Esempio n. 1
        public override SaveResult Save(FileModel model)
            if (model.Type != DocumentType.Article)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            var vm = (PageViewModel)model.Content;

            model.Content = ApiBuildOutput.FromModel(vm); // Fill in details

            return(new SaveResult
                DocumentType = "ManagedReference",
                ModelFile = model.File,
                LinkToFiles = ((HashSet <string>)model.Properties.LinkToFiles).ToImmutableArray(),
                LinkToUids = ((HashSet <string>)model.Properties.LinkToUids).ToImmutableHashSet(),
                XRefSpecs = (from item in vm.Items
                             select GetXRefInfo(item, model.Key)).ToImmutableArray(),
Esempio n. 2
        protected virtual void UpdateModelContent(FileModel model)
            var apiModel = ApiBuildOutput.FromModel((PageViewModel)model.Content); // Fill in details

            model.Content = apiModel;

            // Fill in bookmarks if template doesn't generate them.
            // TODO: remove these
            if (apiModel.Type == MemberType.Namespace)
            model.Bookmarks[apiModel.Uid] = string.Empty; // Reference's first level bookmark should have no anchor
            apiModel.Children?.ForEach(c =>
                model.Bookmarks[c.Uid] = c.Id;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Overload?.Uid))
                    model.Bookmarks[c.Overload.Uid] = c.Overload.Id;
        protected virtual void UpdateModelContent(FileModel model)
            var apiModel = ApiBuildOutput.FromModel((PageViewModel)model.Content); // Fill in details

            model.Content = apiModel;
Esempio n. 4
        public void MapToApiBuildOutputWithoutReferenceShouldSucceed()
            // Arrange
            var input = new ItemViewModel
                Uid          = "uid",
                Parent       = "parent",
                Href         = "href",
                Name         = "name",
                NameWithType = "nameWithType",
                FullName     = "fullName",
                Type         = MemberType.Class,
                Source       = new SourceDetail
                    Remote = new GitDetail
                        RelativePath = "sourcePath"
                    BasePath  = "sourceBasePath",
                    StartLine = 0,
                    EndLine   = 0
                Documentation = new SourceDetail
                    Remote = new GitDetail
                        RelativePath = "documentPath"
                    BasePath  = "documentBasePath",
                    StartLine = 0,
                    EndLine   = 0
                PackageNameList = new List <string> {
                NamespaceName = "namespace",
                Summary       = "summary",
                Remarks       = "remarks",
                Examples      = new List <string> {
                Syntax = new SyntaxDetailViewModel
                    Content    = "syntax",
                    Parameters = new List <ApiParameter>
                        new ApiParameter
                            Description = "this is a param",
                            Type        = new List <string> {
                            Optional = false
                Overridden = "overridden",
                Exceptions = new List <ExceptionInfo>
                    new ExceptionInfo
                        Type        = "exceptionType",
                        Description = "exceptionDescription"
                SeeAlsos = new List <LinkInfo>
                    new LinkInfo
                        LinkType = LinkType.HRef,
                        LinkId   = "",
                        AltText  = "linkText"
                    new LinkInfo
                        LinkType = LinkType.CRef,
                        LinkId   = "type"
                Inheritance = new List <string> {
                Metadata = { ["metaKey"] = "metaValue" }
            var expected = new ApiBuildOutput
                Uid    = "uid",
                Parent = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                    Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                        new ApiLanguageValuePair
                            Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                            Value    = "parent"
                Href = "href",
                Name = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                    new ApiLanguageValuePair
                        Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                        Value    = "name"
                NameWithType = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                    new ApiLanguageValuePair
                        Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                        Value    = "nameWithType"
                FullName = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                    new ApiLanguageValuePair
                        Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                        Value    = "fullName"
                Type   = MemberType.Class,
                Source = new SourceDetail
                    Remote = new GitDetail
                        RelativePath = "sourcePath"
                    BasePath  = "sourceBasePath",
                    StartLine = 0,
                    EndLine   = 0
                Documentation = new SourceDetail
                    Remote = new GitDetail
                        RelativePath = "documentPath"
                    BasePath  = "documentBasePath",
                    StartLine = 0,
                    EndLine   = 0
                PackageNameList = new List <string> {
                NamespaceName = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                    Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                        new ApiLanguageValuePair
                            Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                            Value    = "namespace"
                Summary  = "summary",
                Remarks  = "remarks",
                Examples = new List <string> {
                Syntax = new ApiSyntaxBuildOutput
                    Content = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                        new ApiLanguageValuePair
                            Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                            Value    = "syntax"
                    Parameters = new List <ApiParameterBuildOutput>
                        new ApiParameterBuildOutput
                            Description = "this is a param",
                            Type        = new List <ApiReferenceBuildOutput>
                                new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                                    Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                        new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                            Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                            Value    = "string"
                            Optional = false
                Overridden = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                    Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                        new ApiLanguageValuePair
                            Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                            Value    = "overridden"
                Exceptions = new List <ApiExceptionInfoBuildOutput>
                    new ApiExceptionInfoBuildOutput
                        Type = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                            Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                    Value    = "exceptionType"
                        Description = "exceptionDescription"
                SeeAlsos = new List <ApiLinkInfoBuildOutput>
                    new ApiLinkInfoBuildOutput
                        LinkType = LinkType.HRef,
                        Url      = "<span><a href=\"\">linkText</a></span>"
                    new ApiLinkInfoBuildOutput
                        LinkType = LinkType.CRef,
                        Type     = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                            Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                    Value    = "type"
                Inheritance = new List <ApiReferenceBuildOutput>
                    new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                        Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                            new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                Value    = "inheritance"
                Metadata = { ["metaKey"] = "metaValue" }

            // Act
            Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
                cfg.AddProfile(new ApiBuildOutputProfile(SupportedLanguages));
            var dto = Mapper.Map <ItemViewModel, ApiBuildOutput>(input);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(JsonUtility.Serialize(expected), JsonUtility.Serialize(dto));
Esempio n. 5
        public void MapToApiBuildOutputWithReferenceShouldSucceed()
            // Arrange
            var input = new PageViewModel
                Items = new List <ItemViewModel>
                    new ItemViewModel
                        Uid      = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Id       = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Name     = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Summary  = "class summary",
                        FullName = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Type     = MemberType.Class,
                        Children = new List <string>
                        Metadata =
                            ["key1"] = "will be overwritten",
                            ["key3"] = "value3"
                    new ItemViewModel
                        Uid      = "KeyVaultClient.#ctor",
                        Id       = "KeyVaultClient.#ctor",
                        Parent   = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Name     = "KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)",
                        FullName = "KeyVaultClient.KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)",
                        Summary  = "Initializes a new instance of the KeyVaultClient class",
                        Type     = MemberType.Constructor,
                        Syntax   = new SyntaxDetailViewModel
                            Parameters = new List <ApiParameter>
                                new ApiParameter
                                    Name = "credentials",
                                    Type = new List <string>
                                    Description = "Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure."
                                new ApiParameter
                                    Name = "options",
                                    Type = new List <string>
                                    Description = "The parameter options."
                            Content = "new KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)"
                References = new List <ReferenceViewModel>
                    new ReferenceViewModel
                        Uid        = "credentials",
                        Name       = "credentials",
                        FullName   = "credentials",
                        IsExternal = true
                    new ReferenceViewModel
                        Uid        = "Array",
                        Name       = "Array",
                        FullName   = "Array",
                        IsExternal = true
                Metadata =
                    ["key1"] = "value1",
                    ["key2"] = "value2"
            var expected = new ApiBuildOutput
                Uid  = "KeyVaultClient",
                Name = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                    new ApiLanguageValuePair
                        Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                        Value    = "KeyVaultClient"
                Summary  = "class summary",
                FullName = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                    new ApiLanguageValuePair
                        Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                        Value    = "KeyVaultClient"
                Type     = MemberType.Class,
                Children = new List <ApiBuildOutput>
                    new ApiBuildOutput
                        Uid    = "KeyVaultClient.#ctor",
                        Parent = new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                            Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                    Value    = "KeyVaultClient",
                        Name = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                            new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                Value    = "KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)"
                        FullName = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                            new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                Value    = "KeyVaultClient.KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)"
                        Summary = "Initializes a new instance of the KeyVaultClient class",
                        Type    = MemberType.Constructor,
                        Syntax  = new ApiSyntaxBuildOutput
                            Parameters = new List <ApiParameterBuildOutput>
                                new ApiParameterBuildOutput
                                    Name = "credentials",
                                    Type = new List <ApiReferenceBuildOutput>
                                        new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                                            Uid        = "credentials",
                                            IsExternal = true,
                                            Name       = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "credentials"
                                            FullName = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "credentials"
                                            Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "<xref href=\"credentials\" text=\"credentials\" alt=\"credentials\"/>"
                                    Description = "Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure."
                                new ApiParameterBuildOutput
                                    Name = "options",
                                    Type = new List <ApiReferenceBuildOutput>
                                        new ApiReferenceBuildOutput
                                            Uid        = "Array",
                                            IsExternal = true,
                                            Name       = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "Array"
                                            FullName = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "Array"
                                            Spec = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                                    Value    = "<xref href=\"Array\" text=\"Array\" alt=\"Array\"/>"
                                    Description = "The parameter options."
                            Content = new List <ApiLanguageValuePair>
                                new ApiLanguageValuePair
                                    Language = JavaScriptDevLang,
                                    Value    = "new KeyVaultClient(credentials, options)"
                        Metadata =
                            ["key1"] = "value1",
                            ["key2"] = "value2"
                Metadata =
                    ["key1"] = "value1",
                    ["key2"] = "value2",
                    ["key3"] = "value3"

            // Act
            var dto = input.ToApiBuildOutput();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(JsonUtility.Serialize(expected), JsonUtility.Serialize(dto));