public void CreateProcess_Should_Build_Process() { var subject = new Executable(_executablePath); subject.InWorkingDirectory("c:\\temp"); var processWrapper = subject.CreateProcess(); Assert.That(processWrapper, Is.Not.Null); }
public BracketIndex(Expression root, Token bracketToken, Expression index, Executable owner) : base(root.FirstToken, owner) { this.Root = root; this.BracketToken = bracketToken; this.Index = index; }
public ExecutableNodeFactory(Executable executable,Executables collection) { _collection = collection; _executable = (DtsContainer)executable; _host = _executable as TaskHost; _seq = _executable as Sequence; _foreachloop = _executable as ForEachLoop; _forloop = _executable as ForLoop; _psExecutable = PSObject.AsPSObject(_executable); if (null != _host) { _psExecutable.Properties.Add( new PSNoteProperty( "IsTaskHost", true )); _mainPipe = _host.InnerObject as MainPipe; } if (null != _mainPipe) { _psExecutable.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("IsDataFlow", true)); } if (null != _seq) { _psExecutable.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("IsSequence", true)); } if (null != _foreachloop) { _psExecutable.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("IsForEachLoop", true)); } if (null != _forloop) { _psExecutable.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("IsForLoop", true)); } }
public int Executable(Action<Executable> args) { var implementation = new Executable(); args(implementation); implementation.InternalExecute(); return implementation.ExitCode; }
public int Executable(Func<Executable, object> args) { var implementation = new Executable(); args(implementation); implementation.InternalExecute(); return implementation.ExitCode; }
public Ternary(Expression condition, Expression trueValue, Expression falseValue, Executable owner) : base(condition.FirstToken, owner) { this.Condition = condition; this.TrueValue = trueValue; this.FalseValue = falseValue; }
public Executable Trigger(Executable e) { if (!solved) { foreach (GameObject sobj in sObjects) { Solvable s = sobj.GetComponent(typeof(Solvable)) as Solvable; if (!s.solved) return null; } WrapperExec we = new WrapperExec("door_open"); we.start = delegate { GameState.camCtrl.Focus(transform);"audio/se/dooropen") as AudioClip); iTween.RotateAdd(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "amount", Vector3.up * 90, "time", 1.5f, "oncomplete", (Action) we.Terminate)); }; we.end = delegate { Tile t = GameState.mState.grid[exitJ, exitI]; t.exitable = true; solved = true; }; return we; } return null; }
public Increment(Token firstToken, Token incrementToken, bool isIncrement, bool isPrefix, Expression root, Executable owner) : base(firstToken, owner) { this.IncrementToken = incrementToken; this.IsIncrement = isIncrement; this.IsPrefix = isPrefix; this.Root = root; }
public void LoadModule(Executable.Module module) { if (!Program.XBox.Ping()) new Settings().ShowDialog(); if(this.Visible) this.Enabled = false; Program.MainWindow.Enabled = false; Program.MainWindow.probar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; Program.MainWindow.lblStatus.Text = "Loading Module: " + module.Name; launchModuleWorker.RunWorkerAsync(module); }
public static void LoadExecutables() { if (!File.Exists("Executables.xml")) { using (var sw = File.CreateText("Executables.xml")) { sw.WriteLine("<Executables></Executables>"); } } using (var xr = XmlReader.Create(File.OpenRead("Executables.xml"))) { Executable workingExe = null; while (!xr.EOF) { xr.Read(); switch (xr.Name) { case "Executable": if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) continue; workingExe = new Executable() { Name = xr.GetAttribute("Name"), Filename = xr.GetAttribute("Filename") }; _executables.Add(workingExe); break; case "Script": if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) continue; Executable.Script script = new Executable.Script() { Name = xr.GetAttribute("Name"), FileType = xr.GetAttribute("FileType"), Code = xr.ReadInnerXml(), }; workingExe.Scripts.Add(script); break; case "Module": if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) continue; uint baseAddress = 0; try { baseAddress = Convert.ToUInt32(xr.GetAttribute("BaseAddress"), 16); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Reading Module For: " + workingExe.Filename, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); break; } Executable.Module module = new Executable.Module(xr.GetAttribute("Filename"), baseAddress) { Name = xr.GetAttribute("Name") }; workingExe.Modules.Add(module); break; } } } }
public void AddToPathAddsPathEnvironmentValueIfItDoesNotExist() { // Arrange var executable = new Executable(@"x:\some.exe", @"x:\some-dir"); // Act executable.AddToPath(@"x:\path1", @"y:\path1\path2"); // Assert Assert.Equal(@"x:\path1;y:\path1\path2", executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"]); }
public void AddToPathAddsPathEnvironmentValueIfItDoesNotExist() { // Arrange var executable = new Executable(@"x:\some.exe", @"x:\some-dir", DeploymentSettingsExtension.DefaultCommandIdleTimeout); // Act executable.PrependToPath(new[] { @"x:\path1", @"y:\path1\path2" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(@"x:\path1;y:\path1\path2", executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"]); }
public void AddToPathAppendsPathEnvironmentValue(string current, string[] input, string expected) { // Arrange var executable = new Executable(@"x:\some.exe", @"x:\some-dir", DeploymentSettingsExtension.DefaultCommandIdleTimeout); executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = current; // Act executable.PrependToPath(input); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"]); }
public void AddToPathAppendsPathEnvironmentValue(string current, string[] input, string expected) { // Arrange var executable = new Executable(@"x:\some.exe", @"x:\some-dir"); executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = current; // Act executable.AddToPath(input); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, executable.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"]); }
static void InitProcess(Executable ex) { /* InitProcess is final step in initialization of a process pertaining to a given Executable field */ string prevfileName = ex.PInfo.FileName; try { ex.ExecutableProcess = Process.Start(ex.PInfo); ex.ExecutableProcess.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message == "The system cannot find the path specified") { try { ex.PInfo.FileName = ex.PInfo.FileName.Substring(ex.PInfo.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); ex.ExecutableProcess = Process.Start(ex.PInfo as ProcessStartInfo); ex.ExecutableProcess.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception exp) { if (ex.PInfo.FileName.Contains("System32")) { ex.PInfo.FileName = prevfileName; ex.PInfo.FileName.Replace("System32", "Sysnative"); ex.ExecutableProcess = Process.Start(ex.PInfo); ex.ExecutableProcess.WaitForExit(); } else System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(exp.Message); } } } if (ex.ExecutableProcess != null && ex != null) runningExecutables.Add(ex); }
public void ConstructPackage(bool createNew) { // Create SSIS package package = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package(); // Add DataFlow task dataFlowTask = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask"); TaskHost taskhost = dataFlowTask as TaskHost; taskhost.Name = "Data Flow Task"; pipeline = taskhost.InnerObject as MainPipe; // Add source connection manager and adapter if (SourceProvider == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Empty source provider."); } else { srcConnMgr = SourceProvider.AddConnectionManager(package); srcComp = SourceProvider.AddSourceAdapter(pipeline, srcConnMgr); } // Add destination connection manager and adapter, create new table if asked to. if (DestProvider == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Empty destination provider."); } else { if (createNew) { DestProvider.CreateDestination(srcComp.OutputCollection[0].OutputColumnCollection); } destConnMgr = DestProvider.AddConnectionManager(package); destComp = DestProvider.AddDestAdapter(pipeline, destConnMgr, out destDesignTimeComp); } }
private Executable[] TrimBreak(Executable[] executables) { TODO.PastelCompileTimeCheckForAbsenceOfBreakInSwitchStatementCodeOtherThanTheEndForTheSakeOfPythonCompilation(); int length = executables.Length; if (length == 0) { return(executables); } Executable last = executables[length - 1]; if (last is BreakStatement) { Executable[] trimmed = new Executable[length - 1]; for (int i = length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { trimmed[i] = executables[i]; } return(trimmed); } return(executables); }
private static string PackageArtifactFromFolder(IEnvironment environment, IDeploymentSettingsManager settings, DeploymentContext context, string srcDirectory, string artifactDirectory, string artifactFilename) { context.Logger.Log("Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file"); string file = Path.Combine(artifactDirectory, artifactFilename); ExternalCommandFactory commandFactory = new ExternalCommandFactory(environment, settings, context.RepositoryPath); Executable exe = commandFactory.BuildExternalCommandExecutable(srcDirectory, artifactDirectory, context.Logger); try { exe.ExecuteWithProgressWriter(context.Logger, context.Tracer, $"mksquashfs . {file} -noappend"); } catch (Exception) { context.GlobalLogger.LogError(); throw; } int numOfArtifacts = OryxBuildConstants.FunctionAppBuildSettings.ConsumptionBuildMaxFiles; DeploymentHelper.PurgeBuildArtifactsIfNecessary(artifactDirectory, BuildArtifactType.Squashfs, context.Tracer, numOfArtifacts); return(file); }
private static async Task SetupSourceControl() { try { var checkGitRepoExe = new Executable("git", "rev-parse --git-dir"); var result = await checkGitRepoExe.RunAsync(); if (result != 0) { var exe = new Executable("git", $"init"); await exe.RunAsync(l => ColoredConsole.WriteLine(l), l => ColoredConsole.Error.WriteLine(l)); } else { ColoredConsole.WriteLine("Directory already a git repository."); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { ColoredConsole.WriteLine(WarningColor("unable to find git on the path")); } }
public RuntimeCore(Heap heap, Options options = null, Executable executable = null) { // The heap is initialized by the core and is used to allocate strings // Use the that heap for runtime Validity.Assert(heap != null); this.Heap = heap; RuntimeMemory = new RuntimeMemory(Heap); this.Options = options; InterpreterProps = new Stack <InterpreterProperties>(); ReplicationGuides = new List <List <ReplicationGuide> >(); AtLevels = new List <AtLevel>(); executedAstGuids = new HashSet <Guid>(); RunningBlock = 0; ExecutionState = (int)ExecutionStateEventArgs.State.Invalid; //not yet started ContinuationStruct = new ContinuationStructure(); watchStack = new List <StackValue>(); watchFramePointer = Constants.kInvalidIndex; WatchSymbolList = new List <SymbolNode>(); FunctionCallDepth = 0; cancellationPending = false; watchClassScope = Constants.kInvalidIndex; ExecutionInstance = CurrentExecutive = new Executive(this); ExecutiveProvider = new ExecutiveProvider(); RuntimeStatus = new ProtoCore.RuntimeStatus(this); StartPC = Constants.kInvalidPC; RuntimeData = new ProtoCore.RuntimeData(); DSExecutable = executable; Mirror = null; }
public static List <GameData> Get() { var gameDatas = new List <GameData>(); if (thisHWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { thisHWnd = FindWindow(null, "GameLauncher"); } foreach (var folderName in GameListDAO.Get()) { var exeAsExecutable = new Executable(folderName + "/Exe.lnk"); exeAsExecutable.OnProcessStarted += (_) => { ShowWindow(thisHWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); }; exeAsExecutable.OnProcessEnded += (sender, e) => { ShowWindow(thisHWnd, SW_RESTORE); }; var sprite = SpriteFactory.Create(folderName + "/Icon.png"); var descriptionAsExecutable = new Executable(folderName + "/Description.pdf"); var summary = FileErrorCatcher.CatchError(GetSummaryData, folderName + "/Summary.txt"); var data = new GameData( summary[0], summary[1], summary[2], exeAsExecutable, sprite, descriptionAsExecutable); gameDatas.Add(data); } return(gameDatas); }
private bool TryGetSubName(Executable Exe, long Position, out string Name) { Position -= Exe.ImageBase; int Left = 0; int Right = Exe.SymbolTable.Count - 1; while (Left <= Right) { int Size = Right - Left; int Middle = Left + (Size >> 1); ElfSym Symbol = Exe.SymbolTable[Middle]; long EndPosition = Symbol.Value + Symbol.Size; if ((ulong)Position >= (ulong)Symbol.Value && (ulong)Position < (ulong)EndPosition) { Name = Symbol.Name; return(true); } if ((ulong)Position < (ulong)Symbol.Value) { Right = Middle - 1; } else { Left = Middle + 1; } } Name = null; return(false); }
public void GenerateExprExe() { // TODO Jun: Determine if we really need another executable for the expression interpreter Validity.Assert(null == ExprInterpreterExe); ExprInterpreterExe = new Executable(); ExprInterpreterExe.FunctionTable = FunctionTable; ExprInterpreterExe.DynamicVarTable = DynamicVariableTable; ExprInterpreterExe.FuncPointerTable = FunctionPointerTable; ExprInterpreterExe.DynamicFuncTable = DynamicFunctionTable; ExprInterpreterExe.ContextDataMngr = ContextDataManager; ExprInterpreterExe.Configurations = Configurations; ExprInterpreterExe.CodeToLocation = CodeToLocation; ExprInterpreterExe.CurrentDSFileName = CurrentDSFileName; // Copy all tables ExprInterpreterExe.classTable = DSExecutable.classTable; ExprInterpreterExe.procedureTable = DSExecutable.procedureTable; ExprInterpreterExe.runtimeSymbols = DSExecutable.runtimeSymbols; ExprInterpreterExe.TypeSystem = TypeSystem; // Copy all instruction streams // TODO Jun: What method to copy all? Use that ExprInterpreterExe.instrStreamList = new InstructionStream[DSExecutable.instrStreamList.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < DSExecutable.instrStreamList.Length; ++i) { if (null != DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i]) { ExprInterpreterExe.instrStreamList[i] = new InstructionStream(DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i].language, this); //ExprInterpreterExe.instrStreamList[i] = new InstructionStream(DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i].language, DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i].dependencyGraph, this); for (int j = 0; j < DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i].instrList.Count; ++j) { ExprInterpreterExe.instrStreamList[i].instrList.Add(DSExecutable.instrStreamList[i].instrList[j]); } } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Draw the default inspector DrawDefaultInspector(); rayColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(rayColor); rayOffset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Ray offset", rayOffset); if (GUILayout.Button("Find executables with ray")) { SerializedProperty array = serializedObject.FindProperty("executables"); var _class = target as GS.Executes.Executor; Executable exe = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.arraySize; i++) { exe = array.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as GS.Executes.Executable; if (exe == null) { continue; } DrawRayToPoint(_class.gameObject.transform.position, exe.gameObject.transform.position, rayOffset); } } }
public static TestRepository Clone(string repositoryPath, string source, bool createDirectory = false) { // Gets full path in case path is relative repositoryPath = GetRepositoryPath(repositoryPath); // Make sure the directory is empty FileSystemHelpers.DeleteDirectorySafe(repositoryPath); Executable gitExe = GetGitExe(repositoryPath); if (createDirectory) { var result = gitExe.Execute("clone \"{0}\"", source); // Cloning into '{0}'... var m = Regex.Match(result.Item1, @"Cloning\s+into\s+\'?(\w+)'?\.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string folderName = m.Groups[1].Value; return(new TestRepository(Path.Combine(repositoryPath, folderName))); } gitExe.Execute("clone \"{0}\" .", source); return(new TestRepository(repositoryPath)); }
public static string Push(string repositoryPath, string url, string localBranchName = "master", string remoteBranchName = "master") { Executable gitExe = GetGitExe(repositoryPath); string stdErr = null; if (localBranchName.Equals("master")) { stdErr = gitExe.Execute("push {0} {1}", url, remoteBranchName).Item2; // Dump out the error stream (git curl verbose) Debug.WriteLine(stdErr); } else { // Dump out the error stream (git curl verbose) stdErr = gitExe.Execute("push {0} {1}:{2}", url, localBranchName, remoteBranchName).Item2; Debug.WriteLine(stdErr); } return(stdErr); }
private static async Task RestorePythonRequirementsPackapp(string functionAppRoot, string packagesLocation) { var packApp = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "tools", "python", "packapp"); var pythonExe = await ValidatePythonVersion(errorOutIfOld : true); var exe = new Executable(pythonExe, $"\"{packApp}\" --platform linux --python-version 36 --packages-dir-name {Constants.ExternalPythonPackages} \"{functionAppRoot}\" --verbose"); var sbErrors = new StringBuilder(); var exitCode = await exe.RunAsync(o => ColoredConsole.WriteLine(o), e => sbErrors.AppendLine(e)); if (exitCode != 0) { var errorMessage = "There was an error restoring dependencies. " + sbErrors.ToString(); // If --build-native-deps if required, we exit with this specific code to notify other toolings // If this exit code changes, partner tools must be updated if (exitCode == ExitCodes.BuildNativeDepsRequired) { ColoredConsole.WriteLine(ErrorColor(errorMessage)); Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.BuildNativeDepsRequired); } throw new CliException(errorMessage); } }
protected virtual bool MapPath(string path, out string driveName) { var cmd = new Executable("cmd", GetWindowsFolder()); driveName = null; foreach (var letter in DriveLetters) { try { // There's probably an API for this as well but this is easy to do // Not as easy to parse out the results of net use cmd.Execute("/c net use {0}: {1}", letter, path); driveName = letter + @":\"; return(true); } catch { } } return(false); }
private static Executable ParseTry(Parser parser, TokenStream tokens, Executable owner) { Token tryToken = tokens.PopExpected("try"); IList <Executable> tryBlock = Parser.ParseBlock(parser, tokens, true, owner); Token catchToken = null; IList <Executable> catchBlock = null; Token exceptionToken = null; Token finallyToken = null; IList <Executable> finallyBlock = null; if (tokens.IsNext("catch")) { catchToken = tokens.Pop(); if (tokens.PopIfPresent("(")) { exceptionToken = tokens.Pop(); char firstChar = exceptionToken.Value[0]; if (firstChar != '_' && !(firstChar >= 'a' && firstChar <= 'z') && !(firstChar >= 'A' && firstChar <= 'Z')) { throw new ParserException(exceptionToken, "Invalid name for variable."); } tokens.PopExpected(")"); } catchBlock = Parser.ParseBlock(parser, tokens, true, owner); } if (tokens.IsNext("finally")) { finallyToken = tokens.Pop(); finallyBlock = Parser.ParseBlock(parser, tokens, true, owner); } return(new TryStatement(tryToken, tryBlock, catchToken, exceptionToken, catchBlock, finallyToken, finallyBlock, owner)); }
public void TestChangeRowsProcessedOutputSetColumnProperty() { Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package package = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package(); Executable exec = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask"); Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost thMainPipe = exec as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost; MainPipe dataFlowTask = thMainPipe.InnerObject as MainPipe; ComponentEventHandler events = new ComponentEventHandler(); dataFlowTask.Events = DtsConvert.GetExtendedInterface(events as IDTSComponentEvents); IDTSComponentMetaData100 textFileSplitter = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New(); textFileSplitter.Name = "Row Splitter Test"; textFileSplitter.ComponentClassID = typeof(Martin.SQLServer.Dts.TextFileSplitter).AssemblyQualifiedName; CManagedComponentWrapper instance = textFileSplitter.Instantiate(); instance.ProvideComponentProperties(); IDTSOutput100 errorOutput = textFileSplitter.OutputCollection[3]; ManageProperties.AddMissingOutputColumnProperties(errorOutput.OutputColumnCollection[0].CustomPropertyCollection); Boolean exceptionThrown = false; try { instance.SetOutputColumnProperty(errorOutput.ID, errorOutput.OutputColumnCollection[0].ID, ManageProperties.dotNetFormatString, String.Empty); } catch (COMException ex) { Assert.AreEqual(MessageStrings.CantChangeOutputProperties("RowsProcessed"), ex.Message, "Exception Message Wrong"); exceptionThrown = true; } Assert.IsTrue(exceptionThrown, "Exception Not Thrown"); }
private bool LE_Broadcast(Executable executable, int to_sn) { alive.Add(remoteSLE(executable)); //Broadcast to everyone int replies = 0; foreach (string serverURL in otherServers.Values) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => { try { ServerInstance s = (ServerInstance)Activator.GetObject( typeof(ServerInstance), serverURL ); alive.Add(s.remoteSLE(executable)); replies++; } catch (Exception e) { } }); thread.Start(); } double timer = 0; while (replies < maxFaults) { if (timer >= 2) { return(false); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); timer += 0.05; } return(true); }
public Executable BuildExternalCommandExecutable(string workingDirectory, string deploymentTargetPath, ILogger logger) { // Creates an executable pointing to cmd and the working directory being // the repository root var exe = new Executable(StarterScriptPath, workingDirectory, _deploymentSettings.GetCommandIdleTimeout()); exe.AddDeploymentSettingsAsEnvironmentVariables(_deploymentSettings); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, SourcePath, _repositoryPath, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, TargetPath, deploymentTargetPath, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WebRootPath, _environment.WebRootPath, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, MSBuildPath, PathUtility.ResolveMSBuildPath(), logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, KuduSyncCommandKey, KuduSyncCommand, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, SelectNodeVersionCommandKey, SelectNodeVersionCommand, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, NpmJsPathKey, PathUtility.ResolveNpmJsPath(), logger); // Disable this for now // exe.EnvironmentVariables[NuGetCachePathKey] = Environment.NuGetCachePath; // NuGet.exe 1.8 will require an environment variable to make package restore work exe.EnvironmentVariables[WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.NuGetPackageRestoreKey] = "true"; exe.SetHomePath(_environment.SiteRootPath); // Set the path so we can add more variables exe.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); // Add the msbuild path and git path to the %PATH% so more tools are available var toolsPaths = new[] { Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveMSBuildPath()), Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveGitPath()), Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveVsTestPath()) }; exe.AddToPath(toolsPaths); return(exe); }
private Executable ParseEnumDefinition(TokenStream tokens, Executable owner) { Token enumToken = tokens.PopExpected(this.parser.Keywords.ENUM); Token nameToken = tokens.Pop(); this.parser.VerifyIdentifier(nameToken); string name = nameToken.Value; EnumDefinition ed = new EnumDefinition(enumToken, nameToken, parser.CurrentNamespace, owner); tokens.PopExpected("{"); bool nextForbidden = false; List <Token> items = new List <Token>(); List <Expression> values = new List <Expression>(); while (!tokens.PopIfPresent("}")) { if (nextForbidden) { tokens.PopExpected("}"); // crash } Token enumItem = tokens.Pop(); this.parser.VerifyIdentifier(enumItem); if (tokens.PopIfPresent("=")) { values.Add(this.parser.ExpressionParser.Parse(tokens, ed)); } else { values.Add(null); } nextForbidden = !tokens.PopIfPresent(","); items.Add(enumItem); } ed.SetItems(items, values); return(ed); }
private void RemoveAcls(string appName, string appPoolName) { // Setup Acls for this user var icacls = new Executable(@"C:\Windows\System32\icacls.exe", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); string applicationPath = _pathResolver.GetApplicationPath(appName); try { // Give full control to the app folder (we can make it minimal later) icacls.Execute(@"""{0}"" /remove ""IIS AppPool\{1}""", applicationPath, appPoolName); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } try { icacls.Execute(@"""{0}"" /remove ""IIS AppPool\{1}""", _pathResolver.ServiceSitePath, appPoolName); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } try { // Give full control to the temp folder string windowsTemp = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows), "Temp"); icacls.Execute(@"""{0}"" /remove ""IIS AppPool\{1}""", windowsTemp, appPoolName); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public IDTSResultBinding Modify_ExecSQL_AddResultSetBinding(Executable ex, string ResultName, string VariableName ) { TaskHost SQLth = (TaskHost)ex; ExecuteSQLTask task = SQLth.InnerObject as ExecuteSQLTask; int i = 0; foreach (IDTSResultBinding z in task.ResultSetBindings) { i++; } // Add result set binding, map the id column to variable task.ResultSetBindings.Add(); IDTSResultBinding rb = task.ResultSetBindings.GetBinding(i); rb.ResultName = ResultName; rb.DtsVariableName = VariableName; return(rb); }
public void Compile_no_errors() { var csSource = new Sourcecode { Filename = "program_no_errors.cs", Text = @"using System; public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { #region main var answer = 42; Console.WriteLine(answer); #endregion } } ".Split('\n') }; Executable result = null; CSCompiler.Compile(csSource, exe => result = exe, errors => { foreach (var err in errors) { Console.WriteLine($"{err.Filename} - {err.LineNumber},{err.ColumnNumber}: {err.Description}"); } Assert.Fail("There should not be any errors!"); }); Assert.NotNull(result); var output = ConsoleOutput.Capture(() => result.Main()); Assert.AreEqual("42", output.Trim()); }
public async Task RepairCardsAsync(ulong oldId, ulong newId) { var response = await _shClient.GetCharacterInfoAsync(newId); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode()) { await "New character ID is invalid!".ToResponse(500).ExecuteResultAsync(ControllerContext); return; } var exe = new Executable($"api-repair oc{oldId} c{newId}", new Task(() => { using (var db = new Database.UserContext(_config)) { var userRelease = new List <string>() { "users" }; var cards = db.Cards.Where(x => x.Character == oldId); foreach (var card in cards) { card.Character = newId; userRelease.Add($"user-{card.GameDeckId}"); } db.SaveChanges(); QueryCacheManager.ExpireTag(userRelease.ToArray()); } })); await _executor.TryAdd(exe, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); await "Success".ToResponse(200).ExecuteResultAsync(ControllerContext); }
public Executable Trigger(Executable trigger) { Debug.Log("trigger"); Tile t = entity.tile; if (!solved && t.entities.Count > entity.tileIndex + 1) { DungeonEntity pe = t.entities[entity.tileIndex + 1]; Pot p = pe.transform.GetComponent<Pot>(); if (p != null && p.color == color) { WrapperUpdateFunction upf = delegate { panelRenderer.material.color = Color.Lerp(panelRenderer.material.color, targetColor, 0.2f); return (panelRenderer.material.color == targetColor); }; WrapperEndFunction ef = delegate { solved = true; }; WrapperExec we = new WrapperExec("floorPanel_change", WrapperExec.DefaultDoNothing, upf, ef); return we; } } return null; }
public static void Commit(string repositoryPath, string message) { Executable gitExe = GetGitExe(repositoryPath); try { GitExecute(gitExe, "add -A", message); GitExecute(gitExe, "commit -m \"{0}\"", message); } catch (Exception ex) { // Swallow exceptions on commit, since things like changing line endings // show up as an error TestTracer.Trace("Commit failed with {0}", ex); } // Verify that the commit did go thru string lastCommitMessage = GitExecute(gitExe, "log --oneline -1").Item1; if (lastCommitMessage == null || !lastCommitMessage.Contains(message)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Mismatched commit message '{0}' != '{1}'", lastCommitMessage, message)); } }
public static string Push(string repositoryPath, string url, string localBranchName = "master", string remoteBranchName = "master") { using (new LatencyLogger("git push " + repositoryPath)) { Executable gitExe = GetGitExe(repositoryPath); string stdErr = null; if (localBranchName.Equals("master")) { stdErr = GitExecute(gitExe, "push {0} {1}", url, remoteBranchName).Item2; } else { // Checkout the local branch, making sure it points to the correct origin branch GitExecute(gitExe, "checkout -B {0} origin/{0}", localBranchName); // Dump out the error stream (git curl verbose) stdErr = GitExecute(gitExe, "push {0} {1}:{2}", url, localBranchName, remoteBranchName).Item2; } return(stdErr); } }
public void Run() { SetActiveApplication(_parent); AppEnvironment.Settings.AddToHistory(Executable, CommandLineArgs); NotifyPropertyChanged("CommandLineHistory"); var executableFullPath = OutputDirectory + @"\" + Executable; if (AppEnvironment.Settings.TestMode) { executableFullPath = @"DummyExe.exe"; } var commandLineExpanded = Extensions.ExpandCommandLine(CommandLineArgs); ExecutableObj = new Executable(executableFullPath); Status = ApplicationStatus.Running; ExecutableObj.RunAsync(commandLineExpanded); ExecutableObj.ExecutionCompleted += (s, e) => { Status = ApplicationStatus.BuildCompleted; }; }
private Executable[] TrimBreak(Executable[] executables) { // TODO: compile time check for absence of break in switch statement code // aside from the one at the end of each case. This will simply be a limitation // of Pastel for the sake of Python compatibility. int length = executables.Length; if (length == 0) { return(executables); } Executable last = executables[length - 1]; if (last is BreakStatement) { Executable[] trimmed = new Executable[length - 1]; for (int i = length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { trimmed[i] = executables[i]; } return(trimmed); } return(executables); }
public void SetVariableRuntime(SetVariablesSetVariable[] sqlTaskSetVariables, string stepName, string setName) { int iVarCount = 0; foreach (var sqlSetVariable in sqlTaskSetVariables) { Executable sqlSetVariableExe = AddExecutableSQLTask(sqlSetVariable.SQLStatement, sqlSetVariable.TargetConnection, "Set Variable-" + stepName + "_" + setName + iVarCount.ToString(), string.Empty); TaskHost srcth = sqlSetVariableExe as TaskHost; // srcth.Properties["BypassPrepare"].SetValue(srcth, true); // srcth.Properties["Connection"].SetValue(srcth, sqlSetVariable.TargetConnection); // srcth.Properties["SqlStatementSourceType"].SetValue(srcth, SqlStatementSourceType.DirectInput); //srcth.Properties["SqlStatementSource"].SetValue(srcth, sqlSetVariable.SQLStatement); srcth.Properties["ResultSetType"].SetValue(srcth, ResultSetType.ResultSetType_SingleRow); var sqlTaskSRC = srcth.InnerObject as IDTSExecuteSQL; foreach (var resultSet in sqlSetVariable.ResultSet) { IDTSResultBinding resultbinding = sqlTaskSRC.ResultSetBindings.Add(); resultbinding.ResultName = resultSet.Order; resultbinding.DtsVariableName = GetVariableValue(resultSet.VariableName).QualifiedName; } AddPrecedenceConstraints(sqlSetVariableExe); iVarCount++; } }
public Executable BuildCommandExecutable(string commandPath, string workingDirectory, TimeSpan idleTimeout, ILogger logger) { // Creates an executable pointing to cmd and the working directory being // the repository root var exe = new Executable(commandPath, workingDirectory, idleTimeout); exe.AddDeploymentSettingsAsEnvironmentVariables(_deploymentSettings); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.WebRootPath, _environment.WebRootPath, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.MSBuildPath, PathUtility.ResolveMSBuildPath(), logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.KuduSyncCommandKey, KuduSyncCommand, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.NuGetExeCommandKey, NuGetExeCommand, logger); UpdateToDefaultIfNotSet(exe, WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.NpmJsPathKey, PathUtility.ResolveNpmJsPath(), logger); exe.SetHomePath(_environment); // Set the path so we can add more variables string path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); exe.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = path; // Add the msbuild path and git path to the %PATH% so more tools are available var toolsPaths = new List <string> { Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveMSBuildPath()), Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveGitPath()), Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveVsTestPath()), Path.GetDirectoryName(PathUtility.ResolveSQLCmdPath()), _environment.ScriptPath }; toolsPaths.AddRange(PathUtility.ResolveNodeNpmPaths()); toolsPaths.Add(PathUtility.ResolveNpmGlobalPrefix()); exe.PrependToPath(toolsPaths); return(exe); }
private void TO_Broadcast(Executable executable, int to_sn) { this.Change_TO_SN(executable, to_sn); //Broadcast to everyone foreach (string serverURL in otherServers.Values) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => { try { ServerInstance s = (ServerInstance)Activator.GetObject( typeof(ServerInstance), serverURL ); s.Change_TO_SN(executable, to_sn); } catch (Exception e) { } }); thread.Start(); } }
public DynamicCmd(Executable startInstance) { this.Cmd = startInstance; }
public override void OnPostExecute(Executable exec, ref bool fireAgain) { ExecutionTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime); base.OnPreExecute(exec, ref fireAgain); }
public override void OnPreExecute(Executable exec, ref bool fireAgain) { StartTime = DateTime.Now; base.OnPreExecute(exec, ref fireAgain); }
public Executable Trigger(Executable e) { if (trigger != null && trigger.solved) {} return null; }
private static void CreateDepsInPackageCache(LibraryRange toolLibrary, string projectPath) { var context = ProjectContext.Create(projectPath, FrameworkConstants.CommonFrameworks.DnxCore50, new[] { DefaultRid }); var toolDescription = context.LibraryManager.GetLibraries() .Select(l => l as PackageDescription) .Where(l => l != null) .FirstOrDefault(l => l.Identity.Name == toolLibrary.Name); var depsPath = Path.Combine( toolDescription.Path, Path.GetDirectoryName(toolDescription.Target.RuntimeAssemblies.First().Path), toolDescription.Identity.Name + FileNameSuffixes.Deps); var calculator = context.GetOutputPathCalculator(context.ProjectDirectory); var executable = new Executable(context, calculator); executable.MakeCompilationOutputRunnable(Constants.DefaultConfiguration); if (File.Exists(depsPath)) File.Delete(depsPath); File.Move(Path.Combine(calculator.GetOutputDirectoryPath(Constants.DefaultConfiguration), "bin" + FileNameSuffixes.Deps), depsPath); }
public Executable Trigger(Executable t) { return null; }
public NegativeSign(Token sign, Expression root, Executable owner) : base(sign, owner) { this.Root = root; }
public void OnExecutionStatusChanged(Executable exec, DTSExecStatus newStatus, ref bool fireAgain) { }
private void MakeRunnableIfNecessary() { var compilationOptions = CompilerUtil.ResolveCompilationOptions(_rootProject, _args.ConfigValue); // TODO: Make this opt in via another mechanism var makeRunnable = compilationOptions.EmitEntryPoint.GetValueOrDefault() || _rootProject.IsTestProject(); if (makeRunnable) { var outputPathCalculator = _rootProject.GetOutputPathCalculator(_args.OutputValue); var rids = new List<string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_args.RuntimeValue)) { rids.AddRange(PlatformServices.Default.Runtime.GetAllCandidateRuntimeIdentifiers()); } else { rids.Add(_args.RuntimeValue); } var runtimeContext = ProjectContext.Create(_rootProject.ProjectDirectory, _rootProject.TargetFramework, rids); var executable = new Executable(runtimeContext, outputPathCalculator); executable.MakeCompilationOutputRunnable(_args.ConfigValue); } }
private void MakeRunnable() { var runtimeContext = _rootProject.CreateRuntimeContext(_args.GetRuntimes()); var outputPaths = runtimeContext.GetOutputPaths(_args.ConfigValue, _args.BuildBasePathValue, _args.OutputValue); var libraryExporter = runtimeContext.CreateExporter(_args.ConfigValue, _args.BuildBasePathValue); CopyCompilationOutput(outputPaths); var executable = new Executable(runtimeContext, outputPaths, libraryExporter); executable.MakeCompilationOutputRunnable(); PatchMscorlibNextToCoreClr(runtimeContext, _args.ConfigValue); }
public void OnPostExecute(Executable exec, ref bool fireAgain) { }
public AssemblyLoadResult Load(LoadContext loadContext) { string name = loadContext.AssemblyName; string targetDir = Path.Combine(_solutionDir, name); // Bail if there's a project settings file if (Project.HasProjectFile(targetDir)) { return null; } string projectFile = Path.Combine(targetDir, name + ".csproj"); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(projectFile)) { // There's a solution so check for a project one deeper if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(targetDir, name + ".sln"))) { // Is there a project file here? projectFile = Path.Combine(targetDir, name, name + ".csproj"); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(projectFile)) { return null; } } else { return null; } } WatchProject(projectFile); string projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile); foreach (var exePath in _msBuildPaths) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(exePath)) { continue; } var executable = new Executable(exePath, projectDir); string outputFile = null; var process = executable.Execute(line => { // Look for {project} -> {outputPath} int index = line.IndexOf('-'); if (index != -1 && index + 1 < line.Length && line[index + 1] == '>') { string projectName = line.Substring(0, index).Trim(); if (projectName.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { outputFile = line.Substring(index + 2).Trim(); } } return true; }, _ => true, Encoding.UTF8, projectFile + " /m"); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { // REVIEW: Should this throw? return null; } return new AssemblyLoadResult(Assembly.LoadFile(outputFile)); } return null; }
public void Initialize(Executable e, EndProc ep) { exe = e; endProc = ep; }
public void OnPreValidate(Executable exec, ref bool fireAgain) { }