/// <summary>
        /// 9
        /// Creates spell. Use Action's index to get the spell by index from Spells.STD
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triggerObj"></param>
        /// <param name="thisAction"></param>
        public static void CastSpell(GameObject triggerObj, DaggerfallAction thisAction)
            thisAction.Cooldown -= 45.454546f; // Approximates classic based on observation
            if (thisAction.Cooldown <= 0)
                SpellRecord.SpellRecordData spell;
                if (GameManager.Instance.EntityEffectBroker.GetClassicSpellRecord(thisAction.Index, out spell))
                    // Create effect bundle settings from classic spell
                    EffectBundleSettings bundleSettings;
                    if (GameManager.Instance.EntityEffectBroker.ClassicSpellRecordDataToEffectBundleSettings(spell, BundleTypes.Spell, out bundleSettings))
                        if (bundleSettings.TargetType == TargetTypes.CasterOnly)
                            // Spell is readied on player for free
                            GameManager.Instance.PlayerEffectManager.SetReadySpell(thisAction.Index, true);
                            // Spell is fired at player, at strength of player level, from triggering object
                            DaggerfallMissile missile = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEffectManager.InstantiateSpellMissile(bundleSettings.ElementType);
                            missile.Payload = new EntityEffectBundle(bundleSettings, GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour);
                            Vector3 customAimPosition = thisAction.transform.position;
                            customAimPosition.y       += 40 * MeshReader.GlobalScale;
                            missile.CustomAimPosition  = customAimPosition;
                            missile.CustomAimDirection = Vector3.Normalize(GameManager.Instance.PlayerObject.transform.position - thisAction.transform.position);

                //Reset cooldown
                thisAction.Cooldown = 1000;
        private void PlayerSpellCasting_OnReleaseFrame()
            Vector3 missileDirection = GameManager.Instance.MainCamera.transform.forward;
            Vector3 missilePosition  = transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.35f + missileDirection * 0.85f;

            // TEMP: Just hurling test missiles with no payload at this time
            DaggerfallMissile missile = Instantiate(ColdMissilePrefab);

            missile.ExecuteMobileMissile(missilePosition, missileDirection);

            lastSpell  = readySpell;
            readySpell = null;
        private void PlayerSpellCasting_OnReleaseFrame()
            // TODO: Split missile generation from player spell casting so monsters can also cast spells
            // Using player as sole testing platform for now

            // Must have a ready spell
            if (readySpell == null)

            // Play cast sound from caster audio source
            if (readySpell.CasterEntityBehaviour)
                int castSoundID = GetCastSoundID(readySpell.Settings.ElementType);
                DaggerfallAudioSource audioSource = readySpell.CasterEntityBehaviour.GetComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();
                if (castSoundID != -1 && audioSource)

            // Assign bundle directly to self if target is caster
            // Otherwise instatiate missile prefab based on element type
            if (readySpell.Settings.TargetType == TargetTypes.CasterOnly)
                DaggerfallMissile missile = InstantiateMissile(readySpell.Settings.ElementType);
                if (missile)
                    missile.Payload = readySpell;

            // Clear ready spell and reset casting
            lastSpell      = readySpell;
            readySpell     = null;
            instantCast    = false;
            castInProgress = false;