public unsafe AnimationFrame(GraphicsDevice graphics, uint[] palette, BinaryFileReader reader)
            int xCenter = reader.ReadShort();
            int yCenter = reader.ReadShort();

            int width  = reader.ReadUShort();
            int height = reader.ReadUShort();

            // Fix for animations with no IO.
            if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
                m_Texture = null;

            uint[] data = new uint[width * height];

            int header;

            int xBase = xCenter - 0x200;
            int yBase = (yCenter + height) - 0x200;

            fixed(uint *pData = data)
                uint *dataRef = pData;
                int   delta   = width;

                int dataRead = 0;

                dataRef += xBase;
                dataRef += (yBase * delta);

                while ((header = reader.ReadInt()) != 0x7FFF7FFF)
                    header ^= DoubleXor;

                    uint *cur = dataRef + ((((header >> 12) & 0x3FF) * delta) + ((header >> 22) & 0x3FF));
                    uint *end = cur + (header & 0xFFF);

                    int    filecounter = 0;
                    byte[] filedata    = reader.ReadBytes(header & 0xFFF);

                    while (cur < end)
                        *cur++ = palette[filedata[filecounter++]];

                    dataRead += header & 0xFFF;


            m_Center = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(xCenter, yCenter);

            m_Texture = new Texture2D(graphics, width, height);
            m_Texture.SetData <uint>(data);
Esempio n. 2
        unsafe void ReadStaticTexture(int index, out Texture2D texture)
            texture = null;
            int  length, extra;
            bool is_patched;
            // get a reader inside Art.Mul
            BinaryFileReader reader = m_FileIndex.Seek(index, out length, out extra, out is_patched);

            if (reader == null)
            reader.ReadInt(); // don't need this, see Art.mul file format.
            // get the dimensions of the texture
            int width  = reader.ReadShort();
            int height = reader.ReadShort();

            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
            // read the texture data!
            ushort[] lookups = reader.ReadUShorts(height);
            ushort[] data    = reader.ReadUShorts(length - lookups.Length * 2 - 8);
            Metrics.ReportDataRead(sizeof(ushort) * (data.Length + lookups.Length + 2));
            ushort[] pixels = new ushort[width * height];
            fixed(ushort *pData = pixels)
                ushort *dataRef = pData;
                int     i;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, dataRef += width)
                    i = lookups[y];

                    ushort *start = dataRef;

                    int count, offset;

                    while (((offset = data[i++]) + (count = data[i++])) != 0)
                        start += offset;
                        ushort *end = start + count;

                        while (start < end)
                            ushort color   = data[i++];
                            *      start++ = (ushort)(color | 0x8000);

            texture = new Texture2D(m_Graphics, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551);
            m_StaticPicking.Set(index, width, height, pixels);
Esempio n. 3
        public MultiComponentList(BinaryFileReader reader, int count)
            int metrics_dataread_start = (int)reader.Position;

            m_Min = m_Max = Point.Empty;

            Items = new MultiItem[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                Items[i].ItemID  = reader.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetX = reader.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetY = reader.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetZ = reader.ReadShort();
                Items[i].Flags   = reader.ReadInt();

                if (Items[i].OffsetX < m_Min.X)
                    m_Min.X = Items[i].OffsetX;

                if (Items[i].OffsetY < m_Min.Y)
                    m_Min.Y = Items[i].OffsetY;

                if (Items[i].OffsetX > m_Max.X)
                    m_Max.X = Items[i].OffsetX;

                if (Items[i].OffsetY > m_Max.Y)
                    m_Max.Y = Items[i].OffsetY;

            m_Center = new Point(-m_Min.X, -m_Min.Y);
            m_Width  = (m_Max.X - m_Min.X) + 1;
            m_Height = (m_Max.Y - m_Min.Y) + 1;

            // SortMultiComponentList();

            Metrics.ReportDataRead((int)reader.Position - metrics_dataread_start);
Esempio n. 4
        public MultiComponentList(BinaryFileReader r, int count)
            var metrics_dataread_start = (int)r.Position;

            _min  = _max =;
            Items = new MultiItem[count];
            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                Items[i].ItemID  = r.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetX = r.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetY = r.ReadShort();
                Items[i].OffsetZ = r.ReadShort();
                Items[i].Flags   = r.ReadInt();
                if (Items[i].OffsetX < _min.x)
                    _min.x = Items[i].OffsetX;
                if (Items[i].OffsetY < _min.y)
                    _min.y = Items[i].OffsetY;
                if (Items[i].OffsetX > _max.x)
                    _max.x = Items[i].OffsetX;
                if (Items[i].OffsetY > _max.y)
                    _max.y = Items[i].OffsetY;
            _center = new Vector2Int(-_min.x, -_min.y);
            _width  = (_max.x - _min.x) + 1;
            _height = (_max.y - _min.y) + 1;
            // SortMultiComponentList();
            Metrics.ReportDataRead((int)r.Position - metrics_dataread_start);
Esempio n. 5
        public unsafe AnimationFrame(int uniqueAnimationIndex, GraphicsDevice graphics, ushort[] palette, BinaryFileReader reader, SittingTransformation sitting)
            m_AnimationIndex = uniqueAnimationIndex;
            int xCenter = reader.ReadShort();
            int yCenter = reader.ReadShort();
            int width   = reader.ReadUShort();
            int height  = reader.ReadUShort();

            // Fix for animations with no pixels.
            if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
                Texture = null;
            if (sitting == SittingTransformation.StandSouth)
                xCenter += 8;
                width   += 8;
                height  += 4;
            ushort[] data = new ushort[width * height];
            // for sitting:
            // somewhere around the waist of a typical mobile animation, we take twelve rows of pixels,
            // discard every third, and shift every remaining row (total of eight) one pixel to the left
            // or right (depending on orientation), for a total skew of eight pixels.
            fixed(ushort *pData = data)
                ushort *dataRef = pData;

                int dataRead = 0;

                int header;

                while ((header = reader.ReadInt()) != 0x7FFF7FFF)
                    header ^= DoubleXor;
                    int x = ((header >> 22) & 0x3FF) + xCenter - 0x200;
                    int y = ((header >> 12) & 0x3FF) + yCenter + height - 0x200;
                    if (sitting == SittingTransformation.StandSouth)
                        const int skew_start = -17;
                        const int skew_end   = skew_start - 16;
                        int       iy         = y - height - yCenter;
                        if (iy > skew_start)
                            // pixels below the skew
                            x -= 8;
                            y -= 4;
                        else if (iy > skew_end)
                            // pixels within the skew
                            if ((iy - skew_end) % 4 == 0)
                                reader.Position += (header & 0xFFF);
                            x -= (iy - skew_end) / 2;
                            y -= (iy - skew_end) / 4;
                    ushort *cur         = dataRef + y * width + x;
                    ushort *end         = cur + (header & 0xFFF);
                    int     filecounter = 0;
                    byte[]  filedata    = reader.ReadBytes(header & 0xFFF);
                    while (cur < end)
                        *cur++ = palette[filedata[filecounter++]];
                    dataRead += header & 0xFFF;

            Center  = new Point(xCenter, yCenter);
            Texture = new Texture2D(graphics, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551);
            m_Picking.Set(m_AnimationIndex, width, height, data);
Esempio n. 6
        private static unsafe Texture2D readStaticTexture(int index)
            int  length, extra;
            bool is_patched;

            BinaryFileReader reader = m_Index.Seek(index, out length, out extra, out is_patched);

            reader.ReadInt(); // this data is discarded. Why?

            int width  = reader.ReadShort();
            int height = reader.ReadShort();

            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)

            if (m_dimensions[index - 0x4000] == null)
                m_dimensions[index - 0x4000] = new ushort[] { (ushort)width, (ushort)height };

            ushort[] lookups = reader.ReadUShorts(height);

            int dataStart  = (int)reader.Position + (height * 2);
            int readLength = (getMaxLookup(lookups) + width * 2); // we don't know the length of the last line, so we read width * 2, anticipating worst case compression.

            if (dataStart + readLength * 2 > reader.Stream.Length)
                readLength = ((int)reader.Stream.Length - dataStart) >> 1;
            ushort[] fileData  = reader.ReadUShorts(readLength);
            uint[]   pixelData = new uint[width * height];

            fixed(uint *pData = pixelData)
                uint *dataRef = pData;
                int   i;

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, dataRef += width)
                    i = lookups[y];

                    uint *start = dataRef;

                    int count, offset;

                    while (((offset = fileData[i++]) + (count = fileData[i++])) != 0)
                        start += offset;
                        uint *end = start + count;

                        while (start < end)
                            uint color   = fileData[i++];
                            *    start++ = 0xFF000000 + (
                                ((((color >> 10) & 0x1F) * multiplier)) |
                                ((((color >> 5) & 0x1F) * multiplier) << 8) |
                                (((color & 0x1F) * multiplier) << 16)

            Metrics.ReportDataRead(sizeof(ushort) * (fileData.Length + lookups.Length + 2));

            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(m_graphics, width, height);

            texture.SetData <uint>(pixelData);
