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This packages implements the Generic Repository pattern for interacting with data in CosmosDB. The goal is to leverage CosmosDB's schemaless capabilities to allow developers to interact only with Plain Old C# Objects (POCOs) and not have to worry about any of the complexity of integrating with CosmosDB. The purpose is to make it easier to deal with 90% of the interaction with CosmosDB. You'll notice that we expose the CosmosDB client out of the repository to allow you to cover the other 10% with your own custom code.

Here is a sample of what using the GenericRepository looks like:

/// A sample POCO that inherits from BaseStorableEntity
var item = new TestObject
    Collection = new List<string>
    Number = 5,
    Prop1 = "TestingString",
    ChildObject = new TestObject
        Number = 8,
        Prop1 = "ChildObject"

// Inserting the document into CosmosDB
var result = await _testRepo.Upsert(item);

// retrieving a document by id
var retrieved = await _testRepo.Get(result);

// retrieving a document using a predicate (lambda expression)
var doc = await _testRepo.FindOne(x => x.Id == result);

The real power of this library is the ability to dynamically query your data using your strongly typed objects.

Setting up the library

CRUD Operations

Logical vs Physical Delete


A generic repository that stores data in Azure Cosmos DB






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