Esempio n. 1
        private bool TestPackingImages(int testWidth, int testHeight, RectangleF[] testImagePlacement,
                                       out int packedWidth, out int packedHeight)
            packedWidth = packedHeight = 0;
            // create the rectangle packer
            var rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            foreach (var image in ItemArray)
                // get the bitmap for this file
                var size = ImageSizes[image.Key];

                // pack the image
                if (!rectanglePacker.TryPack((int)Math.Ceiling(size.Width + padding), (int)Math.Ceiling(size.Height + padding), out Point origin))

                // add the destination rectangle to our dictionary
                testImagePlacement[image.Key] = new RectangleF(origin.X, origin.Y, size.Width, size.Height);
            packedWidth  = rectanglePacker.ActualPackingAreaWidth;
            packedHeight = rectanglePacker.ActualPackingAreaHeight;
Esempio n. 2
        private bool TestPackingRectangles(int testWidth, int testHeight, IDictionary <string, Rectangle> placementStorage)
            RectanglePacker rectanglePacker;
            bool            result;

            result = true;

            rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            // reset the results

            foreach (string image in _files)
                Size  size;
                Point origin;

                // get the bitmap for this file
                size = _imageSizes[image];

                // pack the image
                result = rectanglePacker.TryPack(size.Width, size.Height, out origin);

                if (result)
                    placementStorage.Add(image, new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, size.Width, size.Height));

    public void TestBarelyFittingRectangle() {
      ArevaloRectanglePacker packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(128, 128);

      Point placement = packer.Pack(128, 128);

      Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0, 0), placement);
    public void TestTooLargeRectangle() {
      ArevaloRectanglePacker packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(128, 128);
      Point placement;

      bool result = packer.TryPack(129, 10, out placement);

      result = packer.TryPack(10, 129, out placement);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the atlas' images can fit on a texture of the specified size.
        /// </summary>
        private static Boolean TestPackingImages(TextureAtlasDescription atlasDesc, IEnumerable <TextureAtlasImage> atlasImages,
                                                 Int32 testWidth, Int32 testHeight, Dictionary <String, Rectangle> testImagePlacement)
            var rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            foreach (var image in atlasImages)
                var size    = image.Size;
                var origin  = Vector2.Zero;
                var padding = atlasDesc.Metadata.Padding;
                if (!rectanglePacker.TryPack(size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding, out origin))
                testImagePlacement.Add(image.Name, new Rectangle((int)origin.X, (int)origin.Y,
                                                                 size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding));
Esempio n. 6
        private bool TestPackingImages(int testWidth, int testHeight, Dictionary <string, Rectangle> testImagePlacement)
            // create the rectangle packer
            ArevaloRectanglePacker rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            foreach (var image in files)
                // get the bitmap for this file
                Size size = imageSizes[image.Name];

                // pack the image
                if (!rectanglePacker.TryPack(size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding, out var origin))

                // add the destination rectangle to our dictionary
                testImagePlacement.Add(image.Name, new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding));

Esempio n. 7
        private bool TestPackingImages(int testWidth, int testHeight, Dictionary<string, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> testImagePlacement)
            // create the rectangle packer
            ArevaloRectanglePacker rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            foreach (var image in files)
                // get the bitmap for this file
                Size size = imageSizes[System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(image)];

                // pack the image
                Point origin;
                if (!rectanglePacker.TryPack(size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding, out origin))
                    return false;

                // add the destination rectangle to our dictionary
                testImagePlacement.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(image), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding));

            return true;
Esempio n. 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Collect information about the images and bin pack them using the chosen algorithm
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imagesInfo"></param>
		/// <param name="spriteSize"></param>
		public void GetImagesInfo(out List<SpriteImageItem> imagesInfo, out Size spriteSize, int padding)
			imagesInfo = new List<SpriteImageItem>();

			// calculate initial sprite size to optimize process speed
			//	-> make sure that the widest and the tallest images fit
			//	-> make sure the resulting area is the same as the sum of all images area
			int maxW = 0;
			int maxH = 0;
			//int totalArea = 0;
			foreach (var file in GetFiles())
				var image = Image.FromFile(file.FullName);
				imagesInfo.Add(new SpriteImageItem() { Image = image, Name = file.Name });

				if (image.Width > maxW)
					maxW = image.Width;
				if (image.Height > maxH)
					maxH = image.Height;

				//totalArea = image.Width * image.Height;

			int finalW = 0;
			int finalH = 0;

			//int totalW = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalArea / 2);
			//int totalH = totalW;

			finalW = maxW;// maxW > totalW ? maxW : totalW;
			finalH = maxH; // maxH > totalH ? maxH : totalH;

			List<SpriteImageItem> unfitImagesInfo = new List<SpriteImageItem>();
			bool finished = false;
			while (!finished)
				// start packing process
				RectanglePacker packer = null;
				switch (this.Options.BinPackingLevel)
					case 1:		// faster and less compless algorithm
						packer = new SimpleRectanglePacker(finalW, finalH);
					case 2:		// still fast and much better packing algorithm
						packer = new CygonRectanglePacker(finalW, finalH);
					case 3:		// the best packing algorithm. Addicional processing time might not be noticeable
						packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(finalW, finalH);
					default:	// default
						packer = new CygonRectanglePacker(finalW, finalH);

				//var usedArea = 0;
				foreach (var iInfo in imagesInfo)
					// Find a place for a rectangle of size 30x20 in the packing area
					Point placement;
                    if (packer.TryPack(iInfo.Image.Width + padding, iInfo.Image.Height + padding, out placement))
						iInfo.Position = placement;
						//usedArea += iInfo.Image.Width * iInfo.Image.Height;

				if (unfitImagesInfo.Count == 0)
					finished = true;
					// add the diff between the used area and the remaining images area
					//var extraW = 0;
					//var extraH = 0;
					//foreach (var unfit in unfitImagesInfo)
					//    extraW += unfit.Image.Width;
					//    extraH += unfit.Image.Height;

					// after some tests the speed and result are quite the same as adding a few more pixels to the 
					//	sprite final size and run the whole process again
					finalW += 10;
					finalH += 10;


			spriteSize = new Size(finalW, finalH);
Esempio n. 9
        private bool TestPackingImages(int testWidth, int testHeight, Lexicon<string, Rectangle> testImagePlacement)
            // create the rectangle packer
            ArevaloRectanglePacker rectanglePacker = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(testWidth, testHeight);

            foreach (var image in files)
                // get the bitmap for this file
                Size size = imageSizes[image.Key][0];

                // pack the image
                Point origin;
                if (!rectanglePacker.TryPack(size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding, out origin))
                    return false;

                // add the destination rectangle to our dictionary
                testImagePlacement.Add(image.Key, new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, size.Width + padding, size.Height + padding));

            return true;
Esempio n. 10
        public void writeToLua(DirectoryInfo directoryDest, string suffix, float XRatio, float YRatio)
                if (this.SpriteSheet != null)
                    ArevaloRectanglePacker packer = null;

                    Bitmap bitmapTemp = null;

                    bool ok = false;
                        bitmapTemp = new Bitmap(4096, 4096);
                        packer     = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(4096, 4096);
                        ok         = true;
                    catch (Exception e1)
                        ok = false;

                    if (ok == false)
                            bitmapTemp = new Bitmap(2048, 2048);
                            packer     = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(2048, 2048);
                            ok         = true;
                        catch (Exception e2)
                            ok = false;

                    if (ok == false)
                            bitmapTemp = new Bitmap(1024, 1024);
                            packer     = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(1024, 1024);
                            ok         = true;
                        catch (Exception e3)
                            ok = false;

                    if (ok == false)
                        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error during the \"" + this.SpriteSheet.Name + "\" sprite sheet creation!\n The system does not allow to create image bigger than 1024x1024! Please check your memory available!", "Warning", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK,

                    int maxWidth  = 0;
                    int maxHeight = 0;

                    String FinalString = HEADER_LUA;

                    String framesLua   = "";
                    float  frameFactor = this.SpriteSheet.FramesFactor;
                    //Parcourir la liste des frames de la sprite sheet

                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapTemp))
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.SpriteSheet.Frames.Count; i++)
                            SpriteFrame frame = this.SpriteSheet.Frames[i];

                            double width  = Math.Ceiling(((float)frame.ImageSize.Width / frameFactor * XRatio));
                            double height = Math.Ceiling(((float)frame.ImageSize.Height / frameFactor * YRatio));

                            Point pDest = Point.Empty;
                            bool  res   = packer.TryPack((int)width, (int)height, out pDest);
                            if (res == true)
                                Image finalImg = null;

                                string sheetPath = Path.Combine(this.currentProject.ProjectPath + "\\Resources\\SpriteSheets", this.SpriteSheet.Name);
                                string framePath = sheetPath + "\\" + this.SpriteSheet.Name + "_frame" + i + ".png";
                                if (System.IO.File.Exists(framePath))
                                    finalImg = Image.FromFile(framePath);

                                if (finalImg != null)
                                    if (pDest.X + width > maxWidth)
                                        maxWidth = pDest.X + (int)width;

                                    if (pDest.Y + height > maxHeight)
                                        maxHeight = pDest.Y + (int)height;

                                    g.DrawImage(finalImg, new Rectangle(pDest, new Size((int)width, (int)height)));

                                    finalImg = null;

                                    framesLua += "{ \n";

                                    framesLua += " name = \"" + frame.NomFrame + "\", \n";

                                    framesLua += " spriteColorRect = { x = 0,y = 0, width = " + width + ", height = " + height + "},\n";

                                    framesLua += " textureRect = { x = " + pDest.X + ", y = " + pDest.Y +
                                                 ", width = " + width + ", height = " + height + "},\n";

                                    framesLua += " spriteSourceSize = { width = " + width + ", height = " + height + "},\n";

                                    framesLua += " spriteTrimmed = true, \n";
                                    framesLua += " spriteRotated = false \n";

                                    framesLua += "}, \n";
                                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Cannot find frame " + i + " image in \"" + this.SpriteSheet.Name + "\" resources folder!",
                                                                   "Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error);
                                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Cannot packing frame " + i + " in \"" + this.SpriteSheet.Name + "\" sprite sheet because the image size needed is bigger than the size authorized by your system or by Corona: 4096x4096!\n Please try to reduce the size of your animation!",
                                                               "Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error);



                    Bitmap finalSheet = bitmapTemp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    bitmapTemp = null;

                    finalSheet.Save(directoryDest.FullName + "\\" + this.SpriteSheet.Name.Replace(" ", "_").ToLower() + suffix + ".png",
                    finalSheet = null;

                    //Ajouter les frames a l'entete
                    FinalString = FinalString + framesLua;

                    //Ajouter le pied de page
                    FinalString = FinalString + FOOTER_LUA;

                    //Ecrire dans le fichier

                    File.WriteAllText(directoryDest.FullName + "\\sprite" + this.SpriteSheet.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() + "anim" + suffix + ".lua",

                    packer = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error during the \"" + this.SpriteSheet.Name + "\" sprite sheet creation!\n" + ex.Message, "Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK,
Esempio n. 11
        public static IList<TexturePacket> PacketTexture(GraphicsDevice gdevice,IDictionary<string,Texture2D> sources)
            List<TexturePacket> list = new List<TexturePacket>();

            int packetsize = 512;
            RectanglePacker packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(packetsize, packetsize);
            Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(gdevice, packer.PackingAreaWidth, packer.PackingAreaHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            Dictionary<string, RectangleF> rects = new Dictionary<string, RectangleF>();
            foreach (var i in sources)
               UInt32[] data=new UInt32[i.Value.Width*i.Value.Height];
               int twidth = i.Value.Width;
               int theight = i.Value.Height;
                bool bfixx=false;
                bool bfixy = false;
                if((twidth== packetsize/2||twidth==packetsize/4))
                if (theight==packetsize/2||theight==packetsize/4)

                    theight += 2;
                    bfixy = true;
                Point pos;

                if (packer.TryPack(twidth, theight, out pos))
                    TexturePacket p = new TexturePacket(tex, rects);
                    packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(packetsize, packetsize);
                    tex = new Texture2D(gdevice, packer.PackingAreaWidth, packer.PackingAreaHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
                    rects = new Dictionary<string, RectangleF>();

                    packer.TryPack(i.Value.Width, i.Value.Height, out pos);
                if (bfixx) pos.X += 1;
                if(bfixy)    pos.Y+=1;

                tex.SetData<UInt32>(0, new Rectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, i.Value.Width, i.Value.Height), data, 0, data.Length);
                rects.Add(i.Key, new RectangleF(
                    (float)(pos.X) / (float)packer.PackingAreaWidth,
                    (float)(pos.Y) / (float)packer.PackingAreaHeight,
                    (float)i.Value.Width / (float)packer.PackingAreaWidth,
                    (float)i.Value.Height / (float)packer.PackingAreaHeight
                TexturePacket p = new TexturePacket(tex, rects);
            return list;
Esempio n. 12
        public static IList <TexturePacket> PacketTexture(GraphicsDevice gdevice, IDictionary <string, Texture2D> sources)
            List <TexturePacket> list = new List <TexturePacket>();

            int             packetsize            = 512;
            RectanglePacker packer                = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(packetsize, packetsize);
            Texture2D       tex                   = new Texture2D(gdevice, packer.PackingAreaWidth, packer.PackingAreaHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            Dictionary <string, RectangleF> rects = new Dictionary <string, RectangleF>();

            foreach (var i in sources)
                UInt32[] data = new UInt32[i.Value.Width * i.Value.Height];
                i.Value.GetData <UInt32>(data);
                int  twidth  = i.Value.Width;
                int  theight = i.Value.Height;
                bool bfixx   = false;
                bool bfixy   = false;
                if ((twidth == packetsize / 2 || twidth == packetsize / 4))
                    bfixx   = true;
                    twidth += 2;
                if (theight == packetsize / 2 || theight == packetsize / 4)
                    theight += 2;
                    bfixy    = true;
                Point pos;

                if (packer.TryPack(twidth, theight, out pos))
                    TexturePacket p = new TexturePacket(tex, rects);
                    packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(packetsize, packetsize);
                    tex    = new Texture2D(gdevice, packer.PackingAreaWidth, packer.PackingAreaHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
                    rects  = new Dictionary <string, RectangleF>();

                    packer.TryPack(i.Value.Width, i.Value.Height, out pos);
                if (bfixx)
                    pos.X += 1;
                if (bfixy)
                    pos.Y += 1;

                tex.SetData <UInt32>(0, new Rectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, i.Value.Width, i.Value.Height), data, 0, data.Length);
                rects.Add(i.Key, new RectangleF(
                              (float)(pos.X) / (float)packer.PackingAreaWidth,
                              (float)(pos.Y) / (float)packer.PackingAreaHeight,
                              (float)i.Value.Width / (float)packer.PackingAreaWidth,
                              (float)i.Value.Height / (float)packer.PackingAreaHeight
                TexturePacket p = new TexturePacket(tex, rects);
 public void TestThrowOnTooLargeRectangle() {
   ArevaloRectanglePacker packer = new ArevaloRectanglePacker(128, 128);
     delegate() { packer.Pack(129, 129); }