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Modifiers for Quaterback (c# program):

-a or --all Get all the history useful when deploying the program for the first time as subsequent calls require the database to hold some data within it.

-c or --chart-tracker-fill Fills the chart tracker with data so the python program is able to start generating charts from the very beguining

Modifiers for Striker (python program):

Probably best to use -h for help

  • charts subsection:

This is followed by three fariables datetime_from, datetime_to and charts. Datetimes must be given in ISO format, calling this function will force the creation of the charts for the specified time period.

  • generate subsection:

If left without any extra flags the program will generate the charts and update the database record for the latest generated.

-t or --tweet Default false, when set to true to tweet the charts will be tweeted once generated

-l or --lazy Skips generating charts and tweeting but updates the database to the latest information available (ideal for a new environment with no previous charts generated)

-f or --folders Makes sure that the folders the program need to run are in place, if they are not found they will be created, this is intended as the first command run in a new environment as it would be wastefull to constantly check every time the program is run.

Other notes:

The charts added are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quaterly and Yearly (planning on adding a Rolling_Yearly chart in the future), all of the charts take in data from their selective time periods but both the Quaterly and Yearly chart take in extra data from both ends in order to produce a better looking chart once the rolling average is applied.

Deployment instructions

Have a computer running linux, either personal or a cloud virtual compute instance.

SSH into it

ssh -i ".ssh/personal-ec2-key.pem"

Update packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Install MySql

cd /tmp
curl -OL

Check checksum

md5sum mysql-apt-config_0.8.17-1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config*
sudo apt update
rm mysql-apt-config*
sudo apt install mysql-server

sudo apt install mysql-server

Install .net core

Change appsettings and mysql user passwords

Run python database builder script Log in to mysql and run the output from said script

Look into being able to just deploy it from running the python program

All of the following settup could be automated with a shell script

publish c# app

dotnet publish ./Quarterback/Quarterback.csproj -c Release -o ./publish

Run app with -a followed with -c this will fetch all electricity and gas records from the api for your meter and then fill the chart tracker table with information so that when you run the python script all available charts are generated.

./Quaterback -a
./Quaterback -c

If you are trying to set up a bot you might want to avoid generating all of the charts the first time you run the program, instead being interested on getting daily updates, you can advance the values in the chart tracker safely by running the python script with the following flags (make sure you are in a propperly set up virtual environment first).

python generate --lazy >> /home/ubuntu/Octo-Tweet/Ace.log

use the virtual environmetn pip3 install -r requirements.txt

make sure to make shell script executable with:

chmod +x

Configure crontab

crontab -e

0 6 * * * /home/ubuntu/Octo-Tweet/ >> /home/ubuntu/Octo-Tweet/Ace.log


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