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With is a small library written in c# intended for alternative constructions in c# to do things that may look clumsy in regular code.


Working with immutable data

If you need to get a copy of a readonly object but with some other value set in the new instance, you can use With. This is very similar to f# copy and update record expression.

using With;
var customer = new Customer(id:1, name:"Johan Testsson");

var changedNameToErik = customer.With(c => c.Name, "Erik Testsson")

var changedNameToErik = customer.With(c => c.Name == "Erik Testsson")

var changedNameToErik = customer.With().Eql(c => c.Name, "Erik Testsson").To()

If you want to get a copy of your Customer but made into a VipCustomer (where VipCustomer inherits from Customer).

using With;
var customer = new Customer(id:1, name:"Johan Testsson");

var vipCustomer = customer.As<VipCustomer>(m => m.Since, DateTime.Now);

var vipCustomer = customer.As<VipCustomer>(m => m.Since == DateTime.Now)

var vipCustomer = customer.As<VipCustomer>().Eql(m => m.Since, DateTime.Now).To()

If your object that you want to copy and update has a readonly ienumerable as a property, you can use extension methods in the namespace ReadonlyEnumerable inside the With expression:

using With;
using With.ReadonlyEnumerable;

var order = _repository.GetOrder(command.OrderId);
_repository.Save(order.With(o =>

This creates a clone of the original order (that we assume is a readonly instance) and adds a product to its list of products. After we got our new instance, we tell our repository that this is the instance it's supposed to hold on to.

###Switch on type You can use this library to switch on type. This is generally considered bad practise. An object (i.e. in c# a type) should generally self determine what to do in most cases. Sometimes you might not want to introduce a dependency, thus want to react to an interface or type in a separete assembly.

using With;
var result = Switch.Match<Customer,DateTime?>(instance)
    .Case((VipCustomer c) => c.Since)
    .Case((RegularCustomer c) => c.Since)

###Switch on range, func, etc Note that switch statements should generally be short to avoid confusing logic jumps. A switch is very similar to a goto (in parser code where goto is missing, it's implemented by switch).

using With;
string result = Switch.Match<int,string> (v)
    .Case (1, _ => "One!")
    .Case (new []{ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 }, _ => "This is a prime!")
    .Case (13.To (19), _ => "A teen")
    .Case (i=>i==42, _ =>"Meaning of life")
    .Case (i=>i==52, _ =>"Some other number")
    .Else (_ => "Ain't special");

or less fluently

using With;
string result = Switch.Match<int,string> (v,
    new []{ 1 }, _ => "One!",
    new []{ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 }, _ => "This is a prime!",
    13.To (19), _ => "A teen")
    .Else (_ => "Ain't special");

###Switch on regex When the ingoing type is a string, you can use a regex to match

using With;
var result = Switch.Match<string,string>(instance)
    .Case("m", _ => FoundM())
    .Case("s", _ => FoundS())
    .Regex("[A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2}\\d{1,}", m => ParseMatch(m));

Destructure tuples

using With.Destructure;
var tuple = Tuple.Create(customerName, customerCode);
tuple.Let((customerName, customerCode) => { ... });

The benefit of using this form is that you can give the tuple fields relevant names directly.

Destructure IEnumerable

using With.Destructure;
var list = new []{ 
	"CustomerName", customerName, 
	"CustomerCode", customerCode 
var enumerator = list.ToEnumerator();

enumerator.Let((customerName, customerCode) => { ... });
enumerator.Let((customerName, customerCode) => { ... });

Performance impact of working with immutable types (by using With) in c# for version

To generate use the Timings project. Sample times running it on windows 8.1 on .net 4.0 (with .net 4.5 installed)

 Name                     | Elapsed          | Quotient
 ------------------------ | ---------------- | --------:
 Timing by hand           | 00:00:00.0008733 |        1
 Timing fluent            | 00:00:00.0107707 |       12
 Timing propertyname only | 00:00:00.0151869 |       17
 Timing dictionary        | 00:00:00.0316233 |       36
 Timing equalequal        | 00:00:00.5359095 |      613

Sample times running it on mac os x with mono.

 Name                     | Elapsed          | Quotient
 ------------------------ | ---------------- | --------:
 Timing by hand           | 00:00:00.0021484 |        1
 Timing dictionary        | 00:00:00.0394724 |       18
 Timing propertyname only | 00:00:00.0511035 |       23
 Timing fluent            | 00:00:00.0537641 |       25
 Timing equalequal        | 00:00:00.2248041 |      104

Reasoning about performance

As can be seen there is a penalty to use the expression where you need to compile parts of the expression to get values.

As always with performance. Many times, you need to be aware of the impact of different things. Writing in assembler is contraproductive since it's much harder to structure your code.

The benefit of using immutable types and With is that you can get started with multithreaded programming and pass your objects to different threads. Later on if you find that some part of your code is done very often, then that part can be rewritten to something more performant.



Extensions to make c# easier to use when doing functional code







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  • C# 96.2%
  • Ruby 3.3%
  • F# 0.5%