public void With_NullArguments()
                // Arrange
                var tool = new CommandLineTool();

                // Act
                tool.ProcesInputFilePath(null, null, null);

                // Assert
                // Without arguments the function should process nothing.
            public void With_InputFile()
                // Arrange
                const string inputFilePath     = @"";
                const string startingDirectory = @"C:\SomeFolder";
                var          parsedOptions     = new ParsedCommandLineOptions()
                    InputFilePath = inputFilePath
                var processedOptions = new CommandLineToolOptions();
                var tool             = new CommandLineTool();

                // Act
                tool.ProcesInputFilePath(parsedOptions, processedOptions, startingDirectory);

                // Assert
                parsedOptions.Should().NotBeNull("because the parsed options object was given");
                processedOptions.Should().NotBeNull("because the processed options object was given");

                processedOptions.InputFilePath.Should().Be(inputFilePath, "because it was given");
                processedOptions.InputFileName.Should().Be(@"", "because that is the filename part of the path");
                processedOptions.RootedInputFilePath.Should().Be(@"C:\SomeFolder\", "because combines the starting directory with the filename");
                processedOptions.InputFileDirectory.Should().Be(startingDirectory, "because the starting directory should be the default");