public RotorCraft TryMakeRotorCraft(string serialnumber, List <RotorBlade> rotorblades, string rotortype = "standart rotor",
                                            int numberofrotors = 1, int fuelcapacity = 0, string manufacturer = "generic aircraft maker",
                                            int maxTOweight    = 1000)
            RotorCraft rotorCraft = new RotorCraft();

                rotorCraft = MakeRotorCraft(serialnumber, rotorblades, rotortype, numberofrotors, fuelcapacity,
                                            manufacturer, maxTOweight);
            catch (ArgumentNullException argumentNullException)
                switch (argumentNullException.ParamName)
                case nameof(rotorblades):
                    rotorblades = new List <RotorBlade>();
                    rotorCraft  = MakeRotorCraft(serialnumber, rotorblades, rotortype, numberofrotors,
                                                 fuelcapacity, manufacturer, maxTOweight);

                case nameof(serialnumber):
                    serialnumber = "No serial number specified";
                    rotorCraft   = MakeRotorCraft(serialnumber, rotorblades, rotortype, numberofrotors,
                                                  fuelcapacity, manufacturer, maxTOweight);
            catch (Exception e)

            rotorCraft = AddTurboshaftEngines(rotorCraft);
            Logger.GetLogger().AddToLog(new LogEventArgs(String.Format("new rotorcraft created (SN:{0})", rotorCraft.SerialNumber)));

            AviationAdministration.GetInstance().RegisterAircraft(rotorCraft, rotorCraft.IsOperational);

Esempio n. 2
        static void Main()
            //Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartNewStaThread));

            Logger log = Logger.GetLogger();
            AviationAdministration FAA = AviationAdministration.GetInstance();
            NTSB NTSB = new NTSB();

            #region Side tasks (testing things)

            //JetEngine jet1 = new JetEngine(600, 500, 5, new List<Propellants> { Propellants.Jet_A },
            //    new List<Oxidisers> { Oxidisers.GOX }, "Rolls-Royce", "RB-201", "100000008", 27000, 12, "88", 0, OnOff.Stopped);
            //JetEngine jet2 = new JetEngine(600, 500, 5, new List<Propellants> { Propellants.Jet_A },
            //    new List<Oxidisers> { Oxidisers.GOX }, "Rolls-Royce", "RB-201", "888888888", 27000, 12, "88", 0, OnOff.Running);

            //var compartments = new List<GasCompartment>
            //    new GasCompartment(20, 15),
            //    new GasCompartment(20, 10),
            //    new GasCompartment(20, 15),
            //    new GasCompartment(15, 10)

            //LighterThanAirAircraft baloon = new LighterThanAirAircraft(new SafeGasPumpManager(), 300, "He", compartments,
            //    new List<Engine> { jet1, jet2 }, 100, "baloon Inc.", "Model-baloon", 700, 40, "88");
            //////Console.WriteLine("\n\nComparing gas compartments:");


            //Console.WriteLine("\n shifting gas");
            //    baloon.ShiftGas(0, 1, 14.5f);
            //    //baloon.ShiftGas(0, 0, 4.5f);
            //    //baloon.ShiftGas(0, 4, -4.5f);
            //catch (GasCompartmentsNotFoundException e) when (e.OriginCompartment == e.DestinationCompartment)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.Message}.\n", e.Message);
            //catch (GasCompartmentsNotFoundException e)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.Message} (origin: {e.OriginCompartment}, destination: {e.DestinationCompartment}).\n");
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
            //    Debug.WriteLine(e.Message);
            //    Console.WriteLine("An attempt was made to shift lifting gas\n");

            //Console.WriteLine("Attemting to stop an engine");

            //    baloon.StopEngine(baloon.Engines[0]);
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
            //    Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException?.Message ?? "no inner exception");


            String[] ox = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OxidisersEnum));
            foreach (var s in ox)

            HeavierThanAirAircraftFactory factory = ServiceLocator.Get <HeavierThanAirAircraftFactory>();

            #region factories and cultures

            //RotorCraft rotorCraft = factory.TryMakeRotorCraft("00000000", new List<RotorBlade>(), "standart TEST rotor",
            //    42, 73, "TEST manufacturer", 4242);
            //FAA.RegisterAircraft(new List<AircraftRegistration>
            //    {
            //        new AircraftRegistration(rotorCraft, true),
            //        new AircraftRegistration(rotorCraft, false)


            //Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartNewStaThread));


            //RotorCraft rotorCraft2 = factory.TryMakeRotorCraft("000000002", new List<RotorBlade>(),
            //    "standart TEST rotor2",
            //    42, 73, "TEST manufacturer2", 4242);

            //log.FileName = "NumberTWO";

            //log.AddToLogWithOffset("Testing the offset method");


            //switch (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper())
            //    case "US":
            //        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            //        break;
            //    case "UK":
            //        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
            //        break;
            //    default:
            //        Console.WriteLine("wrong answer)");
            //        break;

            //switch (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString())
            //    case "en-US":
            //        Console.WriteLine("honor, behavior...");
            //        Console.WriteLine(TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName);
            //        break;
            //    case "en-GB":
            //        Console.WriteLine("colour, monetisation...");
            //        Console.WriteLine(TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName);
            //        break;



            #region Decorator

            //var turbineEngineFactory = TurbineEngineFactory.GeTurbineEngineFactory();

            //var turboFan = new Turbofan();

            //if (turbineEngineFactory.TryMakeTurbofan(4, 3, new Generator(),
            //    new List<Spool>(), 600, 500, 5, new List<Propellants> { Propellants.Jet_A },
            //    new List<Oxidisers> { Oxidisers.GOX }, "Rolls-Royce", "RB-201", "100000008", 27000, 88, 0, OnOff.Stopped,
            //    out turboFan))
            //    Console.WriteLine();
            //    Console.WriteLine(turboFan);
            //    Console.WriteLine();
            //    Console.WriteLine("No engine could be created");

            //ReheatDecorator engineDecorator = new ReheatDecorator(turboFan);
            //engineDecorator.Decorate(new ReheatChamber(1.5));

            //DumpAndBurnDecorator decorator2 = new DumpAndBurnDecorator(engineDecorator);
            //decorator2.Decorate(new FuelDumper(2));


            //#region Proxy

            //LighterThanAirAircraftProxy proxy = new LighterThanAirAircraftProxy(300);
            //Stopwatch performanceStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            //Console.WriteLine("Ballast dumping took aprox. {0} ticks", performanceStopwatch.ElapsedTicks);

            //proxy.ShiftGas(0, 1, 50);
            //Console.WriteLine("Creating a new object and shifting gas took aprox {0} ticks", performanceStopwatch.ElapsedTicks);


            //rotorCraft.IsOperational = false;


            //aircraft registry
            var aircraftRegistryRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IAircraftRegistryRepository>();
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("VH-HYR", false, new DateTime(1996, 10, 10), "622"));

            //gas compartment
            var gasCompartmentRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IGasCompartmentRepository>();
            gasCompartmentRepository.Save(new GasCompartment(4000, 3800));

            var generatorRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IGeneratorRepository>();
            generatorRepository.Save(new Generator(42, 73));

            var wingRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IWingRepository>();
            wingRepository.Save(new Wing(42, 73));

            var VGWRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IVariableGeometryWingRepository>();
            VGWRepository.Save(new VariableGeometryWing(42, 73, 42, 73));

            var aircraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IAircraftRepository>();
            //it's an abstarct class

            //powered aircraft
            var poweredAircraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IPoweredAircraftRepository>();
            poweredAircraftRepository.Save(new PoweredAircraft(null, 42, "42", "73", 42, 73, "622"));
            poweredAircraftRepository.Save(new PoweredAircraft(null, 42, "42", "73", 42, 73, "888"));

            //lighter than air aircraft
            var lighterThanAirAircraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ILighterThanAirAircraftRepository>();
            lighterThanAirAircraftRepository.Save(new LighterThanAirAircraft(null, 42, "He", new List <GasCompartment>(), new List <Engine>(), 73, "42", "73", 42, 73, "741"));

            //heavier than air aircraft
            var heavierThanAirAircraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IHeavierThanAirAircraftRepository>();
            heavierThanAirAircraftRepository.Save(new HeavierThanAirAircraft(new List <Engine>(), 42, "42", "73", 42, 73, "2849"));

            //fixed wing aircraft
            var fixedWingAricraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IFixedWingAircraftRepository>();
            fixedWingAricraftRepository.Save(new FixedWingAircraft(new List <Wing>(), 42, 73, new List <Engine>(), 42, "42", "73", 42, 73, "666"));

            var rotorcraftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IRotorCraftRepository>();
            rotorcraftRepository.Save(new RotorCraft(42, new List <RotorBlade>(), "73", new List <Engine>(), 42, "42", "73", 42, 73, "19000130"));

            var propellantRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IPropellantRepository>();
            propellantRepository.Save(new Propellant(PropellantsEnum.MonoMethylHydrazine));

            var oxidiserRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IOxidiserRepository>();
            oxidiserRepository.Save(new Oxidiser(OxidisersEnum.DinitrogenTetroxide));

            var bladeRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IBladeRepository>();
            //it's an abstract class

            //turbine blade
            var turbineBladeRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ITurbineBladeRepository>();
            turbineBladeRepository.Save(new TurbineBlade(1000, true, 18, 12, "High temp alloy"));

            //rotor blade
            var rotorBladeRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IRotorBladeRepository>();
            rotorBladeRepository.Save(new RotorBlade(true, 42, 73, "42"));

            var spoolRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ISpoolRepository>();
            spoolRepository.Save(new Spool(new List <TurbineBlade>(), "42"));

            var engineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IEngineRepository>();
            //it's an abstract class

            //piston engine
            var pistonEngineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IPistonEngineRepository>();
            pistonEngineRepository.Save(new PistonEngine(42, 73, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 73, OnOff.Stopped));

            //jet engine
            var jetEngineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IJetEngineRepository>();
            jetEngineRepository.Save(new JetEngine(42, 73, 42, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            //rocket engine
            var rocketEngineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IRocketEngineRepository>();
            rocketEngineRepository.Save(new RocketEngine(true, "42", 42, 73, 42, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            //solid fuel rocket engine
            var solidFuelRocketEngineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ISolidFuelRocketEngineRepository>();
            solidFuelRocketEngineRepository.Save(new SolidFuelRocketEngine(true, "42", 42, 73, 42, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 73, OnOff.Stopped));

            //turbine engine
            var turbineEngineRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ITurbineEngineRepository>();
            turbineEngineRepository.Save(new TurbineEngine(true, 42, null, null, 42, 73, 42, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            var ramjetRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <IRamjetRepository>();
            ramjetRepository.Save(new Ramjet(true, 42, 73, 42, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            var turbofanRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ITurbofanRepository>();
            turbofanRepository.Save(new Turbofan(42, true, true, 42, null, null, 73, 42, 73, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            var turboshaftRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ITurboshaftRepository>();
            turboshaftRepository.Save(new Turboshaft(42, 73, true, 42, null, null, 73, 42, 73, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            var turbojetRepository = ServiceLocator.Get <ITurbojetRepository>();
            turbojetRepository.Save(new Turbojet(true, 42, null, null, 73, 42, 73, null, null, "42", "73", "42", 73, 42, null, 42, OnOff.Stopped));

            ////testing double session use
            //var testSpool = turbojetRepository.LoadEntity<Spool>(159159);

            //var testTurbojet = turbojetRepository.LoadEntity<Turbojet>(120128);

            //testSpool.ParentEngine = testTurbojet;




            List <Spool> spools = new List <Spool>();
            spools.Add(new Spool(null, "Fan"));
            spools.Add(new Spool(null, "IP spool"));
            spools.Add(new Spool(null, "LP spool"));
            spools.Add(new Spool(null, "HP spool"));

            List <TurbineBlade> blades = new List <TurbineBlade>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                TurbineBlade tb = new TurbineBlade(1500, true, 12, 8, "Ti");
                blades.Add(new TurbineBlade(1000, false, 18, 12, "High temp alloy"));
                blades.Add(new TurbineBlade(1350, true, 12, 8, "Ceramic plated alloy"));
                blades.Add(new TurbineBlade(1275, false, 12, 8, "W (tungsten) alloy"));

            spools[0] = new Spool(blades.Where(x => x.MaterialType == "High temp alloy").ToList(), spools[0].Type);
            spools[1] = new Spool(blades.Where(x => x.MaterialType == "W (tungsten) alloy").ToList(), spools[1].Type);
            spools[2] = new Spool(blades.Where(x => x.MaterialType == "Ceramic plated alloy").ToList(), spools[2].Type);
            spools[3] = new Spool(blades.Where(x => x.MaterialType == "Ti").ToList(), spools[3].Type);

            foreach (var spool in spools)
                foreach (var turbineBlade in spool.Blades)
                    turbineBlade.ParentSpool = spool;

            foreach (var spool in spools)

            foreach (var turbineBlade in blades)

            for (int i = 200; i < 1000; i += 50)
                gasCompartmentRepository.Save(new GasCompartment(i, (float)(i - (i * 0.5))));

            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("ER-AXV", false, new DateTime(2003, 9, 22), "622"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("N452TA", false, new DateTime(1997, 11, 28), "741"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("ER-AXP", false, new DateTime(2011, 11, 3), "741"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("B-6156", false, new DateTime(2006, 8, 3), "2849"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("ER-AXL", false, new DateTime(2015, 6, 5), "2849"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("D-ASSY", false, new DateTime(1997, 3, 26), "666"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("SX-BHT", false, new DateTime(2014, 5, 31), "666"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("F-OSUD", false, new DateTime(2007, 12, 4), "19000130"));
            aircraftRegistryRepository.Save(new AircraftRegistry("ER-ECC", false, new DateTime(2013, 3, 29), "19000130"));

            Console.WriteLine("\nselecting all turbineblades not made out of W, but are an alloy or can withstand temperatures in excess of 1400 C");
            //selecting all turbineblades not made out of W, but are an alloy or can withstand temperatures in excess of 1400 C
            IList <TurbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDto> results2 = turbineBladeRepository.GetTurbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDtos();

            foreach (var turbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDto in results2)
                Console.WriteLine($"SerialNumber: {turbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDto.TubineBladeID}, Material type: {turbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDto.MaterialType}, Max. temp.:{turbineBladeAndSpoolTypeInfoDto.MaxTemp}");

            Console.WriteLine("\ngets the number of compartments whose capacity is greater than 300 units of volume and their actual capacity ");
            //gets the number of compartments whose capacity is greater than 300 units of volume and their actual capacity
            List <GasCompatrmentsCountAndCapacityDto> results3_1 =

            foreach (var gasCompatrmentsCountAndCapacityDto in results3_1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Capacity: {gasCompatrmentsCountAndCapacityDto.Capacity}, Count: {gasCompatrmentsCountAndCapacityDto.Count}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nreturns the number of blades that have cooling channels and the number that don't");
            //returns the number of blades that have cooling channels and the number that don't
            List <TurbineBladeCountDifferentiateOnCoolingChannelsDto> results3_2 =

            foreach (var turbineBladeCountDifferentiateOnCoolingChannelsDto in results3_2)
                Console.WriteLine($"Count: {turbineBladeCountDifferentiateOnCoolingChannelsDto.Count}, HasCoolingChannels: {turbineBladeCountDifferentiateOnCoolingChannelsDto.HasCoolingChannels}");

            Console.WriteLine("\ngets all the aircraft info and the number of times it was registered in the registry");
            //gets all the aircraft info and the number of times it was registered in the registry
            List <AicraftInfoAndNumberOfTimesRegisteredDto> results4_1 =

            foreach (var aicraftInfoAndNumberOfTimesRegisteredDto in results4_1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Serial number: {aicraftInfoAndNumberOfTimesRegisteredDto.SerialNumber}, NumberOfTimesRegistered: {aicraftInfoAndNumberOfTimesRegisteredDto.Count}");

            Console.WriteLine("\ngets all aircraft,that have been reregistered more than a year ago");
            //gets all aircraft,that have been reregistered more than a year ago
            List <AicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto> results4_2 =

            foreach (var aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto in results4_2)
                Console.WriteLine($"Serial number: {aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto.SerialNumber}, penultimate registration date: {aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto.RegistryDate.Date}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nreturns gas compartments' IDs whose volume is greater than the average volume");
            //returns gas compartments' IDs whose volume is greater than the average volume
            List <long> result4_3 = gasCompartmentRepository.GetCompartmentsWithLessThanDoubleTheAverageVolume();

            foreach (var l in result4_3)
                Console.WriteLine($"CompartmentID: {l}");

            Console.WriteLine("\ngets turbine blades IDs whose max temp is either the overall maximum or the overall average");
            //gets turbine blade IDs whose max temp is either the overall maximum or the overall average
            List <long> results4_4 = turbineBladeRepository.GetTubineBladesWithMaxTempInAVGorMAX();

            foreach (var l in results4_4)
                Console.WriteLine($"Turbine blade ID: {l}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nreturns all aircraft whose latest regsitration is more that 5 years old");
            //returns all aircraft whose latest regsitration is more that 5 years old
            List <AicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto> results4_5 =

            foreach (var aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto in results4_5)
                Console.WriteLine($"Serial number: {aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto.SerialNumber}, Registration date: {aicraftInfoAndDateOfRegistrationDto.RegistryDate.Date}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nGets info about aircraft and whether it was registered");
            //Gets info about aircraft and whether it was registered
            List <AicraftInfoAndIfRegisteredBoolDto> results4_6 =

            foreach (var aicraftInfoAndIfRegisteredBoolDto in results4_6)
                Console.WriteLine($"SerialNumber: {aicraftInfoAndIfRegisteredBoolDto.SerialNumber}, is registered: {aicraftInfoAndIfRegisteredBoolDto.IsRegistered}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nreturns aircraft, that have been registred in two scpecified years");
            //returns aircraft, that have been registred in two scpecified years
            List <string> results4_7 = aircraftRegistryRepository.GetAircraftRegisteredInTwoSpecificYears(2003, 1996);

            foreach (var VARIABLE in results4_7)
                Console.WriteLine($"Serial number: {VARIABLE}");
