private void xuat_excel() { if (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy != true) { // create a new instance of the alert form alert = new AlertForm(); // event handler for the Cancel button in AlertForm //alert.Canceled += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(buttonCancel_Click); alert.Show(); alert.TopMost = true; // Start the asynchronous operation. backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void f408_bao_cao_don_vi_trang_thai_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy != true) { // create a new instance of the alert form alert = new AlertForm(); // event handler for the Cancel button in AlertForm //alert.Canceled += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(buttonCancel_Click); alert.Show(); alert.TopMost = true; // Start the asynchronous operation. backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch (Exception v_e) { CSystemLog_301.ExceptionHandle(v_e); } }
private void load_data_2_grid() { /*m_fg.Rows[0][6] = "Thời điểm: " + m_dat_thoidiem.Text; * m_ds = new DS_RPT_SO_LUONG_NV(); * m_us.FillDataset(m_ds * ,CIPConvert.ToDecimal(m_cbo_don_vi.SelectedValue) * ,CIPConvert.ToStr(m_cbo_don_vi.Text) * ,CIPConvert.ToDecimal(m_cbo_ttld.SelectedValue) * ,CAppContext_201.getCurrentIDPhapnhan() * , m_dat_thoidiem.Value.Date);*/ if (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy != true) { // create a new instance of the alert form alert = new AlertForm(); // event handler for the Cancel button in AlertForm //alert.Canceled += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(buttonCancel_Click); alert.Show(); alert.TopMost = true; // Start the asynchronous operation. backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } //m_fg.Redraw = false; }