Esempio n. 1
        // create the property panel as a table. The panel contains each column
        // being prompted.
        private void CreatePropertyPanel(AcTable InPanel)
            AcTableRow  row;
            AcTableCell cell;
            string      columnValue;
            DataRow     rowrow = null;
            DataTable   rowtbl = null;

            // create the property panel as a table.
            InPanel.AddStyle("background-color", "lightgrey")
            .AddStyle("font-family", "Verdana, Arial")
            .AddStyle("border-color", "white");

            // first row holds the property panel title
            .AddAttribute("ColSpan", "2")
            .AddStyle("text-align", "center")

            // build a dataset holding the single row to be prompted.
            if ((ActionCode != ActionCode.Add) && (RowSelect != null))
                DataSet rowds = TableRowToDataSet();
                rowtbl = rowds.Tables[0];
                rowrow = rowtbl.Rows[0];

            foreach (ColumnPrompt column in Columns)
                // add a row to the panel grid for each column in the table row being prompted.
                //			foreach ( DataColumn column in rowtbl.Columns )
                //			{
                string columnName = column.ColumnName;
                columnValue = null;

                // AcColumnInfo of the column.
                AcColumnInfo info = null;
                if ((ColumnInfo != null) && (ColumnInfo.ContainsKey(columnName)))
                    info = ColumnInfo[columnName];

                // get ColumnPrompt of this column.
                // ( either default or the entry from mColumns collection )
                //				if ( Columns.Count == 0 )
                //					cp = new ColumnPrompt( ColumnName ) ;
                //				else
                //					cp = FindColumnPrompt( ColumnName ) ;
                //				if ( cp == null )
                //					continue ;

                // add an AcTableRow to the panel AcTable
                row = InPanel.AddNewRow();

                // column prompt text
                string headingText = columnName;
                if ((info != null) && (info.HeadingText != null))
                    headingText = info.HeadingText;

                // first column is the column prompt text
                .AddStyle("padding-right", "2%")

                // second column is the column value.
                // Get the value from either the sql selected row ( see RowSelect property )
                // or the InputColumnValues ColumnName/ColumnValue dictionary.
                cell = row.AddNewCell();
                if (rowrow != null)
                    columnValue = rowrow[columnName].ToString();
                else if (mInputColumnValues != null)
                    columnValue = mInputColumnValues[columnName];

                if ((info != null) && (info.AllowedValues != null))
                    DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
                    foreach (string alwvlu in info.AllowedValues)
                else if (AlwChg == true)
                    TextBox tb = new TextBox();
                    tb.Text = columnValue;
                    cell.AddStyle("padding-right", "1%")