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EasyPeasy aims to get rid of the boiler plate coding required when talking to REST APIs.

Simply define an interface to represent the REST service and annotate with path, verb and parameter attributes to influence how the method are called.

The library supports both synchronous and asynchronous method calls, just define a method with a return type of either Task or Task and EasyPeasy will do the rest for you!

Interfaces and methods are annotated using JAX-RS style attributes

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EasyPeasy is available as a nuget package. To install type the following at a Package Manager console:

    PM>  Install-Package EasyPeasy


    [Path("/services/customers"), Consumes("application/json"), Produces("application/json")] 
    public interface ICustomerService
        // Built in support for async requests
        [GET, Path("/{name}")]
        Task<Customer> GetCustomerAsync([PathParam("name")] string name);
        // Synchronous equivalent
        [GET, Path("/{name}")]
        Customer GetCustomer([PathParam("name")] string name);

        [DELETE, Path("/{name}")]
        void DeleteCustomer([PathParam("name")] string name, [QueryParam("q")] bool q);

        [DELETE, Path("/{name}")]
        Task DeleteCustomerAsync([PathParam("name")] string name, [QueryParam("q")] bool q);

        [PUT, Path("/{name}"), Consumes(MediaType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)]
        void UpdateCustomer([PathParam("name")] string name, 
                            [FormParam("address")] string address);

An implementation of this interface can then be generated for you using those attributes. Simply create a factory and call Create:

    ICustomerService client = 
        new EasyPeasyFactory().Create<ICustomerService>(
             new Uri(""));
    Customer customer = await client.GetCustomerAsync("My Customer");

Services using basic authentication can be consumed by passing NetworkCredentials into the Create method:

    ICustomerService client = 
        new EasyPeasyFactory().Create<ICustomerService>(
             new Uri(""),
             new NetworkCredential("myUserName", "myPassword"));

Each instance created by EasyPeasy will also implement the IServiceClient interface, where you can access the base Uri, credentials, get and set a timeout for the service calls and wire up events:

ICustomerService client = 
    new EasyPeasyFactory().Create(new Uri(..));
IServiceClient serviceClient = (IServiceClient)client;

// Receive a notification before any request is sent to the server.
// The event contains a reference to the underlying WebRequest:
serviceClient.BeforeSend += (sender, e) => {
    Console.WriteLine("Sending request to" + e.Request.RequestUri);

// Set a custom timeout on the request
serviceClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

Being a fan of MEF, the types are all Exportable. Below is an example of grabbing an IEasyPeasyFactory from a container:

    AssemblyCatalog catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(IEasyPeasyFactory).Assembly);
    CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

    IEasyPeasyFactory factory = container.GetExportedValue<IEasyPeasyFactory>();

    ICustomerService client = factory.Create<ICustomerService>(new Uri(""));
    Customer customer = await client.GetCustomerAsync("My Customer");


Interface driven REST client for .NET






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