Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for and deal with moves that should not be allowed.
        /// Previously the only disallowed move was one that reorganized a chart template that is in use.
        /// This is not the optimum place to 'know' about this, but I (JohnT) am not sure where is.
        /// Now we are disallowing certain moves within the TextMarkup Tags list too, so I (GordonM) have
        /// refactored a bit.
        /// Review: Should these be pulled out to the PossibilityTreeBarHandler subclass?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoMove"></param>
        /// <param name="hvoDest"></param>
        /// <returns>true if a problem was reported and the move should be cancelled.</returns>
        private bool CheckAndReportForbiddenMove(int hvoMove, int hvoDest)
            FdoCache      cache          = (FdoCache)m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("cache");
            CmPossibility movingPossItem = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoMove) as CmPossibility;

            if (movingPossItem != null)
                ICmPossibility rootPoss    = movingPossItem.MainPossibility;
                int            hvoRootItem = rootPoss.Hvo;
                int            hvoPossList = rootPoss.OwningList.Hvo;

                // If we get here hvoPossList is a possibility list and hvoRootItem is a top level item in that list
                // and movingPossItem is, or is a subpossibility of, that top level item.

                // 1. Check to see if hvoRootItem is a chart template containing our target.
                // If so, hvoPossList is owned in the chart templates property.
                if (cache.GetOwningFlidOfObject(hvoPossList) == (int)DsDiscourseData.DsDiscourseDataTags.kflidConstChartTempl)
                    return(CheckAndReportBadDiscourseTemplateMove(cache, movingPossItem, hvoRootItem, hvoPossList, hvoDest));

                // 2. Check to see if hvoRootItem is a TextMarkup TagList containing our target (i.e. a Tag type).
                // If so, hvoPossList is owned in the text markup tags property.
                if (cache.GetOwningFlidOfObject(hvoPossList) == (int)LangProject.LangProjectTags.kflidTextMarkupTags)
                    return(CheckAndReportBadTagListMove(cache, movingPossItem, hvoRootItem, hvoPossList, hvoDest));
            return(false);            // not detecting problems with moving other kinds of things.
Esempio n. 2
        public void FindOrCreateAnnotationCategory_AbsentCategory_ThirdLevel()
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS.Count);

            int hvoPossibility = m_scr.NoteCategoriesOA.FindOrCreatePossibility(
                "Level 1a" + StringUtils.kchObject + "New Level 2 Category" + StringUtils.kchObject +
                "New Level 3 Category", m_wsSpanish);

            // Confirm that a new third-level node was created.
            CmPossibility newCategory = new CmPossibility(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, hvoPossibility);

            Assert.AreEqual("New Level 3 Category", newCategory.Name.GetAlternativeTss(m_wsSpanish).Text);
            // Confirm that a new parent node for the third-level node was created on the second level.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[0].SubPossibilitiesOS.Count,
                            "Another category CmPossibility should have been created on second level under Level 1a.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[0].SubPossibilitiesOS[0].SubPossibilitiesOS.Count);

            Assert.IsTrue(newCategory.Owner is ICmPossibility,
                          "Category should have been created under another category CmPossibility");
            Assert.AreEqual("New Level 2 Category",
            Assert.IsTrue(((CmPossibility)newCategory.Owner).Owner is ICmPossibility);
            CmPossibility level1Possibility = (CmPossibility)((CmPossibility)newCategory.Owner).Owner;

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1a", level1Possibility.Name.GetAlternativeTss(m_wsSpanish).Text);
Esempio n. 3
        public CmPossibility MakeTemplate(out List <int> allCols)
            // The exact organization of columns is not of great
            // importance for the current tests (still less the names), but we do want there
            // to be a hierarchy, since that is a common problem, and naming them conventionally
            // may make debugging easier. Currently this is the same set of columns as
            // m_logic.CreateDefaultColumns, but we make it explicit here so most of the test
            // code is unaffected by changes to the default.
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                "<template name=\"default\">"
                + "<column name=\"prenuclear\">"
                + "<column name=\"prenuc1\"/>"
                + "<column name=\"prenuc2\"/>"
                + "</column>"
                + "<column name=\"nucleus\">"
                + "<column name=\"Subject\"/>"
                + "<column name=\"verb\"/>"
                + "<column name=\"object\"/>"
                + "</column>"
                + "<column name=\"postnuc\"/>"
                + "</template>");
            m_template = (CmPossibility)m_cache.LangProject.CreateChartTemplate(doc.DocumentElement);
            //m_template = m_logic.CreateTemplate(doc.DocumentElement);
            m_allColumns = m_logic.AllColumns(m_template);
            allCols      = m_allColumns;
Esempio n. 4
        protected virtual void SetInfoBarText()
            if (m_informationBar == null)
            string className = StringTbl.GetString("No Records", "Misc");

            if (Clerk.CurrentObject != null)
                string typeName = Clerk.CurrentObject.GetType().Name;
                if (Clerk.CurrentObject is CmPossibility)
                    CmPossibility possibility = Clerk.CurrentObject as CmPossibility;
                    className = possibility.ItemTypeName(StringTbl);
                    className = StringTbl.GetString(typeName, "ClassNames");
                if (className == "*" + typeName + "*")
                    className = typeName;
            // This code:  ((IPaneBar)m_informationBar).Text = className;
            // causes about 47 of the following exceptions when executed in Flex.
            // First-chance exception at 0x4ed9b280 in Flex.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00f90004.
            // The following code doesn't cause the exception, but neither one actually sets the Text to className,
            // so something needs to be changed somewhere. It doesn't enter "override string Text" in PaneBar.cs
            (m_informationBar as IPaneBar).Text = className;
Esempio n. 5
        public void ModifyVectors(LangProject lp)
            //add a new item to an owned sequence attribute
            CmAnthroItem a = (CmAnthroItem)lp.AnthroListOA.PossibilitiesOS.Append(new CmAnthroItem());

            //add a new item to an owned collection attribute
            CmOverlay overlay = (CmOverlay)lp.OverlaysOC.Add(new CmOverlay());

            //add a new item to a reference collection attribute
            CmPossibility position = (CmPossibility)lp.PositionsOA.PossibilitiesOS [0];
            CmPerson      person   = (CmPerson)lp.PeopleOA.PossibilitiesOS[0];


            //move the last item in a sequence to the beginning
            FdoOwnSeqVector positions = lp.PositionsOA.PossibilitiesOS;

            position = (CmPossibility)positions[positions.Count - 1];
            positions.InsertAt(position, 0);

            //do the same, without instantiating the object we're moving
            int hvo = positions.hvoArray[positions.Count - 1];

            positions.InsertAt(hvo, 0);
Esempio n. 6
        public void DBObjectInstantiation()

            // Putting persons in the UsageTypes doesn't really make sense, but for testing purposes
            // it doesn't matter what we store there as long as it is derived from CmPossibility
            CmPerson      person = new CmPerson();
            CmPossibility pos    = new CmPossibility();


            int khvoAPossibiltyObject = pos.Hvo;
            int khvoAPersonObject     = person.Hvo;

            Assert.AreEqual("CmPerson", CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPersonObject).GetType().Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("CmPossibility", CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPossibiltyObject).GetType().Name);

            // Now try it not assuming anything about the class type (use the method on CmObject)
            // CmObject uses a different, less efficient method.
            Assert.AreEqual("CmPerson", CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPersonObject).GetType().Name);

            // trying to turn a possibility into a person should throw an exception
            CmPerson.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPossibiltyObject);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for and reports any disallowed tag list moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache"></param>
        /// <param name="movingTagItem">The proposed tag item to move.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoSubListRoot">The hvo of the top-level Tag Type Possibility containing the moving item.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoMainTagList">The hvo of the main PossiblityList grouping all TextMarkup Tags.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoDest">The hvo of the destination tag item.</param>
        /// <returns>true if we found and reported a bad move.</returns>
        private bool CheckAndReportBadTagListMove(FdoCache cache, CmPossibility movingTagItem, int hvoSubListRoot,
                                                  int hvoMainTagList, int hvoDest)
            // Check if movingTagItem is a top-level Tag Type.
            if (movingTagItem.Hvo == hvoSubListRoot)
                if (hvoDest == hvoMainTagList)                 // top-level Tag Type can move to main list (probably already there)

                // The moving item is a top-level Tag Type, it cannot be demoted.
                MessageBox.Show(m_tree, xWorksStrings.ksCantDemoteTagList,
                                xWorksStrings.ksProhibitedMovement, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            // Unless something is badly wrong, the destination is either the tag type root,
            // a tag one level down from the root, or the base list.
            if (cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoDest) == hvoMainTagList)
                // Destination is Tag Type root, not a problem
            if (hvoDest == hvoMainTagList)
                // Can't promote tag to Tag Type root
                MessageBox.Show(m_tree, xWorksStrings.ksCantPromoteTag,
                                xWorksStrings.ksProhibitedMovement, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            // This would give us hierarchy too deep (at least for now)
            MessageBox.Show(m_tree, xWorksStrings.ksTagListTooDeep,
                            xWorksStrings.ksProhibitedMovement, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
        private static void InitItem(XmlNode item, ICmPossibility poss)
            var defAnalWs = poss.Cache.DefaultAnalWs;
            var strFact   = poss.Cache.TsStrFactory;

            // Set name property
                    XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(item, "name"),

            // Set Abbreviation.
            var abbr = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(item, "abbr");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbr))
                abbr = poss.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem.Text;

            // Create optional child items.
            foreach (XmlNode subItem in item.ChildNodes)
                var poss2 = new CmPossibility();
                InitItem(subItem, poss2);
        internal ICmPossibility CreateColumn(ICmPossibility parent, XmlNode spec)
            var result = new CmPossibility();

            SetNameAndChildColumns(result, spec);
 private void MakeListXml(ICmPossibilityList list, XmlElement root)
     foreach (XmlNode item in root)
         var poss = new CmPossibility();
         InitItem(item, poss);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// add any subitems to the tree. Note! This assumes that the list has been preloaded
        /// (e.g., using PreLoadList), so it bypasses normal load operations for speed purposes.
        /// Withoug preloading, it took almost 19,000 queries to start FW showing semantic domain
        /// list. With preloading it reduced the number to 200 queries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="parentsCollection"></param>
        protected override void AddSubNodes(ICmObject obj, TreeNodeCollection parentsCollection)
            ICmPossibility pss = obj as ICmPossibility;

            foreach (int hvoSub in pss.SubPossibilities())
                // Assume its basic information has already been loaded using PreLoadList.
                CmPossibility sub = CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(obj.Cache, hvoSub, false) as CmPossibility;
                AddTreeNode(sub, parentsCollection);
Esempio n. 12
		public override void Exit()
			m_chart = null;
			m_template = null;
			m_allColumns = null;
			m_mockRibbon = null;
			m_logic = null;
			m_firstParaWfics = null;

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a List of ColumnMenuItems for ComboBox based on an array of column hvos.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoArray"></param>
        internal void CollectColumnsToCombo(int[] hvoArray)
            int ccols = hvoArray.Length;

            ColumnMenuItem[] cols = new ColumnMenuItem[ccols];
            for (int i = 0; i < ccols; i++)
                cols[i] = new ColumnMenuItem(CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(Cache,
            SentElem.ComboCols = cols;
Esempio n. 14
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the categories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="list">The possibility (category) list.</param>
        /// <param name="ws">The writing system for setting the category names.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal static ICmPossibilityList CreateCategories(FdoCache cache,
                                                            ICmPossibilityList list, int ws)
            list = cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA.NoteCategoriesOA;

            // Initialize text.
            ITsPropsBldr ttpBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

                                     (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, ws);
            ITsStrBldr tsStrBldr = TsStrBldrClass.Create();

            // Set possibilities on top level--"Level 1a"
            CmPossibility possibility1a = new CmPossibility();

            tsStrBldr.ReplaceRgch(0, 0, "Level 1a", 8, ttpBldr.GetTextProps());
            possibility1a.Name.SetAlternative(tsStrBldr.GetString(), ws);

            // Add another on top level--"Level 1b"
            CmPossibility possibility1b = new CmPossibility();

            tsStrBldr.ReplaceRgch(0, tsStrBldr.Length, "Level 1b", 8, ttpBldr.GetTextProps());
            possibility1b.Name.SetAlternative(tsStrBldr.GetString(), ws);

            // Add possibilities on second level under "Level 1b"--"Level 2a"
            CmPossibility subPossibility2a = new CmPossibility();

            tsStrBldr.ReplaceRgch(0, tsStrBldr.Length, "Level 2a, parent is 1b", 22, ttpBldr.GetTextProps());
            subPossibility2a.Name.SetAlternative(tsStrBldr.GetString(), ws);

            // Add "Level 2b" under "Level 1b"
            CmPossibility subPossibility2b = new CmPossibility();

            tsStrBldr.ReplaceRgch(0, tsStrBldr.Length, "Level 2b, parent is 1b", 22, ttpBldr.GetTextProps());
            subPossibility2b.Name.SetAlternative(tsStrBldr.GetString(), ws);

            // Add "Level 3" under "Level 2b"
            CmPossibility subSubPossibility3 = new CmPossibility();

            tsStrBldr.ReplaceRgch(0, tsStrBldr.Length, "Level 3, parent is 2b", 21, ttpBldr.GetTextProps());
            subSubPossibility3.Name.SetAlternative(tsStrBldr.GetString(), ws);

Esempio n. 15
        public void FindOrCreateAnnotationCategory_AbsentCategory_FirstLevel()
            Assert.AreEqual(2, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS.Count);

            int hvoPossibility = m_scr.NoteCategoriesOA.FindOrCreatePossibility(
                "New Category", m_wsSpanish);

            // Confirm that a "New Category" category has been created at the top level.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS.Count,
                            "Another category CmPossibility should have been created on first level.");
            CmPossibility newCategory = new CmPossibility(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, hvoPossibility);

            Assert.AreEqual("New Category", newCategory.Name.GetAlternativeTss(m_wsSpanish).Text);
            Assert.IsFalse(newCategory.Owner is ICmPossibility,
                           "Category should have been created at the top level");
Esempio n. 16
        public void FindOrCreateAnnotationCategory_NameOnlyButAbsent()
            int initialCategoryCount = m_possList.PossibilitiesOS.Count;
            int hvoPossibility       = m_scr.NoteCategoriesOA.FindOrCreatePossibility(
                "New category", m_wsSpanish, false);

            // Confirm that a new category was added and that FindOrCreatePossibility returns it.
            Assert.AreEqual(initialCategoryCount + 1, m_possList.PossibilitiesOS.Count);
            CmPossibility newCategory = new CmPossibility(Cache, hvoPossibility);
            int           actualWs;

            Assert.AreEqual("New category", newCategory.Name.GetAlternativeOrBestTss(m_wsSpanish, out actualWs).Text,
                            "The newly-created category was not found");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_wsSpanish, actualWs,
                            "The new category name was not found in the expected writing system");
Esempio n. 17
		protected override void CreateTestData()
			m_firstParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotations(m_firstPara);
			m_logic = new TestCCLogic(Cache, m_chart, m_stText.Hvo);
			m_helper.Logic = m_logic;
			m_logic.Ribbon = m_mockRibbon = new MockRibbon(Cache, m_stText.Hvo);
			m_template = m_helper.MakeTemplate(out m_allColumns);
			// Note: do this AFTER creating the template, which may also create the DiscourseData object.
			m_chart = new DsConstChart();
			m_chart.TemplateRA = m_template;
			m_logic.Chart = m_chart;
			m_helper.Chart = m_chart;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for and reports any disallowed discourse template moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache"></param>
        /// <param name="movingColumn">The proposed possibility item (template column) to move.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoTemplate">The hvo of the affected Chart Template (only 'default' exists so far).</param>
        /// <param name="hvoTemplateList">The hvo of the Template List.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoDest">The hvo of the destination item.</param>
        /// <returns>true means we found and reported a bad move.</returns>
        private bool CheckAndReportBadDiscourseTemplateMove(FdoCache cache, CmPossibility movingColumn, int hvoTemplate,
                                                            int hvoTemplateList, int hvoDest)
            // First, check whether we're allowed to manipulate this column at all. This is the same check as
            // whether we're allowed to delete it.
            if (movingColumn.CheckAndReportProtectedChartColumn())
            // Other things being equal, we now need to make sure we aren't messing up the chart levels
            // Unless something is badly wrong, the destination is either the root template,
            // a column group one level down from the root template, a column two levels down,
            // or the base list.
            if (hvoDest == hvoTemplateList)
                MessageBox.Show(m_tree, xWorksStrings.ksCantPromoteGroupToTemplate,
                                xWorksStrings.ksProhibitedMovement, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            // if the destination IS the root, that's fine...anything can move there.
            if (hvoDest == hvoTemplate)
            // It's OK to move a leaf to a group (one level down from the root, as long as
            // the destination 'group' isn't a column that's in use.
            bool moveColumnIsLeaf = movingColumn.SubPossibilitiesOS.Count == 0;

            if (cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoDest) == hvoTemplate && moveColumnIsLeaf)
                CmPossibility dest = (CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoDest))
                                     as CmPossibility;
                // If it isn't already a group, we can only turn it into one if it's empty
                if (dest.SubPossibilitiesOS.Count == 0)
                // If it's already a group it should be fine as a destination.
            // Anything else represents an attempt to make the tree too deep, e.g., moving a
            // column into child column, or a group into another group.
            MessageBox.Show(m_tree, xWorksStrings.ksTemplateTooDeep,
                            xWorksStrings.ksProhibitedMovement, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Esempio n. 19
 protected override void CreateTestData()
     m_cclogic      = new TestCCLogic(Cache, m_chart, m_stText.Hvo);
     m_helper.Logic = m_cclogic;
     m_template     = m_helper.MakeTemplate(out m_allColumns);
     // Note: do this AFTER creating the template, which may also create the DiscourseData object.
     m_chart = new DsConstChart();
     m_chart.TemplateRA = m_template;
     m_cclogic.Chart    = m_chart;
     m_cclogic.Ribbon   = m_mockRibbon = new MockRibbon(Cache, m_stText.Hvo);
     m_helper.Chart     = m_chart;
     m_origCell         = null;                   // Test must fill in the ClickedCell in the CChartSentenceElements object
     m_eligCols         = m_allColumns.ToArray(); // CChartSentenceElements always starts with all columns
     m_eligRows         = null;                   // Test must fill in EligibleRows in the CChartSentenceElements object
     m_sentElem         = new CChartSentenceElements(m_origCell, m_eligRows, m_eligCols);
     m_dlgLogicPrepose  = new AdvancedMTDialogLogic(Cache, true, m_sentElem);
     m_dlgLogicPostpose = new AdvancedMTDialogLogic(Cache, false, m_sentElem);             // create one each direction; test both
Esempio n. 20
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill in a note category node in the database from an XML node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoOwner">owner's id</param>
        /// <param name="ownFlid">field ID in which the category is owned</param>
        /// <param name="index">0-based position in the list of possibilities</param>
        /// <param name="node">XML node to get info from</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void CreateNoteCategory(int hvoOwner, int ownFlid, int index, XmlNode node)
            int hvoPossibility = m_scr.Cache.MainCacheAccessor.MakeNewObject(
                CmPossibility.kClassId, hvoOwner, ownFlid, index);

            Debug.Assert(hvoPossibility > 0);
            CmPossibility category = new CmPossibility(m_scr.Cache, hvoPossibility);

            SetMultiUnicodeAlternatives(category.Name, node.SelectNodes("name"));
            SetMultiUnicodeAlternatives(category.Abbreviation, node.SelectNodes("abbreviation"));

            // get the description for the note category
            XmlNodeList descNodes = node.SelectNodes("description");

            if (descNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode descNode in descNodes)
                    int    ws          = GetWs(descNode.Attributes);
                    string alternative = descNode.InnerText;
                    if (ws > 0 && alternative != null && alternative != string.Empty)
                        category.Description.GetAlternative(ws).UnderlyingTsString =
                            m_strFactory.MakeString(alternative, ws);
                    // REVIEW: What should we do when the writing system is not defined in the database?

            // create note categories for any subcategories
            int subIndex = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode categoryNode in node.SelectNodes("category"))
                                   subIndex++, categoryNode);
Esempio n. 21
        protected override void CreateTestData()
            m_firstParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotations(m_firstPara);
            m_logic          = new TestCCLogic(Cache, m_chart, m_stText.Hvo);    // m_chart is still null!
            m_helper.Logic   = m_logic;
            m_logic.Ribbon   = m_mockRibbon = new MockRibbon(Cache, m_stText.Hvo);
            m_template       = m_helper.MakeTemplate(out m_allColumns);
            // Note: do this AFTER creating the template, which may also create the DiscourseData object.
            m_chart = new DsConstChart();
            m_chart.TemplateRA = m_template;
            m_logic.Chart      = m_chart;
            m_helper.Chart = m_chart;

            m_constChart = new ConstituentChart(Cache, m_logic);
            m_constChart.Init(null, null);
            m_chartBody       = m_constChart.Body;
            m_chartBody.Cache = Cache;             // don't know why constructor doesn't do this, but it doesn't.
            m_chartBody.SetRoot(m_chart.Hvo, m_allColumns.ToArray());
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Move the clicked item the specified distance (currently +/- 1) in its owning list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        void MoveItem(int distance)
            int           hvoMove = ClickObject;
            FdoCache      cache   = (FdoCache)m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("cache");
            CmPossibility column  = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoMove) as CmPossibility;

            if (column.CheckAndReportProtectedChartColumn())
            int hvoOwner = cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoMove);

            if (hvoOwner == 0)             // probably not possible
            ICmObject owner    = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoOwner);
            int       flid     = column.OwningFlid;
            int       oldIndex = column.IndexInOwner;
            int       newIndex = oldIndex + distance;

            if (newIndex < 0)
            int cobj = cache.GetVectorSize(owner.Hvo, flid);

            if (newIndex >= cobj)
            // Without this, we insert it before the next object, which is the one it's already before,
            // so it doesn't move.
            if (distance > 0)
            cache.MoveOwningSequence(owner.Hvo, flid, oldIndex, oldIndex, owner.Hvo, flid, newIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a CmPossibility based on an XML specification of a constituent chart template.
        /// See CreateDefaultTemplate for an example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICmPossibility CreateChartTemplate(XmlNode spec)
            // Make sure we have the containing objects; if not create them.
            var dData = m_cache.LanguageProject.DiscourseDataOA;

            if (dData == null)
                dData = new DsDiscourseData();
                m_cache.LanguageProject.DiscourseDataOA = dData;
            // Also make sure it has a templates list
            var templates = dData.ConstChartTemplOA;

            if (templates == null)
                templates = new CmPossibilityList();
                dData.ConstChartTemplOA = templates;
            var template = new CmPossibility();

            SetNameAndChildColumns(template, spec);
Esempio n. 24
        public void     PrintCmPossibility(FdoCache fcTLP)
            CmPossibility p = new CmPossibility(fcTLP, 190);

Esempio n. 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a CmPossibility based on an XML specification of a constituent chart template.
		/// See CreateDefaultTemplate for an example.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="spec"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public ICmPossibility CreateChartTemplate(XmlNode spec)
			// Make sure we have the containing objects; if not create them.
			var dData = m_cache.LanguageProject.DiscourseDataOA;
			if (dData == null)
				dData = new DsDiscourseData();
				m_cache.LanguageProject.DiscourseDataOA = dData;
			// Also make sure it has a templates list
			var templates = dData.ConstChartTemplOA;
			if (templates == null)
				templates = new CmPossibilityList();
				dData.ConstChartTemplOA = templates;
			var template = new CmPossibility();
			SetNameAndChildColumns(template, spec);
			return template;
Esempio n. 26
		ICmPossibility ICmPossibilityFactoryInternal.Create(Guid guid, int hvo, ICmPossibility owner, int index)
			if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

			var retval = new CmPossibility(
			owner.SubPossibilitiesOS.Insert(index, retval);
			return retval;
Esempio n. 27
        public void ParserDataChanges()
            XmlNode node;

#if !ShowDumpResult
            m_fxtResult.Save(Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "TestFxtUpdateBefore.xml"));
            // -------------
            // Make data changes
            // -------------
            // Make a change to stem allomorph
            ILangProject lp           = Cache.LangProject;
            ILexDb       lexdb        = lp.LexDbOA;
            int[]        aiLexEntries = lexdb.EntriesOC.HvoArray;
            int          hvoLexEntry  = aiLexEntries[0];
            ILexEntry    lexEntry     = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvoLexEntry) as ILexEntry;
            IMoStemAllomorph stemAllomorph = lexEntry.LexemeFormOA as IMoStemAllomorph;
            stemAllomorph.Form.SetAlternative("bili-changed", Cache.DefaultVernWs);
            int hvoStemAllomorph = stemAllomorph.Hvo;
            stemAllomorph.IsAbstract = true;

            // Delete an affix allomorph
            hvoLexEntry = aiLexEntries[3];
            lexEntry    = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvoLexEntry) as ILexEntry;
            IMoAffixAllomorph affixAllomorph = lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS[1] as IMoAffixAllomorph;
            int hvoAffixAllomorph = affixAllomorph.Hvo;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, hvoLexEntry, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms, 1, 0, 1);

            // Add a new affix allomorph
            IMoAffixAllomorph newAffixAllomorph = new MoAffixAllomorph();
            newAffixAllomorph.Form.SetAlternative("him-new", Cache.DefaultVernWs);
            int hvoNewAffixAllomorph = newAffixAllomorph.Hvo;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, hvoLexEntry, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms, lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // add a compound rule
            IMoMorphData    morphData   = lp.MorphologicalDataOA;
            IMoEndoCompound compRuleNew = new MoEndoCompound();
            string sCompRuleName = "new compound rule";
            compRuleNew.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = sCompRuleName;
            compRuleNew.HeadLast = true;
            int hvoPOS = lp.PartsOfSpeechOA.PossibilitiesOS.FirstItem.Hvo;
            compRuleNew.LeftMsaOA.PartOfSpeechRAHvo       = hvoPOS;
            compRuleNew.RightMsaOA.PartOfSpeechRAHvo      = hvoPOS;
            compRuleNew.OverridingMsaOA.PartOfSpeechRAHvo = hvoPOS;
            // Change compound rule description
            const string ksCompRuleDescription = "new description";
            compRuleNew.Description.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem.Text = ksCompRuleDescription;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, morphData.Hvo, (int)MoMorphData.MoMorphDataTags.kflidCompoundRules, morphData.CompoundRulesOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // delete a compound rule
            IMoExoCompound compRuleDeleted            = morphData.CompoundRulesOS.FirstItem as IMoExoCompound;
            int            hvoCompRuleDeletedLeftMsa  = compRuleDeleted.LeftMsaOAHvo;
            int            hvoCompRuleDeletedRightMsa = compRuleDeleted.RightMsaOAHvo;
            int            hvoCompRuleDeletedToMsa    = compRuleDeleted.ToMsaOAHvo;

            // add an ad hoc co-prohibition
            IMoAlloAdhocProhib alloAdHoc = new MoAlloAdhocProhib();
            alloAdHoc.Adjacency           = 2;
            alloAdHoc.FirstAllomorphRAHvo = hvoNewAffixAllomorph;

            // change a "rest of allos" in extant ad hoc co-prohibition
            int[] hvosAdHocProhibs          = morphData.AdhocCoProhibitionsOC.HvoArray;
            IMoAlloAdhocProhib alloAdHocOld =
                CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvosAdHocProhibs[9]) as IMoAlloAdhocProhib;
            IMoAffixAllomorph alloAdHicOldFirstRestOfAllos = alloAdHocOld.RestOfAllosRS.FirstItem as IMoAffixAllomorph;
            IMoAffixAllomorph affixAllomorph2 = lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS[0] as IMoAffixAllomorph;
            alloAdHocOld.Adjacency = 2;

            //Add a new productivity restriction
            ICmPossibilityList prodRestricts   = morphData.ProdRestrictOA;
            ICmPossibility     prodRestriction = new CmPossibility();
            string sNewProdRestrictName = "new exception feature";
            prodRestriction.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = sNewProdRestrictName;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, prodRestricts.Hvo, (int)CmPossibilityList.CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, prodRestricts.PossibilitiesOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // Change a phonological enviroment string representation
            IPhPhonData    phonData       = lp.PhonologicalDataOA;
            IPhEnvironment env            = phonData.EnvironmentsOS.FirstItem;
            const string   ksEnvStringRep = "/ _ [C] [V] a e i o u";
            env.StringRepresentation.Text = ksEnvStringRep;

            // Add a new phonological enviroment string representation
            IPhEnvironment envNew = new PhEnvironment();
            envNew.StringRepresentation.Text = "/ _ m";
            int hvoPhonData = phonData.Hvo;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, hvoPhonData, (int)PhPhonData.PhPhonDataTags.kflidEnvironments, phonData.EnvironmentsOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // Change parser parameters (to test Unicode string field type)
            string sParserParameters = morphData.ParserParameters.Trim();
            int    i = sParserParameters.IndexOf("</ParserParameters>");
            string sNewParserParameters = sParserParameters.Substring(0, i) + "<HermitCrab><stuff>1</stuff></HermitCrab>" + "</ParserParameters>";
            morphData.ParserParameters = sNewParserParameters;

            // Delete a lex entry
            int[]     hvosEntries                    = lexdb.EntriesOC.HvoArray;
            int       hvoEntryDeleted                = hvosEntries[hvosEntries.Length - 4];
            ILexEntry entryDeleted                   = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvoEntryDeleted) as ILexEntry;
            int       hvoEntryDeletedLexemeForm      = entryDeleted.LexemeFormOAHvo;
            int[]     hvosEntryDeletedAlternateForms = entryDeleted.AlternateFormsOS.HvoArray;
            int[]     hvosEntryDeletedMSAs           = entryDeleted.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.HvoArray;
            int[]     hvosEntryDeletedSenses         = entryDeleted.SensesOS.HvoArray;
            lexdb.EntriesOC.Remove(hvosEntries[hvosEntries.Length - 4]);
            //Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, morphData.Hvo, (int)MoMorphData.MoMorphDataTags.kflidParserParameters, 0, 0, 0);

            // Create a new lex entry
            ILexEntry entryNew = new LexEntry();

            IMoAffixAllomorph alloNew = new MoAffixAllomorph();
            entryNew.LexemeFormOA = alloNew;
            string sNewAlloForm = "dem";
            alloNew.Form.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem = sNewAlloForm;
            alloNew.MorphTypeRA = (IMoMorphType)lexdb.MorphTypesOA.LookupPossibilityByGuid(new Guid(MoMorphType.kguidMorphPrefix));

            IMoAffixAllomorph alloNew2 = new MoAffixAllomorph();
            string sNewAlloForm2 = "den";
            alloNew2.Form.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem = sNewAlloForm2;
            alloNew2.MorphTypeRA = (IMoMorphType)lexdb.MorphTypesOA.LookupPossibilityByGuid(new Guid(MoMorphType.kguidMorphPrefix));
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, entryNew.Hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms, entryNew.AlternateFormsOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            ILexSense sense = new LexSense();
            string sGloss = "MeToo";
            sense.Gloss.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = sGloss;

            IMoInflAffMsa inflAffixMsa = new MoInflAffMsa();
            sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA = inflAffixMsa;
            int[] hvosPOSes = lp.PartsOfSpeechOA.PossibilitiesOS.HvoArray;
            int   hvoVerb   = hvosPOSes[12];
            inflAffixMsa.PartOfSpeechRAHvo = hvoVerb;
            IPartOfSpeech pos     = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvoVerb) as IPartOfSpeech;
            int           hvoSlot = pos.AffixSlotsOC.HvoArray[2];
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, entryNew.Hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidSenses, entryNew.SensesOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // Add an inflectional template
            int[]                hvoVerbSubCats = pos.SubPossibilitiesOS.HvoArray;
            int                  hvoIntransVerb = hvoVerbSubCats[2];
            IPartOfSpeech        posVI          = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, hvoIntransVerb) as IPartOfSpeech;
            IMoInflAffixTemplate affixTemplate  = new MoInflAffixTemplate();
            affixTemplate.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = "derived verb";
            affixTemplate.Final = false;
            Cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, posVI.Hvo, (int)PartOfSpeech.PartOfSpeechTags.kflidAffixTemplates, posVI.AffixTemplatesOS.Count - 1, 1, 0);

            // add a phonological feature
            IFsClosedFeature consFeat = new FsClosedFeature();
            consFeat.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem         = "consonantal";
            consFeat.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = "cons";
            IFsSymFeatVal consPlus = new FsSymFeatVal();
            consPlus.SimpleInit("+", "positive");
            IFsSymFeatVal consMinus = new FsSymFeatVal();
            consMinus.SimpleInit("-", "negative");
            IFsFeatStrucType fsType = null;
            if (Cache.LangProject.PhFeatureSystemOA.TypesOC.Count == 0)
                fsType = new FsFeatStrucType();
                fsType.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = "Phon";
                foreach (IFsFeatStrucType type in Cache.LangProject.PhFeatureSystemOA.TypesOC)
                    fsType = type;

            // add a feature-based NC
            IPhNCFeatures featNC = new PhNCFeatures();
            featNC.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem         = "Consonants (Features)";
            featNC.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = "CF";
            IFsFeatStruc fs = new FsFeatStruc();
            featNC.FeaturesOA = fs;
            IFsClosedValue val = fs.FindOrCreateClosedValue(consFeat.Hvo);
            val.FeatureRA = consFeat;
            val.ValueRA   = consPlus;

            // add phonological rule
            IPhRegularRule regRule = new PhRegularRule();
            regRule.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = "regular rule";
            IPhSimpleContextSeg segCtxt = new PhSimpleContextSeg();
            IPhPhoneme phoneme = null;
            foreach (IPhPhoneme phon in Cache.LangProject.PhonologicalDataOA.PhonemeSetsOS[0].PhonemesOC)
                phoneme = phon;
            segCtxt.FeatureStructureRA = phoneme;

            IPhSimpleContextNC ncCtxt = new PhSimpleContextNC();
            regRule.RightHandSidesOS[0].LeftContextOA = ncCtxt;
            ncCtxt.FeatureStructureRA = featNC;

            // add a morphological rule
            IMoAffixProcess affRule = new MoAffixProcess();
            ncCtxt = new PhSimpleContextNC();
            ncCtxt.FeatureStructureRA = featNC;
            IMoCopyFromInput copy = new MoCopyFromInput();
            copy.ContentRA = ncCtxt;

            // -----------
            // Update the FXT result
            // -----------
            XmlDocument updatedFxtResult = UpdateFXT();

            // -----------
            // Test the updated results
            // -----------

            // Test changed stem allomorph: checks on MultiUnicode and boolean
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemAllomorph[@Id='" + hvoStemAllomorph + "']");
            Assert.AreEqual(stemAllomorph.Form.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem, node.InnerText, "stem allomorph form change failed");
            XmlNode contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@IsAbstract");
            Assert.AreEqual("1", contentNode.InnerText, "stem allomorph is abstract should be true (=1)");

            // Test deleted affix allomorph: checks on owning sequence
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + hvoAffixAllomorph + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "Deleted affix allomorph should be null");
            node =
                updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexEntry[@id='" + hvoLexEntry + "']/AlternateForms[@dst='" +
                                                  hvoAffixAllomorph + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "LexEntry should no longer have deleted alternate form");

            // Test added new affix allomorph: checks on owning sequence owned by an item with an @Id; also checks on addition of MoAffixAllomorph via AllAllomorphs
            string sXPath = "//LexEntry[@Id='" + hvoLexEntry + "']/AlternateForms[@dst='" +
                            hvoNewAffixAllomorph + "']";
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode(sXPath);
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "LexEntry should have added alternate form");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + hvoNewAffixAllomorph + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "Added affix allomorph should be present");
            sXPath = "//LexEntry[@Id='" + hvoLexEntry + "']";
            node   = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode(sXPath);
            XmlNodeList nodes = node.SelectNodes("AlternateForms");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, nodes.Count, "Expected three Alternate forms in lex entry.");

            //Test newly added compound rule: checks on owning sequence owned by an Id-less element; also on multistring
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoEndoCompound[@Id='" + compRuleNew.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "did not find newly added compound rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@HeadLast");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing headlast attribute for coompound rule");
            Assert.AreEqual("1", contentNode.InnerText, "compound rule headlast value differs");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Name");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing Name for compound rule");
            Assert.AreEqual(sCompRuleName, contentNode.InnerText, "compound rule name differs");
            // check on MultiString
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Description");
            Assert.AreEqual(ksCompRuleDescription, contentNode.InnerText, "compound rule description differs");
            // check on count
            node  = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//CompoundRules");
            nodes = node.SelectNodes("MoExoCompound | MoEndoCompound");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, nodes.Count, "Expected seven compound rules.");
            // check on owningAtom
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + compRuleNew.LeftMsaOAHvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "missing real MoStemMsa for LeftMsa of newly added compound rule");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + compRuleNew.RightMsaOAHvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "missing real MoStemMsa for RightMsa of newly added compound rule");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + compRuleNew.OverridingMsaOAHvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "missing real MoStemMsa for OverridingMsa of newly added compound rule");

            // Test deleted compound rule
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoExoCompound[@Id='" + compRuleDeleted.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "compound rule should be deleted");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + hvoCompRuleDeletedLeftMsa + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "compound rule left MSA should be deleted");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + hvoCompRuleDeletedRightMsa + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "compound rule right MSA should be deleted");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + hvoCompRuleDeletedToMsa + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "compound rule to MSA should be deleted");

            //Test newly added allomorph ad hoc rule: checks on owning collection
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAlloAdhocProhib[@Id='" + alloAdHoc.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "did not find newly added allo ad hoc rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@Adjacency");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing adjacency attribute for allo ad hoc rule");
            Assert.AreEqual("2", contentNode.InnerText, "allo ad hoc rule adjacency value differs");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("FirstAllomorph");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing FirstAllomorph for allo ad hoc rule");
            contentNode = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("@dst");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing dst attribute of FirstAllomorph for allo ad hoc rule");
            Assert.AreEqual(hvoNewAffixAllomorph.ToString(), contentNode.InnerText, "FirstAllomorph of allo ad hoc rule differs");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RestOfAllos");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing RestOfAllos for allo ad hoc rule");
            contentNode = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("@dst");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing dst attribute of RestOfAllos for allo ad hoc rule");
            Assert.AreEqual(hvoNewAffixAllomorph.ToString(), contentNode.InnerText, "RestOfAllos of allo ad hoc rule differs");

            // test change of a "rest of allos" in extant ad hoc co-prohibition: check on reference sequence
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAlloAdhocProhib[@Id='" + alloAdHocOld.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "did not find old allo ad hoc rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RestOfAllos");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing RestOfAllos for old allo ad hoc rule");
            contentNode = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("@dst");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing dst attribute of RestOfAllos for old allo ad hoc rule");
            Assert.AreEqual(affixAllomorph2.Hvo.ToString(), contentNode.InnerText, "RestOfAllos of old allo ad hoc rule differs");
            nodes = node.SelectNodes("RestOfAllos");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, nodes.Count, "count of RestOfAllos of old allo ad hoc rule differs");
            // check on integer change
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@Adjacency");
            Assert.AreEqual("2", contentNode.InnerText, "Adjacency differs");
            node =
                updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + alloAdHicOldFirstRestOfAllos.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "Original RestOfAllos allomorph should still be present");
            nodes = updatedFxtResult.SelectNodes("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + affixAllomorph2.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, nodes.Count, "Should only be one instance of new allomorph in RestOfAllos");

            // Test added productivity restriction: check on CmPossibilityList
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//ProdRestrict/CmPossibility");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "Did not find newly added productivity restriction");
            node = node.SelectSingleNode("Name");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "Expected Name node in productivity restrictioni");
            Assert.AreEqual(sNewProdRestrictName, node.InnerText, "name of productivity restriction differs");

            // Test phonological environment string representation: check on string
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhEnvironment[@Id='" + env.Hvo + "']/@StringRepresentation");
            Assert.AreEqual(ksEnvStringRep, node.InnerText, "phonological environment string differs");

            // Test adding a phonological environment string representation:
            // check on case where parent of owner has Id and is class name;
            // also check on case where there is a comment/text node within the result nodes
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhEnvironment[@Id='" + envNew.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "missing newly added phonological environment");
            nodes = updatedFxtResult.SelectNodes("//PhEnvironment");
            Assert.AreEqual(11, nodes.Count, "number of PhEnvironments differs");

            // Test Parser Parameters: check on unicode string
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//ParserParameters");
            string sResultParseParameters = node.OuterXml.Trim();
            Assert.AreEqual(sNewParserParameters, sResultParseParameters, "Parser Parameters content differs");

            // Test deletion of a lex entry: check on finding LexDb when there is no class LexDb in FXT file
            nodes = updatedFxtResult.SelectNodes("//LexEntry");
            Assert.AreEqual(61, nodes.Count, "number of LexEntries differs");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexEntry[@Id='" + hvoEntryDeleted + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "Deleted lex entry should be missing");
            foreach (int hvo in hvosEntryDeletedAlternateForms)
                node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemAllomorph[@Id='" + hvo + "'] | //MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + hvo + "']");
                Assert.IsNull(node, "deleted entry's alternate form should also be gone");
            foreach (int hvo in hvosEntryDeletedMSAs)
                node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemMsa[@Id='" + hvo + "']");
                Assert.IsNull(node, "deleted entry's msa should also be gone");
            foreach (int hvo in hvosEntryDeletedSenses)
                node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexSense[@Id='" + hvo + "']");
                Assert.IsNull(node, "deleted entry's lexsense should also be gone");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoStemAllomorph[@Id='" + hvoEntryDeletedLexemeForm + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(node, "deleted entry's lexeme form should also be gone");

            // Test adding new entry
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexEntry[@Id='" + entryNew.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new lex entry is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("LexemeForm[@dst='" + alloNew.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing lexeme form for new entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("AlternateForms[@dst='" + alloNew2.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing alternate form in new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Sense[@dst='" + sense.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing sense in new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("MorphoSyntaxAnalysis[@dst='" + inflAffixMsa.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing msa in new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("AlternateForms[@dst='" + affRule.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "missing affix process rule in new lex entry");

            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + alloNew.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new lexeme form affix allomorph for new lex entry is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@MorphType");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "@MorphType missing for new MoAffixAllomorph in lexeme form of new lex entry");
            IMoMorphType typeNew  = MoMorphType.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, Convert.ToInt32(contentNode.InnerText));
            string       sGuidNew = typeNew.Guid.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(MoMorphType.kguidMorphPrefix, sGuidNew, "morph type wrong for new MoAffixAllomorph in lexeme form of new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Form");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Form missing for new MoAffixAllomorph in lexeme form new lex entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(sNewAlloForm, contentNode.InnerText, "form wrong for new MoAffixAllomorph in lexeme form of new lex entry");

            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoAffixAllomorph[@Id='" + alloNew2.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new alternate form affix allomorph for new lex entry is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@MorphType");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "@MorphType missing for new MoAffixAllomorph in alternate form of new lex entry");
            typeNew  = MoMorphType.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, Convert.ToInt32(contentNode.InnerText));
            sGuidNew = typeNew.Guid.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(MoMorphType.kguidMorphPrefix, sGuidNew, "morph type wrong for new MoAffixAllomorph in lexeme form of new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Form");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Form missing for new MoAffixAllomorph in alternate form new lex entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(sNewAlloForm2, contentNode.InnerText, "form wrong for new MoAffixAllomorph in alternate form of new lex entry");

            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexSense[@Id='" + sense.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new sense for new lex entry is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Gloss");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Gloss missing for new LexSense in new lex entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(sGloss, contentNode.InnerText, "Gloss wrong for new LexSense in new lex entry");

            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoInflAffMsa[@Id='" + inflAffixMsa.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new infl affix msa for new lex entry is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("@PartOfSpeech");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "@PartOfSpeech missing for new MoInflAffMsa in new lex entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(hvoVerb.ToString(), contentNode.InnerText, "part of speech wrong for new MoInflAffMsa in new lex entry");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Slots/@dst");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Slots missing for new MoInflAffMsa in new lex entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(hvoSlot.ToString(), contentNode.InnerText, "slot wrong for new MoInflAffMsa in new lex entry");

            // Test adding new template
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//MoInflAffixTemplate[@Id='" + affixTemplate.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new affix template missing");
            node =
                updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PartOfSpeech[@Id='" + hvoIntransVerb +
                                                  "']/AffixTemplates/MoInflAffixTemplate[@Id='" + affixTemplate.Hvo +
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new affix template is in intransitive verb");

            // Test adding new phonological feature
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhFeatureSystem/Features/FsClosedFeature[@Id='" + consFeat.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new phonological feature is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Abbreviation");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Abbreviation missing from new phonological feature");
            Assert.AreEqual(contentNode.InnerText, consFeat.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Abbreviation wrong for new phonological feature");
            nodes = node.SelectNodes("Values/FsSymFeatVal");
            Assert.IsNotNull(nodes, "values missing from new phonological feature");
            Assert.AreEqual(nodes.Count, 2, "incorrect number of values in new phonological feature");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhFeatureSystem/Types/FsFeatStrucType/Features/Feature[@dst='" + consFeat.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "reference to new phonological feature is missing from phonological feature system");

            // Test adding new feature-based NC
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhNCFeatures[@Id='" + featNC.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new feature-based NC is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Abbreviation");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "Abbreviation missing from new feature-based NC");
            Assert.AreEqual(contentNode.InnerText, featNC.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, "Abbreviation wrong for new feature-based NC");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("FsFeatStruc/FsClosedValue[@Id='" + val.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "value missing from new feature-based NC");
            Assert.AreEqual((contentNode as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Feature"), consFeat.Hvo.ToString(), "closed value feature is wrong in new feature-based NC");
            Assert.AreEqual((contentNode as XmlElement).GetAttribute("Value"), consPlus.Hvo.ToString(), "closed value is wrong in new feature-based NC");

            // Test adding new phonological rule
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhRegularRule[@Id='" + regRule.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new phonological rule is missing");
            nodes = node.SelectNodes("StrucDesc/*");
            Assert.AreEqual(nodes.Count, 0);
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RightHandSides/PhSegRuleRHS/StrucChange/PhSimpleContextSeg[@dst='" + phoneme.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "phoneme simple context missing in new phonological rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RightHandSides/PhSegRuleRHS/LeftContext/PhSimpleContextNC[@dst='" + featNC.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "NC simple context missing in new phonological rule");

            // Test adding new morphological rule
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//Lexicon/Allomorphs/MoAffixProcess[@Id='" + affRule.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "new morphological rule is missing");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Input/PhSimpleContextNC[@dst='" + featNC.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "NC simple context missing in new morphological rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Output/MoCopyFromInput/Content[@dst='" + ncCtxt.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "copy from input missing in new morphological rule");

            // Modify a phonological rule
            segCtxt = new PhSimpleContextSeg();
            segCtxt.FeatureStructureRA = phoneme;
            IPhPhonContext oldCtxt = regRule.RightHandSidesOS[0].LeftContextOA;
            IPhSequenceContext seqCtxt = new PhSequenceContext();
            regRule.RightHandSidesOS[0].LeftContextOA = seqCtxt;
            IPhSimpleContextBdry bdryCtxt = new PhSimpleContextBdry();
            bdryCtxt.FeatureStructureRAHvo = Cache.GetIdFromGuid(LangProject.kguidPhRuleWordBdry);

            // Modify a morphological rule
            entryNew.LexemeFormOA = affRule;
            IMoInsertPhones insertPhones = new MoInsertPhones();
            affRule.OutputOS.InsertAt(insertPhones, 0);

            // change order of a sequence vector
            lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS.InsertAt(newAffixAllomorph, 0);

            updatedFxtResult = UpdateFXT();

            // Test modifying a phonological rule
            node        = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhRegularRule[@Id='" + regRule.Hvo + "']");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("StrucDesc/PhSimpleContextSeg[@dst='" + phoneme.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "phoneme simple context missing from StrucDesc in modified phonological rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RightHandSides/PhSegRuleRHS/StrucChange/PhSimpleContextSeg[@dst='" + phoneme.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(contentNode, "phoneme simple context is not missing from StrucChange in modified phonological rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("RightHandSides/PhSegRuleRHS/LeftContext/PhSequenceContext[@Id='" + seqCtxt.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "sequence context missing from modified phonological rule");
            contentNode = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("Members[@dst='" + bdryCtxt.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "boundary context missing from sequence context in modified phonological rule");
            node = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//PhPhonData/Contexts/PhSimpleContextBdry[@Id='" + bdryCtxt.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(node, "boundary context missing from contexts in phonological data");

            // Test modifying a morphological rule
            node        = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexEntry[@Id='" + entryNew.Hvo + "']");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("LexemeForm[@dst='" + affRule.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "affix process rule is not the lexeme form for the lex entry");
            node        = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//Lexicon/Allomorphs/MoAffixProcess[@Id='" + affRule.Hvo + "']");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Input/PhSimpleContextNC[@dst='" + featNC.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNull(contentNode, "NC simple context was not removed from morphological rule");
            nodes = node.SelectNodes("Output/*");
            Assert.AreEqual(nodes.Count, 2, "incorrect number of mappings in morphological rule");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Output/*[position() = 1 and @Id='" + insertPhones.Hvo + "']");
            Assert.IsNotNull(contentNode, "insert phones missing from morphological rule");

            // Test changing order of a sequence vector
            node        = updatedFxtResult.SelectSingleNode("//LexEntry[@Id='" + lexEntry.Hvo + "']");
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("AlternateForms[@dst='" + lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS[0].Hvo + "']/@ord");
            Assert.AreEqual("0", contentNode.InnerText);
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("AlternateForms[@dst='" + lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS[1].Hvo + "']/@ord");
            Assert.AreEqual("1", contentNode.InnerText);
            contentNode = node.SelectSingleNode("AlternateForms[@dst='" + lexEntry.AlternateFormsOS[2].Hvo + "']/@ord");
            Assert.AreEqual("2", contentNode.InnerText);
Esempio n. 28
		private static void InitItem(XmlNode item, ICmPossibility poss)
			var defAnalWs = poss.Cache.DefaultAnalWs;
			var strFact = poss.Cache.TsStrFactory;

			// Set name property
					XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(item, "name"),

			// Set Abbreviation.
			var abbr = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(item, "abbr");
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(abbr))
				abbr = poss.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem.Text;

			// Create optional child items.
			foreach (XmlNode subItem in item.ChildNodes)
				var poss2 = new CmPossibility();
				InitItem(subItem, poss2);
Esempio n. 29
		private void MakeListXml(ICmPossibilityList list, XmlElement root)
			foreach (XmlNode item in root)
				var poss = new CmPossibility();
				InitItem(item, poss);
Esempio n. 30
		internal ICmPossibility CreateColumn(ICmPossibility parent, XmlNode spec)
			var result = new CmPossibility();
			SetNameAndChildColumns(result, spec);
			return result;
Esempio n. 31
		ICmPossibility ICmPossibilityFactory.Create(Guid guid, ICmPossibility owner)
			if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

			int hvo = ((IDataReader)m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IDataSetup>()).GetNextRealHvo();
			int flid = m_cache.MetaDataCache.GetFieldId("CmPossibility", "SubPossibilities", false);

			var retval = new CmPossibility(m_cache, hvo, guid);
			return retval;