Esempio n. 1
        public void CustomsOfficer_FindAllYesInAGroup_WorksAsExpected()
            List <CustomsForm> _testData = _customsOfficer.CreateCustomsFormGroup("a bc cfh d");
            string             result    = _customsOfficer.FindAllYesInAGroup(_testData);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("abcfhd"));
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CustomsOfficer customsOfficer = new CustomsOfficer();
            List <string>  rawData        = Helper.ReadInDataAndSeparateWhenBlankLine("data.txt");

            foreach (string data in rawData)
                List <CustomsForm> singleGroup = customsOfficer.CreateCustomsFormGroup(data);
            List <string> answeredYes = new List <string>();

            foreach (List <CustomsForm> group in customsOfficer.groupOfGroups)
            int result = customsOfficer.HowManyYesInAllGroups(answeredYes);

            Console.WriteLine($"The sum of all unique Yes answers in all groups is {result}.");

            // Challenge 2

            result = 0;
            foreach (List <CustomsForm> group in customsOfficer.groupOfGroups)
                result += customsOfficer.SecondTry(group);
            Console.WriteLine($"The number of questions that everyone in a group answered Yes to is {result}.");