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Notification plugin for Xamarin

Show local notifications using Xamarin for Android, iOS or UWP. Beta version.

Target frameworks

netstandard1.4, netstandard2.0


Available implementations:

MonoAndroid90, MonoAndroid10.0, MonoAndroid11.0





Initialize plugin using Microsoft Dependency Injection and add a notification manager to your service collection using ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddNotificationManager(). If you want a images support, you must add call ServiceCollectionImagesExtensions.AddNotificationManagerImagesSupport() to add it to your service collection.

If you are using Android then you must pass activity to the notification manager. You can also use ToastOptions class or a builder action parameter to set some defaults.

Show notifications

// register in IoC at android
serviceCollection.AddNotificationManager(b => b.WithActivity(yourActivity));

// for image support at android

// register in IoC at iOs

// for image support at iOs

// register in IoC at UWP

// for image support at UWP

// use NotificationManager via IoC
var notificationManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<INotificationManager>()

NotificationResult result;
result = await notificationManager.GetBuilder()

// hide notification using cancellation token
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
result = await notificationManager.GetBuilder()

// use snackbar on android and local notifications on ios
result = await notificationManager.GetBuilder<ISnackbarExtension, IIosLocalNotificationExtension>()

// pass platform specific parameters to builder
result = await notificationManager.GetBuilder().AddTitle("title")
	.WhenUsing<IDroidNotificationExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("droid description").SetColor(droidColor))
	.WhenUsing<IIosNotificationExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("ios description"))
	.WhenUsing<IUwpExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("uwp description").AddHeroImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///hero-image.png")))

// get builder for IoC
result = await serviceProvider.GetService<INotificationBuilder>()
// show images
var toastImageSourceFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IToastImageSourceFactory>();
var fromFile = await toastImageSourceFactory.FromFileAsync(someFileName);
var fromResource = await toastImageSourceFactory.FromResourceAsync(someResourcePath, typeof(SomeTypeInYourAssembly));
var fromUri = await toastImageSourceFactory.FromUriAsync(new Uri(""));
result = await serviceProvider.GetService<INotificationBuilder>()

// hide notification using cancellation token
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
result = await notificationManager.GetBuilder()

// use snackbar on android and local notifications on ios
result = await serviceProvider.GetService<IBuilder<ISnackbarExtension, IIosLocalNotificationExtension>>()

// pass platform specific parameters to builder
result = await serviceProvider.GetService<INotificationBuilder>().AddTitle("title")
	.WhenUsing<IDroidNotificationExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("droid description").SetColor(droidColor))
	.WhenUsing<IIosNotificationExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("ios description"))
	.WhenUsing<IUwpExtension>(_ => _.AddDescription("uwp description").AddHeroImage(fromUri))

switch (result)
	case NotificationResult.Activated:
		// The user activated the toast notification
	case NotificationResult.UserCanceled:
		// The user dismissed the toast notification.
	case NotificationResult.ApplicationHidden:
		// The app explicitly hid the toast notification.
	case TimedOut:
		// The toast notification had been shown for the maximum allowed time and was faded out.

// You can schedule a notification using NotificationManger
var cancellationToken = notificationManager.GetBuilder().AddDescription("description").AddTitle("title")
await Task.Delay(someTime);
cancellationToken.Dispose(); // remove from schedule

// You can schedule a notification using IoC container
cancellationToken = serviceProvider.GetService<INotificationBuilder>().AddDescription("description").AddTitle("title")
await Task.Delay(someTime);
cancellationToken.Dispose(); // remove from schedule

See also: Droid.IPlatformSpecificExtension, IOS.IPlatformSpecificExtension

MAUI notes

  • Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.OnThisPlatform().GetImageDirectory can be replaced with Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application.Current.OnThisPlatform().GetImageDirectory
  • You can obtain activity using this code
  • If you want a single instance support at WinUI 3 then check this code

Work with notification history

// get history instance
var history = serviceProvider.GetService<IHistory>();

// check if notification has been delivered
var isDelivered = await history.IsDeliveredAsync(notificationId);
// check if notification has been scheduled
var isScheduled = await history.IsScheduledAsync(notificationId);
// remove delivered notification from notification center
// remove a notification from the schedule
// remove all notification of the current application from notification center

Watch for notifications

To capture notifications at application startup you must place call to Platform.OnActivated on you overrides: Activity.OnCreate at android, UIApplicationDelegate.FinishedLaunching at ios and Application.OnActivated override at uwp. If the notification contains a valid identifier, you will receive it.

// get event source instance
var eventSource = serviceProvider.GetService<INotificationEventSource>();

// watch for events
eventSource.NotificationReceived += OnNotificationReceived;
// send events that were captured on application startup

See also: ISystemEventSource, INotificationEventObserver.

Advanced usage

You can encapsulate common configurations using IExtensionConfiguration or ISpecificExtensionConfiguration and add to your service collection or use with specific extensions.

You can create a plugin to route your data into a platform specific implementation using IExtensionPlugin. Create implementations, add to your service collection, then use IBuilder.Add<T, ...>(T data, ...). See the Images plugin code as a working example.

See also: IBuilder.UseConfiguration(T), IBuilderExtension.Use(IExtensionConfiguration)