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.Net job queue system with windows service for job monitoring/execution and web service for job queue control

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About JobQueue

An extensible job queue system written in C#.

Immediate goal was to facilitate SQL script for ETL (extract-transform-load) job so that ETL job can be triggered as soon as its previous step is finished. If there is ETL job running already, new request will be queued and then executed as soon as current ETL job is done.

For more, see .\doc\JobQueue Project.pptx.

Defining Jobs

Create .Net class library (DLL).

Defining a JobTask:

class MyFirstJobTask: JobTaskBase
    public override string JobTaskName()
        return "Job Task Name";

    public override void Execute()
        // C# code

    public override void Undo()
        // C# code. Undo override is optional.

Defining a job:

class MyFirstJob: Job
    public MyFirstJob()
        JobTasks.Add(new MyFirstJobTask());
        JobTasks.Add(new MySecondJobTask());

Defining a job group:

public class MyJobGroup: JobGroup
    public override string[] EnqueueOnJobQueue(JobQueue jobQueue)
        var jobIds = new List<string>()
        return jobIds.ToArray();

Putting a job or job group to a job queue:

(new MyJobGroup()).EnqueueOnJobQueue(_jobQueue);

Controlling JobQueue and Job Execution Service

All activities are controllable through URL. This feature was needed to support controlling from legacy application that is not easy to embed .Net code but has a way to make web service call. For more complete usage, check out JobQueueManager.csproj.

Putting a job or job group using web API:


Starting and Stopping Job Execution Service:



  • You can hook up the job queue to file or sql repository for the queue persistency.
  • You can define parameters. See SampleSqlJobLibrary and SampleSqlJobLibraryTest for more details.
  • I implemented SqlJobExtension to solve my original problem.

How to create SqlJob Library:

  1. The Project should have reference to SqlJobExtention.dll and JobQueueCore.dll.
  2. Create three folders on The JobLibrary project.
    • JobGroups\ : home for job groups.
    • Jobs\ : home for jobs.
    • JobSqls\ : home for *.sql files.
  3. Job Class should inherit from SqlJob instead of Job.
  4. Under the job class name folder, put your SQL statements in one more more files.
    • e.g. JobSqls\MySqlJob\01_GetSnapshot.sql
  5. If you need to define undo task for them, put SQL filename + .undo as extra.
    • e.g. JobSqls\MySqlJob\01_GetSnapshot.sql.undo


Visual Studio 2010 with SP1, SQL Express 2008 R2

How to test-drive the dev environment

  1. Run click_to_build.bat

  2. Run \register_JobExecutionService.bat As Administrator.

  3. Open \src\JobQueue.sln in Visual Studio - Visual Studio should run as Administrator.

  4. Run JobQueueManager web application. Enqueue some jobs.

  5. On Windows Explorer, go to \src\JobQueueManager\bin\queue. You should see one *.queue-item.xml file is created. That is one job registered on the job queue.

  6. Relaunch JobQueueManager web application and start the service.

  7. On Windows Explorer, go to \src\JobQueueManager\bin\log. You should see log saying the item from #5-6 is executed and dequeued.

  8. On Windows Explorer, go to \src\JobQueueManager\bin\queue. You should see the one *.queue-item.xml file is now gone.


.Net job queue system with windows service for job monitoring/execution and web service for job queue control






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