.Value;
                    controls[i]      = checkBox;
                    // Display a caption with the corresponding control underneath it.
                    Label caption = new Label();
                    caption.Left      = marginLeft;
                    caption.Top       = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
                    caption.Width     = maxControlWidth;
                    caption.Text      = setting.Caption;
                    controlOffset[j] += caption.Height;
                    switch (setting.Type)
                    case "string":
                    case "integer":
                    case "long":
                    case "double":
                        int     maxLength = parameters.Contains("maxlength") ? (int)parameters["maxlength"] : 0;
                        TextBox textBox   = new TextBox();
                        if (maxLength > 0)
                            textBox.MaxLength  = maxLength;
                            textBox.ClientSize = new Size((maxLength + 1) * charWidth, textBox.ClientSize.Height);
                            if (textBox.Width > maxControlWidth)
                                textBox.Width = maxControlWidth;
                            textBox.Width = maxControlWidth;
                        textBox.Text       = setting.Value.ToString();
                        textBox.GotFocus  += new EventHandler(textBox_GotFocus);
                        textBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_LostFocus);
                        controls[i]        = textBox;

                    case "updown":
                        if (!parameters.Contains("min") || !parameters.Contains("max"))
                            throw new Exception("Missing 'min' and/or 'max' parameter(s)");
                        int           maxLength = parameters.Contains("maxlength") ? (int)parameters["maxlength"] : 0;
                        int           min       = (int)parameters["min"];
                        int           max       = (int)parameters["max"];
                        NumericUpDown upDown    = new NumericUpDown();
                        upDown.Value   = (int)setting.Value;
                        upDown.Minimum = min;
                        upDown.Maximum = max;
                        if (maxLength > 0)
                            upDown.ClientSize = new Size((maxLength + 1) * charWidth + 30, upDown.ClientSize.Height);
                            if (upDown.Width > maxControlWidth)
                                upDown.Width = maxControlWidth;
                            upDown.Width = maxControlWidth;
                        controls[i] = upDown;

                    case "comportin":
                    case "comportout":
                        Button button = new Button();
                        button.Text   = "..";
                        button.Width  = 20;
                        button.Top    = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
                        button.Left   = controlPanel.ContentWidth - marginLeft - button.Width;
                        button.Click += new EventHandler(SettingButtonClick);
                        settingButtonProperties[i] = new SettingButtonProperties(button, setting.Value);

                        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
                        textBox.ReadOnly = true;
                        textBox.Width    = button.Left - marginLeft - 2;
                        textBox.Text     = GetComPortDescription(setting.Value.ToString());
                        controls[i]      = textBox;

                    case "combobox":
                        if (!parameters.Contains("items"))
                            throw new Exception("Missing 'items' parameter");
                        object[] items = (object[])parameters["items"];
                        ComboBox combo = new ComboBox();
                        combo.Width = maxControlWidth;
                        for (int k = 0; k < items.Length; k++)
                        combo.SelectedItem = setting.Value;
                        controls[i]        = combo;

                    case "openfile":
                    case "savefile":
                    case "exefile":
                        object data = null;
                        if (setting.Type != "exefile")
                            data = new FileDialogData(parameters.Contains("filter") ? (string)parameters["filter"] : "All Files (*.*)|*.*",
                                                      parameters.Contains("filterindex") ? (int)parameters["filterindex"] : 1,
                                                      parameters.Contains("initialdir") ? (string)parameters["initialdir"] : "");
                        Button button = new Button();
                        button.Text   = "..";
                        button.Width  = 20;
                        button.Top    = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
                        button.Left   = controlPanel.ContentWidth - marginLeft - button.Width;
                        button.Click += new EventHandler(SettingButtonClick);
                        settingButtonProperties[i] = new SettingButtonProperties(button, data);

                        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
                        textBox.Width      = button.Left - marginLeft - 2;
                        textBox.Text       = setting.Value.ToString();
                        textBox.GotFocus  += new EventHandler(textBox_GotFocus);
                        textBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_LostFocus);
                        controls[i]        = textBox;

                        throw new Exception("Unknown setting type: " + setting.Type);
                controls[i].Left  = marginLeft;
                controls[i].Top   = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
                controlOffset[j] += controls[i].Height + controlSpacing;

            // Set the heights of the control panel contents.
            for (int i = 0; i < controlPanels.Length; i++)
                controlPanels[i].ContentHeight = controlOffset[i];
Esempio n. 3
		public FormSettings(Settings settings, SettingsValidator validator)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			// Keep track of the validator.
			this.validator = validator;

			// This assumes all fonts on the form are the same size.
			Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
			int charWidth = (int)g.MeasureString("H", Font).Width;

			// Keep a reference to the supplied Settings object.
			this.settings = settings;

			// Create a tab page for each settings group.
			for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; i++) 
				Setting setting = settings[i];
				int j = 0;
				while ((j < tabControl.TabPages.Count) && (setting.Group != tabControl.TabPages[j].Text))
				if (j >= tabControl.TabPages.Count) 
					TabPage newPage = new TabPage();
					newPage.Text = setting.Group;

			// Create a scrollable panel on each tab page.
			controlPanels = new ScrollablePanel[tabControl.TabPages.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < tabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
				controlPanels[i] = new ScrollablePanel();
				controlPanels[i].Location = new Point(0, 0);
				controlPanels[i].Size = tabControl.TabPages[i].ClientSize;

			// Create controls for each setting.
			controls = new Control[settings.Count];
			settingButtonProperties = new SettingButtonProperties[settings.Count];
			int[] controlOffset = new int[tabControl.TabPages.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; i++)
				Setting setting = settings[i];

				// Assemble the parameters for the setting.
				int j = 0;
				System.Collections.Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
				if (setting.Params.Length % 2 != 0)
					throw new Exception("Params array does not have an even number of elements");
				while (j < setting.Params.Length) 
					parameters[setting.Params[j]] = setting.Params[j + 1];
					j += 2;

				// Find the corresponding tab page and panel.
				j = 0;
				while ((j < tabControl.TabPages.Count) && (setting.Group != tabControl.TabPages[j].Text))
				if (j >= tabControl.TabPages.Count)
					throw new Exception("Tab page not found. Should be impossible.");
				ScrollablePanel controlPanel = controlPanels[j];
				int maxControlWidth = controlPanel.ContentWidth - 2 * marginLeft;

				// Add the appropriate control.
				if (setting.Type == "boolean") 
					// The caption is part of the check box control.
					CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
					checkBox.Text = setting.Caption;
					checkBox.Width = maxControlWidth;
					checkBox.Checked = (bool)setting.Value;
					controls[i] = checkBox;
					// Display a caption with the corresponding control underneath it.
					Label caption = new Label();
					caption.Left = marginLeft;
					caption.Top = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
					caption.Width = maxControlWidth;
					caption.Text = setting.Caption;
					controlOffset[j] += caption.Height;
					switch (setting.Type) 
						case "string":
						case "integer":
						case "long":
						case "double":
							int maxLength = parameters.Contains("maxlength") ? (int)parameters["maxlength"] : 0;
							TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
							if (maxLength > 0) 
								textBox.MaxLength = maxLength;
								textBox.ClientSize = new Size((maxLength + 1) * charWidth, textBox.ClientSize.Height);
								if (textBox.Width > maxControlWidth)
									textBox.Width = maxControlWidth;
								textBox.Width = maxControlWidth;
							textBox.Text = setting.Value.ToString();
							textBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_GotFocus);
							textBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_LostFocus);
							controls[i] = textBox;
						case "updown":
							if (! parameters.Contains("min") || ! parameters.Contains("max"))
								throw new Exception("Missing 'min' and/or 'max' parameter(s)");
							int maxLength = parameters.Contains("maxlength") ? (int)parameters["maxlength"] : 0;
							int min = (int)parameters["min"];
							int max = (int)parameters["max"];
							NumericUpDown upDown = new NumericUpDown();
							upDown.Value = (int)setting.Value;
							upDown.Minimum = min;
							upDown.Maximum = max;
							if (maxLength > 0)
								upDown.ClientSize = new Size((maxLength + 1) * charWidth + 30, upDown.ClientSize.Height);
								if (upDown.Width > maxControlWidth)
									upDown.Width = maxControlWidth;
								upDown.Width = maxControlWidth;
							controls[i] = upDown;
						case "comportin":
						case "comportout":
							Button button = new Button();
							button.Text = "..";
							button.Width = 20;
							button.Top = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
							button.Left = controlPanel.ContentWidth - marginLeft - button.Width;
							button.Click += new EventHandler(SettingButtonClick);
							settingButtonProperties[i] = new SettingButtonProperties(button, setting.Value);

							TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
							textBox.ReadOnly = true;
							textBox.Width = button.Left - marginLeft - 2;
							textBox.Text = GetComPortDescription(setting.Value.ToString());
							controls[i] = textBox;
						case "combobox":
							if (! parameters.Contains("items"))
								throw new Exception("Missing 'items' parameter");
							object[] items = (object[])parameters["items"];
							ComboBox combo = new ComboBox();
							combo.Width = maxControlWidth;
							for (int k = 0; k < items.Length;  k++)
							combo.SelectedItem = setting.Value;
							controls[i] = combo;
						case "openfile":
						case "savefile":
						case "exefile":
							object data = null;
							if (setting.Type != "exefile")
								data = new FileDialogData(parameters.Contains("filter") ? (string)parameters["filter"] : "All Files (*.*)|*.*",
									parameters.Contains("filterindex") ? (int)parameters["filterindex"] : 1,
									parameters.Contains("initialdir") ? (string)parameters["initialdir"] : "");
							Button button = new Button();
							button.Text = "..";
							button.Width = 20;
							button.Top = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
							button.Left = controlPanel.ContentWidth - marginLeft - button.Width;
							button.Click += new EventHandler(SettingButtonClick);
							settingButtonProperties[i] = new SettingButtonProperties(button, data);

							TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
							textBox.Width = button.Left - marginLeft - 2;
							textBox.Text = setting.Value.ToString();
							textBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_GotFocus);
							textBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(textBox_LostFocus);
							controls[i] = textBox;
							throw new Exception("Unknown setting type: " + setting.Type);
				controls[i].Left = marginLeft;
				controls[i].Top = marginTop + controlOffset[j];
				controlOffset[j] += controls[i].Height + controlSpacing;

			// Set the heights of the control panel contents.
			for (int i = 0; i < controlPanels.Length; i++)
				controlPanels[i].ContentHeight = controlOffset[i];