Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>Set the text. Int numbers mean color in RGB format
    /// </summary>
    public void SetText(string text, float fontsize, int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0)

        _easyDraw.Text(text, _easyDraw.width / 2, _easyDraw.height / 2);
        _easyDraw.Fill(a, b, c);
        void Update()
            _easy.ShapeAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min);
            _easy.Rect(0, 0, _easy.width - _borderWeight, _easy.height - _borderWeight);

            _easy.TextAlign(CenterMode.Min, CenterMode.Min);
            _easy.Text(_textToShow, _paddingX, _paddingY);

            if (_pressAnyKeyMsg != null)
                _pressAnyKeyMsg.visible = _showPressAnyKeyToNext;
Esempio n. 3
        // REGION: public static utility methods, related to creating and placing GXPEngine objects
        // based on data from Tiled Objects.

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an EasyDraw for displaying text, based on the configuration parameters of a
        /// Tiled object. (Including font, text alignment, color)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The Tiled (text) object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EasyDraw CreateTextField(TiledObject obj, bool addCollider = true, bool highQualityText = true)
            float    scaleMultiplier = highQualityText ? 2 : 1;          // 1=as is. 2=better antialiasing, but 4 x size
            EasyDraw message         = new EasyDraw((int)Mathf.Ceiling(obj.Width * scaleMultiplier), (int)Mathf.Ceiling(obj.Height * scaleMultiplier), addCollider);
            // TODO: Cache fonts?

            // Set Font:
            FontStyle f = FontStyle.Regular;

            if (obj.textField.bold == 1 && obj.textField.italic == 1)
                f = FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic;
            else if (obj.textField.bold == 0 && obj.textField.italic == 1)
                f = FontStyle.Italic;
            else if (obj.textField.bold == 1 && obj.textField.italic == 0)
                f = FontStyle.Bold;
            message.TextFont(new Font(obj.textField.font, Mathf.Round(obj.textField.fontSize * scaleMultiplier), f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel));
   = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;             //AntiAlias;

            // Set text alignment:
                obj.textField.horizontalAlign == "left" ? CenterMode.Min : (obj.textField.horizontalAlign == "right" ? CenterMode.Max : CenterMode.Center),
                obj.textField.verticalAlign == "top" ? CenterMode.Min : (obj.textField.verticalAlign == "bottom" ? CenterMode.Max : CenterMode.Center)

            // Set color:
            uint col = obj.textField.Color;

            message.Fill(Color.FromArgb((int)(col & 255), (int)((col >> 24) & 255), (int)((col >> 16) & 255), (int)((col >> 8) & 255)), (int)(col & 255));
