Esempio n. 1
 private bool PieceCanMoveInDirection(CheckerPiece piece, MoveDirection direction)
     return(piece.IsKing ||
            direction == MoveDirection.ForwardLeft ||
            direction == MoveDirection.ForwardRight
Esempio n. 2
        public static CheckerPiece AsKing(int row, int col, PieceColor owner)
            var piece = new CheckerPiece(row, col, owner);

            piece.IsKing = true;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Places a piece on the board. Note: This does not
        /// take in the actual piece object to ensure that we never end up
        /// with other places being able to modify the pieces on the board.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">color of the piece</param>
        /// <param name="row">row the piece will be placed</param>
        /// <param name="col">column the piece will be placed</param>
        public void AddPiece(PieceColor color, int row, int col, bool isKing = false)
            var piece = new CheckerPiece(row, col, color);

            piece.IsKing = isKing;
Esempio n. 4
        public void MakeMove(Move move)
            if (IsValidMove(move))
                int newRow = move.Piece.Row;
                int newCol = move.Piece.Col;
                foreach (MoveDirection direction in move.Direction)
                    newRow += MoveUtil.GetRowMoveAmountByColor(move.Piece.Owner, direction);
                    newCol += MoveUtil.GetColMoveAmount(direction);

                    CheckerPiece pieceInPosition = _board.GetPiece(newRow, newCol);
                    if (pieceInPosition != null)
                        newRow += MoveUtil.GetRowMoveAmountByColor(move.Piece.Owner, direction);
                        newCol += MoveUtil.GetColMoveAmount(direction);

                var pieceAfterMove = new CheckerPiece(move.Piece);
                pieceAfterMove.Row = newRow;
                pieceAfterMove.Col = newCol;
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Move");
Esempio n. 5
 public Move(CheckerPiece piece, MoveDirection direction)
     this.Piece     = piece;
     this.Direction = new List <MoveDirection> {
Esempio n. 6
        public void AddPiece(CheckerPiece piece)
            //if (!TileIsInBounds(row, col) || (boardState[row, col] != null))
            //    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Error: Piece was attempted to be placed at invalid position Row: {0}, Col: {1}", row, col));
            var copyOfPiece = new CheckerPiece(piece);

            boardState[copyOfPiece.Row, copyOfPiece.Col] = copyOfPiece;
Esempio n. 7
 public void UpdateDisplay(CheckerBoard board)
     for (int row = 0; row < CheckerBoard.SIZE; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < CheckerBoard.SIZE; col++)
             CheckerPiece tile    = board.GetPiece(row, col);
             string       tileRep = GetTileDisplayRepresentationWithPadding(tile);
Esempio n. 8
 private static string GetTileDisplayRepresentationWithPadding(CheckerPiece piece)
     if (piece == null)
         return("-  ");
     else if (piece.Owner == PieceColor.Black)
         return(piece.IsKing ? "B* " : "B  ");
         return(piece.IsKing ? "W* " : "W  ");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a deep copy
        /// of the current board
        /// flipped about the the x-axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CheckerBoard FlipBoard()
            var reversedBoard = new CheckerBoard();

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                int row = SIZE - i - 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
                    CheckerPiece pieceToCopy = boardState[row, j];
                    if (pieceToCopy != null)
                        reversedBoard.AddPiece(pieceToCopy.Owner, i, j);

Esempio n. 10
        private void StartDrag(MouseEventArgs e)
            IsDragging = true;
            CheckerPiece src;

            if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(RedChecker))
                src = (RedChecker)e.Source;
                src = (BlackChecker)e.Source;

            currentPiece = src;
            DataObject      data = new DataObject(System.Windows.DataFormats.Text.ToString(), "abcd");
            DragDropEffects de   = DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this.grdBoard, data, DragDropEffects.All);

            IsDragging = false;
Esempio n. 11
        //public bool MakeMove(Move move)
        //PieceColor thisColor = move.Piece.Owner;
        //if (!GetLegalMoves(thisColor).Contains(move))
        //    return false;

        //var tempBoard = (move.Piece.Owner == PieceColor.White) ? FlipBoard() : boardState;
        //var opposingColor = Piece.GetOppositeColor(move.Piece.Owner);
        //int rowMove = GetRowMoveAmount(move.Direction);
        //int colMove = GetColMoveAmount(move.Direction);

        //if (TileCanBeJumped(move.Piece.Row + rowMove, move.Piece.Col + colMove, opposingColor, boardState, move.Direction))
        //    // move piece two times further
        //    // capture opposing piece
        //    // check that piece can't jump again
        //    if (PieceCanJump(move.Piece, opposingColor, boardState))
        //    {
        //        // get move from player to jump
        //    }
        //    // move piece
        //return true;

        public List <Move> GetLegalMoves(PieceColor player)
            PieceColor   opposingColor = CheckerPiece.GetOppositeColor(player);
            CheckerBoard boardToCheck  = this;
            var          legalMoves    = new List <Move>();

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
                    var piece = boardToCheck.GetPiece(i, j);
                    if ((piece == null) || (piece.Owner == opposingColor))
                    var moves = new BoardMoveGenerator(boardToCheck, piece.Row, piece.Col).Moves;
Esempio n. 12
 public CheckerPiece(CheckerPiece copy) : this(copy.Row, copy.Col, copy.Owner)
     IsKing = copy.IsKing;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Here, the source is the drop target which in this case is a Label. This is needed to get
        /// a reference to the underlying grid cell. That way we know the cell to which to add the new
        /// image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void grdBoard_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // use the label in the cell to get the current row and column
            EmptySpace l        = e.Source as EmptySpace;
            int        r        = Grid.GetRow((EmptySpace)e.Source);
            int        c        = Grid.GetColumn((EmptySpace)e.Source);
            bool       okToMove = false;

            // Because both RedChecker and BlackChecker derive from CheckerPiece, we can use polymorphism
            // to create the correct piece. Get the correct piece and determine if the move is valid.
            // A valid move is one row forward to an unoccupied space.
            CheckerPiece checker;

            if (currentPiece is RedChecker)
                if (currentTurn != Turn.Red)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("It's not your turn");
                    return; // it's not your turn.

                // It's red's turn...
                checker = new RedChecker();
                if (l.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (l.col == currentPiece.col + 1 || l.col == currentPiece.col - 1))
                    okToMove = true;

                //now check to see if we captured anything
                BlackChecker opponentPiece;
                if (c == currentPiece.col + 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <BlackChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col + 1)).SingleOrDefault();
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <BlackChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col - 1)).SingleOrDefault();

                if (opponentPiece != null && l.row - currentPiece.row == 2)
                    int validCol = (opponentPiece.col > currentPiece.col) ? currentPiece.col + 2 : currentPiece.col - 2;
                    if (r == currentPiece.row + 2 && c == validCol)
                        Storyboard PieceCaptured = opponentPiece.Resources["PieceCaptured"] as Storyboard;
                        capturedPiece = opponentPiece;

                        if (PieceCaptured != null)
                            PieceCaptured.Completed += new EventHandler(RemovePiece);

                        okToMove = true;
                if (okToMove)
                    currentTurn = Turn.Black;
                if (currentTurn != Turn.Black)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("It's not your turn");
                    return; // it's not your turn.

                // It's black's turn...
                checker = new BlackChecker();
                if (l.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (l.col == currentPiece.col + 1 || l.col == currentPiece.col - 1))
                    okToMove = true;

                RedChecker opponentPiece = null;
                if (c == currentPiece.col + 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <RedChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col + 1)).SingleOrDefault();
                else if (c == currentPiece.col - 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <RedChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col - 1)).SingleOrDefault();

                //FIXME: capturing a piece to the left isn't working
                if (opponentPiece != null && currentPiece.row - l.row == 2)
                    int validCol = (opponentPiece.col > currentPiece.col) ? currentPiece.col + 2 : currentPiece.col - 2;
                    if (r == currentPiece.row - 2 && c == validCol)
                        capturedPiece = opponentPiece;
                        Storyboard PieceCaptured = opponentPiece.Resources["PieceCaptured"] as Storyboard;
                        if (PieceCaptured != null)
                            PieceCaptured.Completed += new EventHandler(RemovePiece);
                        okToMove = true;
                if (okToMove)
                    currentTurn = Turn.Red;

            if (okToMove)
                checker.col = c;
                checker.row = r;

                // bind the mouse events
                checker.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown);
                checker.PreviewMouseMove           += new MouseEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseMove);
                checker.Cursor    = Cursors.Hand;
                checker.AllowDrop = false;

                // add the piece to the board
                Grid.SetRow(checker, r);
                Grid.SetColumn(checker, c);
                Storyboard DropPiece = checker.Resources["DropPiece"] as Storyboard;
                if (DropPiece != null)
Esempio n. 14
 public void RemovePiece(CheckerPiece piece)
     RemovePiece(piece.Row, piece.Col);
Esempio n. 15
        public static bool TileIsOpposingColor(this CheckerBoard board, int row, int col, PieceColor opposingColor)
            CheckerPiece piece = board.GetPiece(row, col);

            return((piece != null) && (piece.Owner == opposingColor));
Esempio n. 16
 public Move(CheckerPiece piece, IEnumerable <MoveDirection> direction)
     this.Piece     = piece;
     this.Direction = direction.ToList();