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Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK.


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Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK more information.

It can also be used for just working with types and as well as some ArcGIS Server types you can also use GeoJSON FeatureCollections with the ability to convert GeoJSON <-> ArcGIS Features.

Typical use case would be the need to call some ArcGIS REST resource from server .NET code or maybe a console app. Rather than having to fudge a dependency to an existing SDK you can use this. Works with .NET for Windows Store apps, .NET framework 4 and higher, Windows Phone 8 and higher and Xamarin iOS and Android.

Since the serialization is specific to your implementation you will need to create an ISerializer to use in your gateway. There are NuGet packages created for 2 of these called ArcGIS.PCL.JsonDotNetSerializer and ArcGIS.PCL.ServiceStackV3Serializer. To use one of these add a reference using NuGet then call the static Init() method e.g. ArcGIS.ServiceModel.Serializers.JsonDotNetSerializer.Init(). This will create an ISerializer instance and override the SerializerFactory.Get() method so that it is returned when requested. This also means that you no longer have to pass the ISerializer to your gateway or token providers when initialising them, though you can still use this mechanism if you prefer.

Supports the following as typed operations:

  • CheckGenerateToken - create a token automatically via an ITokenProvider
  • Query<T> - query a layer by attribute and / or spatial filters
  • QueryForCount - only return the number of results for the query operation
  • QueryForIds - only return the ObjectIds for the results of the query operation
  • Find - search across n layers and fields in a service
  • ApplyEdits<T> - post adds, updates and deletes to a feature service layer
  • Geocode - single line of input to perform a geocode using a custom locator or the Esri world locator
  • Suggest - lightweight geocode operation that only returns text results, commonly used for predictive searching
  • ReverseGeocode - find location candidates for a input point location
  • Simplify<T> - alter geometries to be topologically consistent
  • Project<T> - convert geometries to a different spatial reference
  • Buffer<T> - buffers geometries by the distance requested
  • DescribeSite - returns a url for every service discovered
  • Ping - verify that the server can be accessed
  • PublicKey - admin operation to get public key used for encryption of token requests
  • ServiceStatus - admin operation to get the configured and actual status of a service

Some examples of it in use for server side processing in web sites

See some of the tests for some example calls.

###Gateway Use Cases

// ArcGIS Server with non secure resources
var gateway = new PortalGateway("");

// ArcGIS Server with secure resources
var secureGateway = new SecureArcGISServerGateway("", "user1", "pass.word1");

// ArcGIS Server with secure resources and token service at different location
var otherSecureGateway = new PortalGateway("", tokenProvider: new TokenProvider("", "user1", "pass.word1"));

// ArcGIS Online either secure or non secure
var arcgisOnlineGateway = new ArcGISOnlineGateway();
var secureArcGISOnlineGateway = new ArcGISOnlineGateway(tokenProvider: new ArcGISOnlineTokenProvider("user", "pass"));

var secureArcGISOnlineGatewayOAuth = new ArcGISOnlineGateway(tokenProvider: new ArcGISOnlineAppLoginOAuthProvider("clientId", "clientSecret"));

Calling operations

Once you have a gateway you can call operations on it, for example to query an endpoint

var queryPoint = new Query("Earthquakes/EarthquakesFromLastSevenDays/MapServer/0".AsEndpoint());

var resultPoint = await gateway.Query<Point>(queryPoint);


You may have noticed the AsEndpoint() method in the Query constructor above. This is an extension method that creates a new ArcGISServerEndpoint and you can use the constructor for that if you prefer.

The available endpoint types are

  • ArcGISServerEndpoint - this will create an endpoint at the rest/services location for an ArcGIS server gateway. This is the most common use case for your own services so it's likely you will use this one
  • ArcGISOnlineEndpoint - this will create an endpoint at the sharing/rest location. This can be used when called services hosted on ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGISServerAdminEndpoint - this will create an endpoint at the admin location for an ArcGIS server gateway
  • AbsoluteEndpoint - this will just keep the string that you pass to it. It's used internally to allow the ArcGISOnlineEndpoint to call the geometry service at

Other Stuff

There are a couple of platform specific classes used by the PortalGateway that can be overridden if you want to (I use a poor mans DI). The first is the HttpClient. This gets resolved by calling the Get function of the HttpClientFactory. So you can alter this by setting that function to return whatever you want instead.

HttpClientFactory.Get = (() => new SomeHttpClient());

The other place you can do something similar if the CryptoProviderFactory. This is used for automatically encrypting token requests but you may want to change the behaviour or more likely only use encryption for some of the token requests. The easiest way to do this is to disable the automatic encryption and then pass the ICryptoProvider to your TokenProvider when needed.

// Disable auto encryption
CryptoProviderFactory.Disabled = true; 

// No encryption for this token provider
var tokenProvider = new TokenProvider("serverUrl", "username", "password");

// This one will still have encryption
var tokenProviderEncrypted = new TokenProvider("serverUrl", "username", "password", cryptoProvider: new RsaEncrypter());


If you have NuGet installed, the easiest way to get started is to install via NuGet:

PM> Install-Package ArcGIS.PCL

On Xamarin you can add the ArcGIS.PCL component from the component store or use NuGet since it is now supported in Xamarin Studio.

Of course you can also get the code from this site.


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Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK.







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