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Sim# (SimSharp)

A .NET port of SimPy, process-based discrete event simulation framework

Sim# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. Sim# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the  GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. 

Sim# aims to port the concepts used in SimPy [1] to the .NET world. It is
implemented in C# and builds on the .NET Framework 4.0. Sim# uses an efficient
event queue (adapted from [2]) that allows to compute models very fast. Simulating
10 years of the MachineShop sample [3] that uses preemptive resources requires
only 2.5s on a Core i7 2.6Ghz. This model generates more than 5 million events.

SimPy allows to model processes easily and with little boiler plate code. A
process is described as a method that yields events. When an event is yielded, the
process waits on it. Processes are themselves events and so it is convenient to
spawn sub-processes that can either be waited upon or that run next to each other.
There is no need to inherit from classes or understand a complex object oriented

To demonstrate how simple models can be expressed with little code, consider a
model of an m/m/1 queueing system as expressed in Sim#:

TimeSpan ARRIVAL_TIME = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(...);
TimeSpan PROCESSING_TIME = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(...);
TimeSpan SIMULATION_TIME = TimeSpan.FromHours(...);

IEnumerable<Event> MM1Q(Environment env) {
  var server = new Resource(env, capacity: 1);
  while (true) {
    yield return env.TimeoutExponential(ARRIVAL_TIME);
    env.Process(Item(env, server));

IEnumerable<Event> Item(Environment env, Resource server) {
  using (var s = server.Request()) {
    yield return s;
    yield return env.TimeoutExponential(PROCESSING_TIME);
    Console.WriteLine("Duration {0}", env.Now - s.Time);

void RunSimulation() {
  var env = new Environment(randomSeed: 42);

Sim# tries to be as easy to use as SimPy, but also remains true to the .NET
Framework. The most obvious difference between SimPy and Sim# is handling process
interruptions. In Sim# a process that can be interrupted needs to call

  if (Environment.ActiveProcess.HandleFault()) {...}
after each yield in which an interruption can occur and before continuing to
yield further events. This is due to a limitation of the .Net Framework: In
Python it is possible to put a try-except block around a yield statement, and an
exception can be injected into the iterator. In .Net this is not possible.

Also in Sim# it was decided to base the unit for current time and delays on
DateTime and TimeSpan in the simulation clock. There is however an API, called
D-API (short for double-API) that allows you to use doubles as in SimPy, e.g.
env.Now returns a DateTime, env.NowD returns a double, env.Timeout(delay) expects
a TimeSpan as delay, env.TimeoutD(delay) expects a double, etc.. It is possible
to initialize the Environment with a default timestep in case both APIs are used:

  var env = new Environment(defaultStep: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
In that environment, calling env.TimeoutD(1) would be equal to calling the more
elaborate normal API env.Timeout(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)).



Sim# is a .NET port of SimPy, process-based discrete event simulation framework







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  • C# 98.9%
  • Batchfile 1.1%