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A Mono/C# wrapper for the bitcoind functions with examples for each function, following KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.


Primarily, this is a single class that allows you to use nearly all bitcoind calls from Mono/C# with the benefit of the code and the type system handling all the of the specific syntax for bitcoin core's JSON-RPC interface.

This allows you to build on top of bitcoind by just including this class. In addition, examples for every implemented call are provided in another class, making it stupid simple to pick up.

By the end of the month, there will be new features that include simplified hierarchical deterministic extended keys and multisignature transactions.

There are several other good C#/Mono bitcoin projects on github that you should check out: BitcoinLib, BitcoinRpcSharp, BitSharp, and Bitcoin.NET.

Please Do Not Make An Exchange With This Code

This code is under heavy development, and digital currency security is a serious thing, so use it at your own risk.

I'm eager to hear feedback from the core dev community, please email me at


rpcuser={your username you will make up} (remember to uncomment this!)
rpcpassword={your password you will make up} (remember to uncomment this!)
rpcport=8332 (the bitcoind port listening for RPC connection)
testnet=1 (if you want to run on the bitcoin testnet, or...)
regtest=1 (if you want to run in regtest mode, which allows you start with a fresh blockchain and mine your own blocks)
txindex=1 (if you want to be able to lookup any transaction, but this requires running bitcoind with -reindex once)
  • Start a bitcoind server by running bitcoind -printtoconsole (and possibly -reindex) from the bitcoind location (in Windows, this is C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon)
  • From another command prompt in the same directory, you can run bitcoind manually.

MonoBitcoind let's you automate processes that you'd have to do by hand in this command prompt.

  • Download and install your editor of choice for Mono or C# programs.
  • Create or import a project with these committed files.
  • Add a reference to Newtonsoft.Json.dll that is included in the libs folder.
  • At the top of Bitcoind.cs, change _rpcuser and _rpcpassword to be your username and password that you set in your bitcoin.conf file.
  • If you run Main is Program.cs, it will run through all of the examples. Whether or not it fails, the console it made will remain open until you close it, due to a sleep call in Program.cs. The examples run-through will undoubtedly fail, as it has certain things unique to my instance of bitcoind, but by debugging it you might learn some more about bitcoind.

I know I did while making this.


MonoBitcoind is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information or see


A Mono/C# wrapper for the bitcoind functions with examples.







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