Esempio n. 1
        protected override void ScanAssembly(Assembly assembly)
            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                System.Attribute[] attributes = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type);

                foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes)
                    if (attribute is DatabaseRequest)
                        var  request   = (DatabaseRequest)attribute;
                        uint requestId = DBRequestTypeUtils.GetRequestID(request.Type);

                        ClsIdToType.Add(requestId, type);
                        if (!TypeToClsId.ContainsKey(type))
                            TypeToClsId.Add(type, requestId);
                    else if (attribute is DatabaseResponse)
                        var  response   = (DatabaseResponse)attribute;
                        uint responseId = DBResponseTypeUtils.GetResponseID(response.Type);

                        ClsIdToType.Add(responseId, type);
                        if (!TypeToClsId.ContainsKey(type))
                            TypeToClsId.Add(type, responseId);
Esempio n. 2
        public void MessageReceived(AriesClient client, object message)
            if (!(message is DBRequestWrapperPDU))

            DBRequestWrapperPDU response = (DBRequestWrapperPDU)message;

            if (response.Body is cTSONetMessageStandard)
                var body = (cTSONetMessageStandard)response.Body;
                var type = DBResponseTypeUtils.FromResponseID(body.DatabaseType.Value);

                //TODO: I feel like a sequence id would be better for matching up request / responses, perhaps the old protocol has this and we've just missed it
                var callback = PendingRequests[response.SendingAvatarID];//.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResponseType == type);
                if (callback != null)

                    GameThread.NextUpdate(x =>
                        catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        static ConstantsPacketAnalyzer()
            /*var voltronTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(VoltronPacketType));
             * foreach (var name in voltronTypes)
             * {
             *  var enumValue = (VoltronPacketType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VoltronPacketType), name);
             *  if (enumValue == VoltronPacketType.Unknown) { continue; }
             *  Constants.Add(new Constant {
             *      Type = ConstantType.USHORT,
             *      Description = "VoltronPacket." + name,
             *      Value = VoltronPacketTypeUtils.GetPacketCode(enumValue)
             *  });
             * }*/

            var dbRequestTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DBRequestType));

            foreach (var name in dbRequestTypes)
                var enumValue = (DBRequestType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DBRequestType), name);
                if (enumValue == DBRequestType.Unknown)

                Constants.Add(new Constant
                    Type        = ConstantType.UINT,
                    Description = "DBRequestType." + name,
                    Value       = DBRequestTypeUtils.GetRequestID(enumValue)

                if (enumValue == DBRequestType.UpdatePreferedLanguageByID)
                    var val = DBRequestTypeUtils.GetRequestID(enumValue);

            var dbResponseTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DBResponseType));

            foreach (var name in dbResponseTypes)
                var enumValue = (DBResponseType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DBResponseType), name);
                if (enumValue == DBResponseType.Unknown)
                Constants.Add(new Constant
                    Type        = ConstantType.UINT,
                    Description = "DBResponseType." + name,
                    Value       = DBResponseTypeUtils.GetResponseID(enumValue)

            var magicNumberTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MagicNumberEnum));

            foreach (var name in magicNumberTypes)
                var enumValue = (MagicNumberEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(MagicNumberEnum), name);
                var intVal    = MagicNumberEnumUtils.ToInt(enumValue);
                var floatVal  = MagicNumberEnumUtils.ToFloat(enumValue);

                Constants.Add(new Constant
                    Type        = ConstantType.UINT,
                    Description = "MagicNumberEnum." + name + "( " + intVal + ", " + floatVal + ")",
                    Value       = MagicNumberEnumUtils.ToID(enumValue)

            var voltronTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(VoltronPacketType));

            foreach (var name in voltronTypes)
                var enumValue = (VoltronPacketType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VoltronPacketType), name);
                if (enumValue == VoltronPacketType.Unknown)

                var intVal = VoltronPacketTypeUtils.GetPacketCode(enumValue);

                Constants.Add(new Constant
                    Type        = ConstantType.USHORT,
                    Description = "VoltronPacketType." + name,
                    Value       = intVal

            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x09736027, Description = "cTSOTopicUpdateMessage"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x0A2C6585, Description = "cTSODataTransportBuffer"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x496A78BC, Description = "cTSODataDefinitionContainer"

            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x097608AB, Description = "cTSOValueVector < unsigned char>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x097608B3, Description = "cTSOValueVector < signed char>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x097608B6, Description = "cTSOValueVector < unsigned short>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x29739B14, Description = "cTSOTopic"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x2A404946, Description = "cTSOTopicUpdateErrorMessage"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x496A78BC, Description = "cTSODataDefinitionContainer"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x696D1183, Description = "cTSOValue < bool >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x696D1189, Description = "cTSOValue < unsigned long>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x69D3E3DB, Description = "cTSOValue < unsigned __int64 >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x896D1196, Description = "cTSOValue < long >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x896D11A2, Description = "cTSOValueMap <class cRZAutoRefCount<class cITSOProperty> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x896D1688, Description = "cTSOValue<class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZString> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x89738492, Description = "cTSOValueBVector"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x89738496, Description = "cTSOValueVector<unsigned long>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x8973849A, Description = "cTSOValueVector<long>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x8973849E, Description = "cTSOValueVector <class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZString> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x89739A79, Description = "cTSOProperty"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x89D3E3EF, Description = "cTSOValue<__int64>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0x89D3E40E, Description = "cTSOValueMap<unsigned __int64>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA96E38A0, Description = "cTSOValueMap<unsigned long>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA96E38A8, Description = "cTSOValueMap<long>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA96E38AC, Description = "cTSOValueMap <class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZString> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA96E7E5B, Description = "cTSOValue<class cRZAutoRefCount<class cITSOProperty> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA97353EE, Description = "cTSODataService"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA97384A3, Description = "cTSOValueVector<class cRZAutoRefCount<class cITSOProperty> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA975FA6E, Description = "cTSODataServiceClient"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA99AF3A8, Description = "cTSOValueMap<class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZUnknown> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA99AF3AC, Description = "cTSOValueVector <class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZUnknown> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA99AF3B7, Description = "cTSOValue<class cRZAutoRefCount<class cIGZUnknown> >"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA9D3E412, Description = "cTSOValueMap<__int64>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA9D3E428, Description = "cTSOValueVector <unsigned __int64>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xA9D3E42D, Description = "cTSOValueVector<__int64>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xC976087C, Description = "cTSOValue<unsigned char>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xC97757F5, Description = "cTSOValueMap<bool>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE976088A, Description = "cTSOValue<signed char>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE9760891, Description = "cTSOValue<unsigned short>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE9760897, Description = "cTSOValue<short>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE976089F, Description = "cTSOValueMap<unsigned char>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE97608A2, Description = "cTSOValueMap<signed char>"

            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE97608A5, Description = "cTSOValueMap <unsigned short>"
            Constants.Add(new Constant {
                Type = ConstantType.UINT, Value = 0xE97608A8, Description = "cTSOValueMap<short>"