Esempio n. 1
        public static AspectResultSet buildAspectResultSet(string strCountry, JobList jl, AspectResultSet arsAnswered)
            DataTable dtAspects = CCLib.Cache.GetCachedDataTableWithNoExpire("ASPECT_DETIALS_" + strCountry, "select * from tblaspects" + strCountry);
            bool[] baInclude = new bool[MaxNoOfAspects];

            foreach (JobItem ji in jl) //go through each job in the list
                DataRow[] drsAspects = dtAspects.Select("OccNumber=" + ji.JobRef);
                if (drsAspects.Length > 0)
                    //make sure we find the job in the aspects table
                    for (int intSection = 1; intSection <= 3; intSection++)//check the core, secondary, other
                        string strAspectList="";
                        switch (intSection)
                            case 1: strAspectList = drsAspects[0]["Central"].ToString(); break;
                            case 2: strAspectList = drsAspects[0]["Secondary"].ToString(); break;
                            case 3: strAspectList = drsAspects[0]["Other"].ToString(); break;
                        //check which aspects they should of answered
                        for (int i = 0; i < strAspectList.Length; i = i + 3)
                            baInclude[Convert.ToInt16(strAspectList.Substring(i, 3).ToString())] = true;
                            //set a flag for each aspect
            AspectResultSet ars = new AspectResultSet();
            for (int i = 1; i < MaxNoOfAspects; i++) // go through our list of flags
                //if the flags say they shold of answered it
                if (baInclude[i] == true)
                    //if the client hasn't already answered them
                    AspectResult aspectResult = arsAnswered.Find(delegate(AspectResult ar)
                                                                 return ar.AspectRef == i;
                    if (aspectResult == null) //if it's not in the list of aspects the client has answered
                        AspectResult ar = new AspectResult();
                        ar.AspectRef = i;
                    else if (aspectResult.AspectResponse < 1)// or it's in the list but it has no response
                        AspectResult ar = new AspectResult();
                        ar.AspectRef = i;

            return (ars);
Esempio n. 2
        public static AspectResultSet buildAspectResultSet(string strLangCode, AspectResultSet arsAnswered)
            //build unanswered aspects

            AspectResultSet ds = new AspectResultSet();
            DataTable dtAspects = CCLib.Cache.GetCachedDataTableWithNoExpire("QU_ALL_ASPECT_IDS_" + strLangCode, "Select QuestionID from tblquestions" + strLangCode + " order by questionid");

            foreach (DataRow rt in dtAspects.Rows)
                AspectResult aspectResult = arsAnswered.Find(delegate(AspectResult ar)
                                                         return ar.AspectRef == Convert.ToInt16(rt["QuestionID"].ToString());
                if (aspectResult == null) //if it's not in the list of aspects the client has answered
                    AspectResult ar = new AspectResult();
                    ar.AspectRef = Convert.ToInt16(rt["QuestionID"].ToString());

                    ar.AspectResponse = -1;
                else if (aspectResult.AspectResponse < 1)// or it's in the list but it has no response
                    AspectResult ar = new AspectResult();
                    ar.AspectRef = Convert.ToInt16(rt["QuestionID"].ToString());

                    ar.AspectResponse = -1;

            return (ds);