/// <summary> /// Constructor 2 /// </summary> /// <param name="pConfig">Plotting configuration</param> /// <param name="minPoint">Bottom - left point</param> /// <param name="maxPoint">Up - right point</param> public Sheet(EPoint2D minPoint, EPoint2D maxPoint, string sheetPath, string layoutName ) : this() { MinPoint = minPoint; MaxPoint = maxPoint; Path = sheetPath; Name = layoutName; }
/// <summary> /// Gets window plotted from active document and sets to this /// </summary> public void Set(AcadApplication acApp) { // Set focus to acad application AcadApp.SetFocus(acApp.HWND); try { // Set window to plot AcadUtility acUtil = acApp.ActiveDocument.Utility; double[] p1, p2; p1 = acUtil.GetPoint(System.Type.Missing, "\nSpecify plot window: ") as double[]; p2 = acUtil.GetCorner(p1, System.Type.Missing) as double[]; MinPoint = new EPoint2D(p1[0], p1[1]); MaxPoint = new EPoint2D(p2[0], p2[1]); // Set Path (path of .dwg file) this.Path = acApp.ActiveDocument.FullName; // Set Name (= name of layout) this.Name = acApp.ActiveDocument.ActiveLayout.Name; } catch { } }