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Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)


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Fine Code Coverage

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Only that the test adapters are nuget packages. For instance, the NUnit Test Adapter extension is not sufficient.


Fine Code Coverage works by reacting to the visual studio test explorer, providing coverage from each test project containing tests that you have selected to run. This coverage is presented as a single unified report as well as coloured margins alongside your code. The coverage is provided by either OpenCover for old style projects and Coverlet for new style sdk projects. FCC provides an abstraction over both so that it is possible to ignore the differences between the two but there are circumstances where it is important to be aware of cover tool that will be run. This is most apparent when Coverlet is used, please read on for the specifics.
The other scenario would be when you want to use a specific version of the coverage tool. FCC will keep up to date with Coverlet and OpenCover but there may be a preview version that you want to use. This can be configured.

Configuration is available with Visual Studio settings and project msbuild properties. All visual studio settings can be overridden from test project settings and some settings can only be set in project files.

Highlights unit test code coverage

Run a(some) unit test(s) and ...

Get highlights on the code being tested

Code Being Tested

Get highlights on the code doing the testing

Code Doing The Testing

See Coverage View

Coverage View

See Summary View

Summary View

See Risk Hotspots View

Risk Hotspots View

Global (Shared) options

Global Options

Local (Test Project) options (override globals in your csproj/vbproj : OPTIONAL)

<PropertyGroup Label="FineCodeCoverage">

Exclude Referenced Project in referenced project ( csproj/vbproj : OPTIONAL )


Coverlet specific


Coverlet has different "drivers". Fine Code Coverage has in the past only used the coverlet console driver. This has some issues associated with it. It is now possible to switch to the Data Collector driver. This is the better driver but cannot be used for all projects. For now this is opt in. In the future Fine Code Coverage will determine the appropriate driver. Please consult coverlet docs for version support. ** Note that it is unnecessary to add the nuget coverlet.collector package as FCC internally supplies coverlet.collector 3.0.3** Fine Code Coverage will use the Data Collector driver under two circumstances :

  1. You are testing with runsettings that contains the coverlet collector ( and not disabled)
  2. You set the UseDataCollector project property

The Coverlet Data Collector settings can be found here. If you are using option 2) above then Common settings ( Exclusions and inclusions ) will be generated from project propertes ( above ) and global visual studio options (see below ) with project properties taking precedence. If you are using option 1) then project and global options will only be used where a Common settings Configuration element is absent and the RunSettingsOnly option ( see below) has been changed to false.


Enabled							Specifies whether or not coverage output is enabled
RunInParallel					By default tests run and then coverage is performed.  Set to true to run coverage immediately
RunWhenTestsFail				By default coverage runs when tests fail.  Set to false to prevent this.  **Cannot be used in conjunction with RunInParallel**
RunWhenTestsExceed				Specify a value to only run coverage based upon the number of executing tests. **Cannot be used in conjunction with RunInParallel**
Exclude							Filter expressions to exclude specific modules and types (multiple values)
Include							Filter expressions to include specific modules and types (multiple values)
ExcludeByFile					Glob patterns specifying source files to exclude e.g. **/Migrations/* (multiple values)
ExcludeByAttribute				Attributes to exclude from code coverage (multiple values)
IncludeTestAssembly				Specifies whether to report code coverage of the test assembly

RunSettingsOnly					Specify false for global and project options to be used for coverlet data collector configuration elements when not specified in runsettings
CoverletCollectorDirectoryPath	Specify path to directory containing coverlet collector files if you need functionality that the FCC version does not provide.

CoverletConsoleLocal			Specify true to use your own dotnet tools local install of coverlet console.
CoverletConsoleCustomPath		Specify path to coverlet console exe if you need functionality that the FCC version does not provide.
CoverletConsoleGlobal			Specify true to use your own dotnet tools global install of coverlet console.

The "CoverletConsole" settings have precedence Local / CustomPath / Global.

Both 'Exclude' and 'Include' options can be used together but 'Exclude' takes precedence.

You can ignore a method or an entire class from code coverage by creating and applying the [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] attribute present in the System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis namespace.
You can also ignore additional attributes by adding to the 'ExcludeByAttributes' list (short name or full name supported) e.g. :
[GeneratedCode] => Present in System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace
[MyCustomExcludeFromCodeCoverage] => Any custom attribute that you may define

Filter Expressions

* => matches zero or more characters
[*]* => All types in all assemblies (nothing is instrumented)
[coverlet.*]Coverlet.Core.Coverage => The Coverage class in the Coverlet.Core namespace belonging to any assembly that matches coverlet.* (e.g coverlet.core)
[*]Coverlet.Core.Instrumentation.* => All types belonging to Coverlet.Core.Instrumentation namespace in any assembly
[coverlet.*.tests]* => All types in any assembly starting with coverlet. and ending with .tests

Both 'Exclude' and 'Include' options can be used together but 'Exclude' takes precedence.


Check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.

For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project.


Apache 2.0





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Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)







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