Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures the specified application builder.
 /// <para>
 /// Invoked from <see cref="Startup.Configuration"/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="appBuilder">The application builder.</param>
 public static void Configure(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
     // Do the work down in Infrastructure,
     // rather than up in Application, so that
     // DbContext Migrations can reuse the code
     // when you invoke 'add-migration' from the Powershell
     // command line.
        // The reason for this is that, under normal run
        // conditions, the Exe entry point is IIS, and therefore
        // goes through OWIN, and from there finds StructureMapMvc
        // and it invokes IoC.Initialize.

        // But when running under Powershell, the entry point is some
        // Exe, that knows nothing about Owin, or even the MVC startup.
        // So it doesn't get to StructureMapMvc.
        // Therefore the DI/IoC container is not available.
        // Therefore most of the code falls apart with the powershell
        // scripts saying it could not instantiate classes that don't
        // have argumentless constructors.

        // The only good side is that for getting through add-migration
        // and update-database we need the IoC container, but don't need
        // any fancy scope. So it's really a couple of lines (as shown
        // below.

        // There's one last bad news.
        // This solution works. At least for add-database (it will
        // find all Database Models and ModelBuilder 'fragments').
        // But the 'update-database' which invokes the seeders must
        // run on a different underlying exe that just can't find the App-Domain
        // (when using the -AppDomainBaseDirectory switch on the
        // update-database method).
        // Hence the Switch
        public static void Initialize()
            if (Initialized)

            if (StructureMapContainerLocator.Container != null)
            var container = IoC.Initialize();

            StructureMapContainerLocator.Register(() => container);

            Initialized = true;