Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <ICommandResultBase> UninstallAsync()
            var output = new CommandResultBase();

            foreach (var descriptor in Descriptors)
                // Ensure the feature is enabled
                var feature = await _featureFacade.GetFeatureByIdAsync(descriptor.ModuleId);

                if (feature == null)

                var result = await UninstallLabelsAsync(feature);

                if (!result.Succeeded)

Esempio n. 2
        async Task <ICommandResultBase> DropIndexesInternalAsync()
            // Build result
            var result = new CommandResultBase();

            // Get provided indexes
            var providedIndexes = _fullTextIndexManager.GetIndexes();

            // Drop all provided indexes
            foreach (var providedIndex in providedIndexes)
                var deleteIndex = await _fullTextIndexCommand.DeleteAsync(new SchemaFullTextIndex()
                    TableName = providedIndex.TableName

                if (!deleteIndex.Succeeded)

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <ICommandResultBase> InitialMigrationsAsync()
            // Our result
            var output = new CommandResultBase();

            // Get all installed features
            var features = await _shellFeatureStore.SelectFeatures();

            // We need features to upgrade
            if (features == null)
                return(output.Failed("No features could be found within the shell features store."));

            // Attempt to update each found feature and compile any errors
            var errors = new List <CommandError>();

            foreach (var feature in features)
                var result = await _shellFeatureUpdater.UpdateAsync(feature.ModuleId);

                if (result.Errors.Any())

            // Did any feature upgrade encounter errors?
            if (errors.Count > 0)

            // Return success
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task <ICommandResultBase> UninstallInternalAsync(IShellSettings shellSettings)
            // Our result
            var result = new CommandResultBase();

            var errors = new List <CommandError>();

            // ----------------------
            // 1. Attempt to delete App_Data/{SiteName} folder
            // ----------------------

            var deleted = true;

                deleted = _shellSettingsManager.DeleteSettings(shellSettings);
            catch (Exception e)
                errors.Add(new CommandError(e.Message));

            // Report any errors
            if (errors.Count > 0)

            // Ensure we could delete the directory
            if (deleted == false)
                return(result.Failed($"Cannot delete tenant folder with the name \"{shellSettings.Location}\"!"));

            // ----------------------
            // 2. Attempt to drop all tables and stored procedures with our table prefix
            // ----------------------

            using (var shellContext = _shellContextFactory.CreateMinimalShellContext(shellSettings))
                using (var scope = shellContext.ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                    using (var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IDbContext>())
                        // update dbContext confirmation
                        dbContext.Configure(options =>
                            options.ConnectionString = shellSettings.ConnectionString;
                            options.DatabaseProvider = shellSettings.DatabaseProvider;
                            options.TablePrefix      = shellSettings.TablePrefix;

                        var logger   = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <TenantSetUpService> >();
                        var dbHelper = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IDbHelper>();

                            await dbHelper.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>(UninstallSql, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                ["{prefix}"] = shellSettings.TablePrefix
                        catch (Exception e)
                            errors.Add(new CommandError(e.Message));

            // ----------------------
            // 3. Dispose the tenant
            // ----------------------

            // Ensure no errors occurred
            if (errors.Count == 0)

            return(errors.Count > 0
                ? result.Failed(errors.ToArray())
                : result.Success());
Esempio n. 5
        // ----------

        async Task <ICommandResultBase> InstallInternalAsync(IShellFeature feature)
            // Validate

            if (feature == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feature));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.ModuleId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feature.ModuleId));

            var user = await _contextFacade.GetAuthenticatedUserAsync();

            // Get all feature tags
            var labels = await _labelStore.QueryAsync()
                         .Select <LabelQueryParams>(Q =>

            // Associate every tag with at least 1 entity

            var output = new CommandResultBase();

            if (labels != null)
                var entities = await _entityStore.QueryAsync()
                               .Select <EntityQueryParams>(q =>

                var alreadyAdded = new Dictionary <int, Entity>();
                foreach (var label in labels?.Data)
                    var randomEntities = GetRandomEntities(entities?.Data, alreadyAdded);
                    if (randomEntities == null)
                    foreach (var entity in randomEntities)
                        var result = await _entityLabelManager.CreateAsync(new EntityLabel()
                            EntityId      = entity.Id,
                            LabelId       = label.Id,
                            CreatedUserId = user?.Id ?? 0,
                            CreatedDate   = DateTime.UtcNow

                        if (!result.Succeeded)

Esempio n. 6
        // --------------------

        async Task <ICommandResultBase> ApplyLatestHistoryPoint(Idea entity, IdeaComment reply)
            // Get current user
            var user = await _contextFacade.GetAuthenticatedUserAsync();

            // We need to be authenticated to make changes
            if (user == null)
                return(await ResetEditDetails(entity, reply, user));

            // Get newest / most recent history entry
            var histories = await _entityHistoryStore.QueryAsync()
                            .Take(1, false)
                            .Select <EntityHistoryQueryParams>(q =>
                q.EntityReplyId.Equals(reply?.Id ?? 0);
                            .OrderBy("Id", OrderBy.Desc)

            // No history point, return success
            if (histories == null)
                return(await ResetEditDetails(entity, reply, user));

            // No history point, return success
            if (histories.Data == null)
                return(await ResetEditDetails(entity, reply, user));

            // No history point, return success
            if (histories.Data.Count == 0)
                return(await ResetEditDetails(entity, reply, user));

            var history = histories.Data[0];

            // No history available reset edit details
            if (history == null)
                return(await ResetEditDetails(entity, reply, user));

            // Update edit details based on latest history point

            var result = new CommandResultBase();

            if (reply != null)
                reply.ModifiedUserId = user.Id;
                reply.ModifiedDate   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                reply.EditedUserId   = history.CreatedUserId;
                reply.EditedDate     = history.CreatedDate;

                // Update reply to history point
                var updateResult = await _entityReplyStore.UpdateAsync(reply);

                if (updateResult != null)
                entity.ModifiedUserId = user.Id;
                entity.ModifiedDate   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                entity.EditedUserId   = history.CreatedUserId;
                entity.EditedDate     = history.CreatedDate;

                // Update entity to history point
                var updateResult = await _entityStore.UpdateAsync(entity);

                if (updateResult != null)

Esempio n. 7
        async Task <ICommandResultBase> InstallEntityInternalAsync(SampleDataDescriptor descriptor, IList <User> users, int sortOrder = 0)
            // Validate

            if (descriptor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptor));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.ModuleId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptor.ModuleId));

            // Our result
            var result = new CommandResultBase();

            // Ensure the feature is enabled
            var feature = await _featureFacade.GetFeatureByIdAsync(descriptor.ModuleId);

            if (feature == null)
                return(result.Failed($"The feature {descriptor.ModuleId} is not enabled!"));

            // Get a random user for the post
            var randomUser = users[_random.Next(0, users.Count)];

            // Capitalize the first character of our entity type
            var entityTypeCapitalized = char.ToUpper(descriptor.EntityType[0]).ToString() + descriptor.EntityType.Substring(1);

            // Create the post
            var entity = new Entity()
                Title         = $"Example {entityTypeCapitalized} {_random.Next(0, 2000).ToString()}",
                Message       = GetEntityText(descriptor),
                FeatureId     = feature?.Id ?? 0,
                SortOrder     = sortOrder + 1,
                CreatedUserId = randomUser?.Id ?? 0,
                CreatedDate   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

            // Create entity
            var entityResult = await _entityManager.CreateAsync(entity);

            if (entityResult.Succeeded)
                var lastReplyId       = string.Empty;
                var lastReplyUserName = string.Empty;
                var lastReplyMessage  = string.Empty;

                // Create entity replies
                for (var i = 0; i < descriptor.EntityRepliesToCreate; i++)
                    randomUser = users[_random.Next(0, users.Count - 1)];

                    var message = GetReplyText(descriptor);

                    message = message.Replace("{replyUserName}", randomUser?.UserName ?? "");

                    message = message.Replace("{lastReplyId}", lastReplyId ?? "");
                    message = message.Replace("{lastReplyMessage}", lastReplyMessage ?? "");
                    message = message.Replace("{lastReplyQuotedMessage}", lastReplyMessage.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, System.Environment.NewLine + "> ") ?? "");
                    message = message.Replace("{lastReplyUserName}", lastReplyUserName ?? "");

                    message = message.Replace("{entityId}", entityResult.Response.Id.ToString() ?? "");
                    message = message.Replace("{entityTitle}", entityResult.Response.Title ?? "");
                    message = message.Replace("{entityUserName}", entityResult.Response.CreatedBy.UserName);

                    message = message.Replace("{mentionSample}", BuildMentionSampleMarkUp());

                    message = message.Replace("{lastReplyUrl}", _contextFacade.GetRouteUrl(new RouteValueDictionary()
                        ["area"]         = descriptor.ModuleId,
                        ["controller"]   = "Home",
                        ["action"]       = "Reply",
                        [""]      = entityResult.Response.Id.ToString() ?? "",
                        ["opts.alias"]   = entityResult.Response.Alias.ToString() ?? "",
                        ["opts.replyId"] = lastReplyId ?? ""

                    // Create reply
                    var reply = new EntityReply()
                        EntityId      = entityResult.Response.Id,
                        Message       = message,
                        CreatedUserId = randomUser?.Id ?? 0,
                        CreatedDate   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

                    // Add reply
                    var replyResult = await _entityReplyManager.CreateAsync(reply);

                    if (!replyResult.Succeeded)

                    lastReplyId       = replyResult.Response.Id.ToString();
                    lastReplyMessage  = replyResult.Response.Message;
                    lastReplyUserName = replyResult.Response.CreatedBy.UserName;

        // ----------

        async Task <ICommandResultBase> InstallInternalAsync(IShellFeature feature)
            // Validate

            if (feature == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feature));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.ModuleId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feature.ModuleId));

            var user = await _contextFacade.GetAuthenticatedUserAsync();

            // Get all feature tags
            var categories = await _categoryStore.QueryAsync()
                             .Select <CategoryQueryParams>(Q =>

            // Associate every category with at least 1 entity

            var output = new CommandResultBase();

            if (categories != null)
                var entityFeature = await GetEntityFeatureAsync(feature);

                if (entityFeature == null)
                    return(output.Failed($"A feature named {feature.ModuleId.Replace(".Categories", "")} is not enabled!"));

                // Get entities for feature
                var entities = await _entityStore.QueryAsync()
                               .Select <EntityQueryParams>(q =>

                // Keeps track of entities already added to categories
                var alreadyAdded = new Dictionary <int, Entity>();

                // Interate categories building random entities
                // not already added to a category and adding
                // those random entities to the current category
                foreach (var category in categories?.Data)
                    // Get random entities
                    var randomEntities = GetRandomEntities(entities?.Data, alreadyAdded);

                    // Ensure we have some random entities, they may have already al been added
                    if (randomEntities == null)

                    // Add random entities to category
                    foreach (var randomEntity in randomEntities)
                        // Get the full entity
                        var entity = await _entityStore.GetByIdAsync(randomEntity.Id);

                        // Update
                        entity.CategoryId     = category.Id;
                        entity.ModifiedUserId = user?.Id ?? 0;
                        entity.ModifiedDate   = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Persist
                        var entityResult = await _entityManager.UpdateAsync(entity);

                        if (entityResult.Succeeded)
                            // Add entity / category relationship
                            var result = await _entityCategoryManager.CreateAsync(new EntityCategory()
                                EntityId      = entityResult.Response.Id,
                                CategoryId    = category.Id,
                                CreatedUserId = user?.Id ?? 0,
                                CreatedDate   = DateTime.UtcNow

                            if (!result.Succeeded)

Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <ICommandResultBase> UpdateAsync(string moduleId)
            var output = new CommandResultBase();

            // Get installed feature
            var feature = await _featureFacade.GetFeatureByIdAsync(moduleId);

            // Ensure we found the feature
            if (feature == null)
                           $"A feature named '{moduleId}' could not be found within the ShellFeatures table."));

            // Get available module
            var module = await _shellDescriptorManager.GetFeatureAsync(moduleId);

            // Ensure we found the module
            if (module == null)
                return(output.Failed($"A module named '{moduleId}' could not be found on the file system. Please ensure the '{moduleId}' module exists within the root/modules folder."));

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // 1. Check to ensure we have a newer version of the module
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            var from = feature.Version.ToVersion();
            var to   = module.Descriptor.Version.ToVersion();

            if (from == null)
                           $"Could not convert version for feature {feature.ModuleId} of {feature.Version} to a valid version. Please check the version within the shell features database table."));

            if (to == null)
                           $"Could not convert version for module {module.Descriptor.Id} of {module.Descriptor.Version} to a valid version. Please check the version within the modules manifest file."));

            // No newer version simply return
            if (from >= to)

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // 2. Check to ensure the module we are updating is compatible
            // with the current version of Plato we are running
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            var modulePlatoVersion = module.Descriptor.PlatoVersion.ToVersion();

            // Does the module have a Plato version defined?
            if (modulePlatoVersion != null)
                // Get current Plato version
                var currentPlatoVersion = _platoOptions.Value.Version.ToVersion();
                if (currentPlatoVersion != null)
                    // Does the module require a newer version of Plato?
                    if (modulePlatoVersion > currentPlatoVersion)
                                   $"{moduleId} {module.Descriptor.Version} requires Plato {modulePlatoVersion.ToString()} whilst you are running Plato {currentPlatoVersion.ToString()}. Please upgrade to Plato {modulePlatoVersion.ToString()} and try updating {moduleId} again."));

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // 3. Invoke FeatureEventHandlers & database migrations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            var results = await InvokeFeatureEventHandlersAsync(
                feature, async context =>
                // The result to return
                var result = new CommandResultBase();

                // Perform migrations from current installed feature version
                // to latest available version defined via the modules IMigrationProvider

                // All versions between from and to
                var versions = from.GetVersionsBetween(to);

                // Compile versions to search
                var versionsToSearch = versions != null
                        ? versions?.ToList().Select(v => v.ToString())
                        : new List <string>();

                // Build migrations for feature & versions
                var migrations = _migrationBuilder.BuildMigrations(moduleId, versionsToSearch.ToArray());

                // Apply migrations
                var migrationResults = await migrations.ApplyMigrationsAsync();

                // We may not have migrations
                if (migrationResults != null)
                    // Did any errors occur whilst applying the migration?
                    if (migrationResults.Errors.Any())
                        var errors = new List <CommandError>();
                        foreach (var error in migrationResults.Errors)
                            errors.Add(new CommandError(error.Message));


                // If we reach this point everything went OK, Migrations applied
                // successfully and no errors occurred within the features update handlers.
                // Finally update the features version within the ShellFeatures table to reflect
                // the new version of the module we've just updated to, also update
                // shell descriptor to reflect version changes within dictionary store

                var updateResult = await UpdateShellFeatureVersionAsync(feature, module.Descriptor.Version);
                if (updateResult.Errors.Any())

                // Return success

            // Did any errors occur?
            var handlerErrors = results
                                .Where(c => c.Value.Errors.Any())
                                .SelectMany(h => h.Value.Errors)

            if (handlerErrors.Count > 0)
                var errors = new List <CommandError>();
                foreach (var error in handlerErrors)
                    errors.Add(new CommandError(error.Value));

            // No errors, recycle shell context to apply updates

Esempio n. 10
        public async Task <ICommandResultBase> ValidateCompanyNameAsync(string companyName)
            var result = new CommandResultBase();
            var error  = "The company name is invalid or is already in use. Please try a different company name.";

            // We always need a company name
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName))
                return(result.Failed("A company name is required!"));

            // Validate characters
            var valid = true;

            foreach (var c in companyName)
                // Not a letter, digit or space
                if (!c.IsLetterDigitOrSpace())
                    valid = false;

            // Only allow letters digits and spaces
            if (valid == false)
                return(result.Failed("The company name cannot contain special characters. Only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed. Please try a different company name."));

            // Create the company name alias to compare with our blacklist
            var companyNameAlias = _aliasCrator.Create(companyName);

            // We need an alias
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyNameAlias))

            // Does the company name appear in the blacklist?
            var blackList = GetBlackListedCompanyNames();

            foreach (var item in blackList)
                if (item.Equals(companyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (item.Equals(companyNameAlias, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            // ---------------
            // Does the company name already exist?
            // We need company names to be unique as the
            // tenant RequestedPrefixUrl uses CompanyNameAlias
            // ---------------

            var signUps = await _signUpStore.QueryAsync()
                          .Select <SignUpQueryParams>(q =>

            if (signUps?.Data != null)
