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Look sits on top of Umbraco Examine adding support for: tag faceting, geospatial querying and text match highlighting.


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Look (Beta) for Umbraco Examine

Look sits on top of Umbraco Examine adding support for:

  • Indexing all IPublishedContent items (each as a Lucene Document) be they: Umbraco Content, Media, Members or properties on them that return IPublishedContent, eg. Nested Content.

  • Text match highlighting - return fragments of contextual text relevant to the supplied search term.

  • Geospatial querying - calculate the distance from a geographical location for each item, this can also be used for filtering / sorting.

  • Tag faceting - return a colleciton of facets, where each details the number of results that would be returned, should that facet be applied to the current query (useful for guided navigation).


The NuGet Package installs a single assembly Our.Umbraco.Look.dll with dependencies on:

  • Umbraco 7.3.0 (min)
  • Examine 0.1.70 (min)
  • Lucene.Net.Contrib (min)


Look can be used index additional name, date, text, tag and location for an IPublishedContent item into Lucene indexes, in two ways:

Firstly, once installed, it offers .Net seams for adding such data into any configured Umbraco Examine indexers. This can be useful as no configuration files need to be changed as it can hook into the default External, Internal, and InternalMember indexers (or any others that have been setup).

Secondly Look includes an Examine indexer that when configured (see Examine configuration) can also index properties that return collections of IPublishedContent (eg. Nested Content) in additional to the Umbraco Content, Media and Member nodes.

To configure the indexing behaviour for either of the ways mentioned, functions can be set via static methods on the LookConfiguration class (all are optional). If a function is set and returns a value then custom Lucene field(s) prefixed with "Look_" will be used to store that value.

public static class LookConfiguration
	// specify which Examine indexers to hook into (if not set, then all will be used by default)
	public static string[] ExamineIndexers { get; set; }

	// creates case sensitive and case insensitive fields (not analyzed) - for use with NameQuery
	public static Func<IndexingContext, string> NameIndexer { set; }

	// creates a date & sorting fields - for use with DateQuery
	public static Func<IndexingContext, DateTime?> DateIndexer { set; }

	// creates a text field (analyzed) - for use with TextQuery
	public static Func<IndexingContext, string> TextIndexer { set; }

	// creates a tag field for each tag group - for use with TagQuery
	public static Func<IndexingContext, LookTag[]> TagIndexer { set; }

	// creates multple fields - for use with LocationQuery
	public static Func<IndexingContext, Location> LocationIndexer { set; }

The model supplied to the indexing functions:

public class IndexingContext
	/// <summary>
	/// The name of the Examine indexer into which this item is being indexed
	/// </summary>
	public string IndexerName { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The Content, Media, Member or Detached item being indexed (always has a value)
	/// </summary>
	public IPublishedContent Item { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// When a detached item is being indexed, this property will be the hosting content, media or member 
	/// (this value will null when the item being indexed is not Detached)
	/// </summary>
	public IPublishedContent HostItem { get; }

Example Indexing Code


Searching is performed using a configured (Umbraco or Look) Examine Searcher and can be done using the Exmaine API, or with the Look API.

To be able to use the additional query types that Look introduces with the Exmaine API, a Look searcher needs to be used (rather than an Umbraco searcher). This is because a Look searcher will return an object as ISearchCritera that can be cast to LookSearchCriteria where the Look query types can be set.

Examine API

var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["MyLookSearcher"];
var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria();
var lookSearchCriteria = (LookSearchCriteria)searchCriteria;

lookSearchCriteria.NodeQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.NameQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.DateQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.TextQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.TagQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.LocationQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.ExamineQuery = ...
lookSearchCriteria.RawQuery = ...

var results = searcher.Search(searchCriteria);

Look API

The Look API can be used with all searchers. Eg.

var lookQuery = new LookQuery(); // use the default Examine searcher (usually "ExternalSearcher")


var lookQuery = new LookQuery("MyLookSearcher"); // use a named Examine searcher
lookQuery.NodeQuery = ...
lookQuery.NameQuery = ...
lookQuery.DateQuery = ...
lookQuery.TextQuery = ...
lookQuery.TagQuery = ...
lookQuery.LocationQuery = ...
lookQuery.ExamineQuery = ...
lookQuery.RawQuery = ...

var results = lookQuery.Search();

Look Query types

All query types are optional, but when set, they become a required clause.


A node query is used to specify search criteria based on common properties of IPublishedContent (all properties are optional).

lookQuery.NodeQuery = new NodeQuery() {
	Type = PublishedItemType.Content,
	//TypeAny = new [] { 
	//	PublishedItemType.Content, 
	//	PublishedItemType.Media, 
	//	PublishedItemType.Member 
	DetachedQuery = DetachedQuery.IncludeDetached, // enum options
	Culture = new CultureInfo("fr"),
	//CultureAny = new [] {
	//	new CultureInfo("fr")	
	Alias = "myDocTypeAlias",
	//AliasAny = new [] { 
	//	"myDocTypeAlias", 
	//	"myMediaTypeAlias",
	//	"myMemberTypeAlias"
	Ids = new [] { 1, 2 },
	Keys = new [] { 
	NotId = 3, // (eg. exclude current page)
	NotIds = new [] { 4, 5 },
	NotKey = Guid.Parse("3e919e10-b702-4478-87ed-4a42ec52b337"),
	NotKeys = new [] { 


A name query is used together with a custom name indexer and enables string comparrison queries (wildcards are not allowed and all properties are optional). If a name query is set (ie, not null), then results must have a name value.

lookQuery.NameQuery = new NameQuery() {
	Is = "Abc123Xyz",
	StartsWith = "Abc",
	Contains = "123",
	EndsWith = "Xyz",
	CaseSensitive = true // applies to all: Is, StartsWith, Contains & EndsWith


A date query is used together with a custom date indexer and enables date range queries (all properties are optional). If a date query is set (ie, not null), then results must have a date value.

lookQuery.DateQuery = new DateQuery() {
	After = new DateTime(2005, 02, 16),
	Before = null,
	Boundary = DateBoundary.Inclusive


A text query is used together with a custom text indexer and allows for wildcard searching using the analyzer specified by Exmaine. Highlighting gives the ability to return an html snippet of text indiciating the part of the full text that the match was made on. All properties are optional).

lookQuery.TextQuery = new TextQuery() {
	SearchText = "some text to search for",
	GetHighlight = true // return highlight extract from the text field containing the search text


A tag query is used together with a custom tag indexer (all properties are optional). If a tag query is set then only results with tags are returned. All properties are optional.

lookQuery.TagQuery = new TagQuery() {    

	// must have this tag
	Has = new LookTag("color:red"),

	// must not have this tag
	Not = new LookTag("colour:white"),

	// must have all these tags
	HasAll = TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "colour:blue"),

	// must have all tags from at least one of these collections
	HasAllOr = new LookTag[][] {
		TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "size:large"),
		TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "size:small")

	// must have at least one of these tags
	HasAny = TagQuery.MakeTags("color:green", "colour:yellow"),

	// must have at least one tag from each collection
	HasAnyAnd = new LookTag[][] { 
		TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "size:large"), 
		TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "size:medium")

	// must not have any of these tags
	NotAny = TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:black"),

	// return facet data for the tag groups
	FacetOn = new TagFacetQuery("colour", "size", "shape")


A location query is used together with a custom location indexer. All properties are optional, but if a LocationQuery is set, then only results with a location will be returned. A Boundary can be set using two points to define a pane on the latitude/longitude axis. If a Location is set, then a distance value returned. However if a MaxDistance is also set, then only results within that range are returned.

lookQuery.LocationQuery = new LocationQuery() {
	Boundary = new Boundary(
		new Location(55, 10),
		new Location(56, 11)
	Location = new Location(55.406330, 10.388500),
	MaxDistance = new Distance(500, DistanceUnit.Miles)


Examine ISearchCriteria can be passed into a LookQuery.

lookQuery.ExamineQuery = myExamineQuery.Compile();


String property for any Lucene raw query.

lookQuery.RawQuery = "+myField: myValue";


If not specified then the reults will be sorted on the Lucene score, otherwise sorting can be set by the SortOn enum to use the custom name, date or distance fields.

Search Results

The search can be performed by calling the Search method on the LookQuery object:

var lookResult = lookQuery.Search();

When the search is performed, the source LookQuery model is compiled (such that it can be useful to hold onto a reference for any subsequent paging queries).

The LookResult model returned implements Examine.ISearchResults, but extends it with a Matches property that will return the results enumerated as strongly typed LookMatch objects (useful for lazy access to the assocated IPublishedContent item and other data) and a Facets property for any facet results.

public class LookResult : ISearchResults
	/// <summary>
	/// When true, indicates the Look Query was parsed and executed correctly
	/// </summary>
	public bool Success { get; }
	/// <summary>
	/// Expected total number of results expected in the result enumerable
	/// </summary>
	public int TotalItemCount { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Get the results enumerable as LookMatch objects
	/// </summary>
	public IEnumerable<LookMatch> Matches { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Any returned facets
	/// </summary>
	public Facet[] Facets { get; }

Whilst the enumeration on the LookResult returns items as Exmaine SearchResult, they can be cast to LookMatch objects:

public class LookMatch : SearchResult
	/// <summary>
	/// Lazy evaluation of the hosting IPublishedContent (if Item is detached, otherwise this will be null)
	/// </summary>
	public IPublishedContent HostItem { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Lazy evaluation of the associated IPublishedContent
	/// </summary>
	public IPublishedContent Item { get; }
	/// <summary>
	/// Unique key to this IPublishedContent
	/// </summary>
	public Guid Key { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom name field
	/// </summary>
	public string Name { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom date field
	/// </summary>
	public DateTime? Date { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The full text (only returned if specified)
	/// </summary>
	public string Text { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Highlight text (containing search text) extracted from the full text
	/// </summary>
	public IHtmlString Highlight { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Collection of all tags associated with this item
	/// </summary>
	public LookTag[] Tags { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom location (lat|lng) field
	/// </summary>
	public Location Location { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The calculated distance (only returned if a location supplied in query)
	/// </summary>
	public double? Distance { get; }
public class Facet
	/// <summary>
	/// The tags that would be added into the TagQuery.All clause
	/// </summary>
	public LookTag[] Tags { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The total number of results expected should this facet be applied to the curent query
	/// </summary>
	public int Count { get;  }
public class LookTag
	/// <summary>
	/// The tag group - must contain only alphanumeric / underscore chars and be less than 50 chars.
	/// </summary>
	public string Group { get; set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The tag name - this can be any string.
	/// </summary>
	public string Tag { get; set; }


A tag can be any string and exists within an optionally specified group (if a group isn't set, then the tag is put into a default un-named group - String.Empty). A group string must only contain aphanumberic/underscore chars, and be less than 50 chars (as it is also used to generate a custom Lucene field name).

A LookTag can be constructed from specified group and tag values:

LookTag(string group, string name)

or from a raw string value:

LokTag(string value)

When constructing from a raw string value, the first colon char ':' is used as an optional delimiter between a group and tag. eg.

var tag1 = new LookTag("red"); // tag 'red', in default un-named group
var tag2 = new LookTag(":red"); // tag 'red', in default un-named group
var tag2 = new LookTag("colour:red"); // tag 'red', in group 'colour'

There is also a static helper on the TagQuery model which can be used as a shorthand to create a LookTag array. Eg.

var tags = TagQuery.MakeTags("colour:red", "colour:green", "colour:blue", "size:large");


Look interprets facets to mean: "if the current query asked something slightly different (the facet being the difference), then how many results would be returned instead ?".


Look sits on top of Umbraco Examine adding support for: tag faceting, geospatial querying and text match highlighting.







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