Esempio n. 1
         * Computes the householder vector used in QR decomposition.
         * u = x / max(x)
         * u(0) = u(0) + |u|
         * u = u / u(0)
         * @param x Input vector.  Unmodified.
         * @return The found householder reflector vector
        public static CMatrixRMaj householderVector(CMatrixRMaj x)
            CMatrixRMaj u = (CMatrixRMaj)x.copy();

            float max = CommonOps_CDRM.elementMaxAbs(u);

            CommonOps_CDRM.elementDivide(u, max, 0, u);

            float       nx = NormOps_CDRM.normF(u);
            Complex_F32 c  = new Complex_F32();

            u.get(0, 0, c);

            float realTau, imagTau;

            if (c.getMagnitude() == 0)
                realTau = nx;
                imagTau = 0;
                realTau = c.real / c.getMagnitude() * nx;
                imagTau = c.imaginary / c.getMagnitude() * nx;

            u.set(0, 0, c.real + realTau, c.imaginary + imagTau);
            CommonOps_CDRM.elementDivide(u, u.getReal(0, 0), u.getImag(0, 0), u);

  * Decomposes the input matrix 'a' and makes sure it isn't modified.
 public static bool decomposeSafe(DecompositionInterface <CMatrixRMaj> decomposition, CMatrixRMaj a)
     if (decomposition.inputModified())
         a = (CMatrixRMaj)a.copy();
Esempio n. 3
         * Returns the determinant of the matrix.  If the inverse of the matrix is also
         * needed, then using {@link LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM} directly (or any
         * similar algorithm) can be more efficient.
         * @param mat The matrix whose determinant is to be computed.  Not modified.
         * @return The determinant.
        public static Complex_F32 det(CMatrixRMaj mat)
            LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM alg = new LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM();

            if (alg.inputModified())
                mat = (CMatrixRMaj)mat.copy();

            if (!alg.decompose(mat))
                return(new Complex_F32());
Esempio n. 4
         * <p>
         * Checks to see if the matrix is positive definite.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * x<sup>T</sup> A x &gt; 0<br>
         * for all x where x is a non-zero vector and A is a hermitian matrix.
         * </p>
         * @param A square hermitian matrix. Not modified.
         * @return True if it is positive definite and false if it is not.
        public static bool isPositiveDefinite(CMatrixRMaj A)
            if (A.numCols != A.numRows)

            CholeskyDecompositionInner_CDRM chol = new CholeskyDecompositionInner_CDRM(true);

            if (chol.inputModified())
                A = (CMatrixRMaj)A.copy();

Esempio n. 5
         * <p>
         * Performs a matrix inversion operation that does not modify the original
         * and stores the results in another matrix.  The two matrices must have the
         * same dimension.<br>
         * <br>
         * b = a<sup>-1</sup>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * If the algorithm could not invert the matrix then false is returned.  If it returns true
         * that just means the algorithm finished.  The results could still be bad
         * because the matrix is singular or nearly singular.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * For medium to large matrices there might be a slight performance boost to using
         * {@link LinearSolverFactory_CDRM} instead.
         * </p>
         * @param input The matrix that is to be inverted. Not modified.
         * @param output Where the inverse matrix is stored.  Modified.
         * @return true if it could invert the matrix false if it could not.
        public static bool invert(CMatrixRMaj input, CMatrixRMaj output)
            LinearSolverDense <CMatrixRMaj> solver =;

            if (solver.modifiesA())
                input = (CMatrixRMaj)input.copy();

            if (!solver.setA(input))