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Project Description

ASP.NET Core 2.2 MyPlace web application allows Restaurant / Hotel customers and managers to log comments about the service.

Customers are able to add comments with positive/negative service feedback and view others' feedback.

Managers can take notes (logs) about things happening on specific shift – for example unusual things, stuff related issues, TODOs, and sharing them between managers.

These logs are organized into LogBooks (they could be per Hotel, Restaurant in the hotel, the Spa in the hotel, etc.), and also can have categories/tags (like TODO, Maintenance, Events, etc.), logged for specific date and time.

The application has:

  • public part (accessible without authentication)
  • private part (available for managers)
  • administrative part (available for administrator staff only)

Public Part

The public part of the applicationis visible without authentication.

It is the home page where all business entities (hotels, restaurants, etc) are visible for the customer. It provides auto-search capabilities.

The customers can give comments with positive and negative feedback and can review the comments by other customers in real-time which is realized with SignalR.

There is an auto- filter which which does not allow comments insulting words to be save.

Private Part


Managers have private page Notes accessible after successful login. Notes page provides:

  1. Easy navigation between all manager's logbooks.
  2. List of all logbook manager's with soonest notes on the top.
  3. Rapidly adding notes with minimum clicks and optionally giving entity specific tags.
  4. Advance search by note text, tag, creator, exact date, from date, to date
  5. Paging and sorting.


System administrators have permissions to manage the accounts of other system administrators, managers and feedback moderators.

They are able to:

  1. Initialize new LogBooks and Tags for them and
  2. Give access for available managers to each LogBook.
  3. Give moderators access to specific business entities customer posts.
  4. View event logs


The moderators have permissions for specific business entities. In this entities they can censor posts that does not comply with common sense rules (rude, swearing, etc.)

Technologies, frameworks and development techniques:

  • ASP.NET Core 2.2
  • Razor template engine is used for generating the UI with
    • sections and partial views and
    • tag helpers
  • MS SQL Server for database back-end
    • Entity Framework Core 2.2 code first
    • Used service layer
  • 2 areas in project : Administration and Notes for Managers access
  • Server-side paging and sorting
  • Responsive UI with Bootstrap including mobile device screens compatibility
  • Custom Identity System for managing users and roles. The registered users have one of these roles: manager, administrator or moderator.
  • Used AJAX form communication caching f data when loading the date in the search autocomplete textbox in the home page.
  • Applied error handling and data validation both client-side and server-side
  • Create unit tests for your "business" functionality following the best practices for writing unit tests
  • Use Dependency Inversion principle and Dependency Injection
  • The application is integrated with Azure Devops as a Continuous Integration server. at The unit tests are configured to run on each commit to the master branch.
  • Used GitHub and branches for writing different features.


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