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YouTubeFeast - a semi-automatic YouTube and Vimeo video downloading tool
(C) Daniel Kirstenpfad 2012 -

For several years now I've subscribed YouTube channels and I keep adding subscriptions over the years. For about one year now I am using ByTubeD - a firefox add-on - to download new videos that appear in my subscribed YouTube channels.

Now sadly this is a completly manual process. I have to go to the channel homepage, I have to select what I want to download and sometimes I need to look after the download process because when it's taking too long (like when I initially download a whole 400 video batch of a new channel I've subscribed...) the video URLs time-out and are not useable anymore.

Now the solution is to write a small programm which automatically downloads once every while all the new videos in configured YouTube channels.

Get the current source code here:

Get a longer how-to and documentation here: