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Image comparer

Simple web application for comparing images and detecting differences between them

Getting Started

App is built on .NET Core 3.0 and is crossplatform


.NET Core and ASP.NET Core v3.0.0-preview3


cd ImageComparer/
dotnet build


cd ImageComparer/ImageComparerTests/
dotnet test


Application starts on https://localhost:5001 and http://localhost:5000

cd ImageComparer/ImageComparer/
dotnet run


Find differences between two images

Compares two images, finds differences between them and put these differences in red rectangles. Rectangles are drawn on the first image provided.

  • URL


  • Method


  • URL Params


  • Data Params

    files - two images in form-data body

  • Success Response

    First image with red rectangles around zones different from the second image

Start processing two images in the background

Starts a task of processing two images in the background without waiting for completion.

  • URL


  • Method


  • URL Params


  • Data Params

    files - two images in form-data body

  • Success Response

    ID of the created task (GUID as string)

Check status of a task

Checks status of the task started with /api/differences/task request.

  • URL


  • Method


  • URL Params



  • Data Params


  • Success Response

    State of a given task - InProgress or Completed

Get the result of a background task

Gets the result of a background task, either complete or not.

  • URL


  • Method


  • URL Params



  • Data Params


  • Success Response

    First image with red rectangles around zones different from the second image. If called on the incomplete task, shows all found differences to this moment.

Design approach

The task of showing a difference between two images was split into sub-tasks - finding areas in which images differ; drawing these areas; storing the result. All these tasks are controlled by ImageComparerManager.

Finding differences between images

Algorithms that find differences between two images should implement IImageComparerAlgorithm interface. This interface contains two methods - GetDifferences and GetDifferencesAsync - for synchronous and asynchronous processing. GetDifferencesAsync returns IAsyncEnumerable, a new feature of C# 8.0, that allows lazy asynchronous enumeration of returned collection.

Two algorithms are implemented - PixelByPixelImageComparerAlgorithm and GridImageComparerAlgorithm.

PixelByPixelImageComparerAlgorithm compares every pixel of both images with custom comparer that should implement IPixelComparerAlgorithm. For example, ArgbPixelComparerAlgorithm compares pixels by comparing their ARGB values, with error tolerance.

GridImageComparerAlgorithm resizes both images to smaller ones, i.e. 32x32, and calls PixelByPixelImageComparerAlgorithm for those resized images - comparing not every pixel of original images, but "hashes" of them.

Drawing and storing

ImagePainter, that implements IImagePainter, simply draws provided rectangles, both in sync and async ways.

It may be desirable to save comparison results - i.e. looking at previous comparisons can help the user to set right tolerance value - so, simple InnerImageStorage, that implements IImageStorage, is provided. This class stores images in static ConcurrentDictionary.

Asynchronous operations

All calls to Bitmap properties in async context must be protected with locks, so locks are passed as parameters in image comparers algorithms and also stored in image storage.

Using yield return inside a lock in the method that returns IAsyncEnumerable results in locking the resource until the collection is enumerated. Modifying images during comparison doesn't make sense, but read access is also blocked.

To show the progress of work, ImagePainter works with a copy of the first image and has his own locks for this copy. Later, this copy (and lock too) is stored.

IAsyncEnumerable and await foreach enables easy progress tracking. After any difference is found by PixelByPixelImageComparerAlgorithm, that difference is transformed in GridImageComparerAlgorithm and then is painted by ImagePainter. After that PixelByPixelImageComparerAlgorithm checks next area, and so on.

Strong features

  • Abstraction makes it easy to extend existing methods - i.e. use HSV or HSL values instead of ARBG for comparing pixels, or using clustering techniques to group differences instead of using the grid.
  • IAsyncEnumerable provides a simple and robust solution for tracking progress
  • Running tasks in the background makes it possible to load multiple pairs of images and getting the comparison result of each pair as soon as it is ready

Weak features

  • Fire-and-forget at ImageComparerManager.ProcessInBackground is a temporary solution and doesn't allow to control running tasks or catch exceptions in them.
  • Unsuccessful response of API is not specified, no exceptions are catched
  • Some settings, like grid size or color of rectangles around differences, can't be set by the user

Ways to improve

  • Using Bitmap.LockBits instead of Bitmap.GetPixel, as it is much faster
  • Implementing task queue in ImageComparerManager
  • Creating another endpoint in API for general settings


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