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NSpec is a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) framework for .NET of the xSpec (Context/Specification) flavor. NSpec is intended to drive development by specifying behavior within a declared context. NSpec is heavily inspired by RSpec.




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NSpec is a BDD framework for .NET of the xSpec (context/specification) flavor. NSpec is intended to be used to drive development through specifying behavior at the unit level. NSpec is heavily inspired by RSpec and built upon the NUnit assertion library.

NSpec is written by Matt Florence and [Amir Rajan] ( It's shaped and benefited by hard work from our contributors

Data-driven test cases

Test frameworks of the xUnit family have dedicated attributes in order to support data-driven test cases (so-called theories). NSpec, as a member of the xSpec family, does not make use of attributes and instead obtains the same result with a set of expectations automatically created through code. In detail, to set up a data-driven test case with NSpec you just:

  1. build a set of data points;
  2. name and assign an expectation for each data point by looping though the whole set.

Any NSpec test runner will be able to detect all the (aptly) named expectations and run them. Here you can see a sample test case, where we took advantage of NSpec.Each<> class and NSpec.Do() extension to work more easily with data point enumeration, and NSpec.With() extension to have an easier time composing text:

public class describe_prime_factors : nspec
  void given_first_ten_integer_numbers()
      new Each<int, int[]>
          { 0, new int[] { } },
          { 1, new int[] { } },
          { 2, new[] { 2 } },
          { 3, new[] { 3 } },
          { 4, new[] { 2, 2 } },
          { 5, new[] { 5 } },
          { 6, new[] { 2, 3 } },
          { 7, new[] { 7 } },
          { 8, new[] { 2, 2, 2 } },
          { 9, new[] { 3, 3 } },

      }.Do((given, expected) =>
          it["{0} should be {1}".With(given, expected)] = () => given.Primes().should_be(expected)


The Nspec test suite is written in NUnit. The test project is NSpecSpecs. Not to be confused with SampleSpecs which hosts numerous tests written in NSpec, some of which are intended to fail.

To run the NSpec test suite, you can use ncrunch or Specwatchr which has support for NUnit 2.5.9. For Specwatchr, the dotnet.watchr.rb file contains a hard reference to the 2.5.9 binary which may need to be updated to your installed version. To do so, locate the following line:

NUnitRunner.nunit_path = 'C:\program files (x86)\nunit 2.5.9\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console-x86.exe'

Otherwise you can get started by running the following commands:

bundle install              (installs all required gems)
rake                        (builds and runs unit tests)
rake build                  (builds solution)
rake spec                   (runs NSpecSpecs test suite with NUnit)
rake samples [spec_name]    (runs spec_name in SampleSpecs with NSpecRunner)

If you have Resharper 6.1 there is a team-shared settings file in the repository. Please use the settings to format any new code you write.

Fork the project, make your changes, and then send a Pull Request.

Branch housekeeping

If you are a direct contributor to the project, please keep an eye on your past development or features branches and think about archiving them once they're no longer needed. No worries, their commits will still be available under named tags, it's just that they will not pollute the branch list.

If you're running on a Windows OS, there's a batch script available at scripts\archive-branch.bat. Otherwise, the command sequence to run in a *nix shell is the following:

# Get local branch from remote, if needed
git checkout <your-branch-name>

# Go back to master
git checkout master

# Create local tag
git tag archive/<your-branch-name> <your-branch-name>

# Create remote tag
git push origin archive/<your-branch-name>

# Delete local branch
git branch -d <your-branch-name>

# Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <your-branch-name>

If you need to later retrieve an archived branch, just run the following commands:

# Checkout archive tag
git checkout archive/<your-branch-name>

# (Re)Create branch
git checkout -b <some-branch-name>


NSpec is a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) framework for .NET of the xSpec (Context/Specification) flavor. NSpec is intended to drive development by specifying behavior within a declared context. NSpec is heavily inspired by RSpec.







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