Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the search data dialog
        /// </summary>
        public void SearchData()
            bool isLeft = grdLeft.Focused;
            SQLiteCreateTableStatement table =
                isLeft ? (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.LeftDdlStatement : (SQLiteCreateTableStatement)_item.RightDdlStatement;

            FastGrid         grid  = isLeft ? grdLeft : grdRight;
            FastGridLocation loc   = grid.SelectedCellLocation;
            FastGridColumn   fcol  = grid.Columns[loc.ColumnIndex];
            string           cname = (string)fcol.Tag;

            _searchDialog.PrepareDialog(table.Columns, cname, _diff, _tableChanges, loc.RowIndex + 1, isLeft);
            DialogResult res = _searchDialog.ShowDialog(this);

            if (res == DialogResult.OK && _searchDialog.MatchedRowIndex != -1)
                FastGridSelection sel = new FastGridSelection();
                sel.AddSelection(_searchDialog.MatchedRowIndex, _searchDialog.MatchedRowIndex);

                FastGridLocation nloc = new FastGridLocation(_searchDialog.MatchedRowIndex, loc.ColumnIndex);
                grdLeft.SelectedCellLocation  = nloc;
                grdLeft.Selection             = sel;
                grdRight.SelectedCellLocation = nloc;
                grdRight.Selection            = (FastGridSelection)sel.Clone();
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the data source for painting the selection portion
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="max">The maximum row id</param>
 /// <param name="selection">The selection ranges to paint</param>
 public void SetData(long max, FastGridSelection selection)
     _max       = max;
     _selection = selection;