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My final projects of each of the courses in my .Net full stack development course.

1)DataAccessProjects- 1)A c# console program that uses Entity Framework to connect to a sql server database.This particular database is devoted to building security.2)I recently added a 2nd program that uses Ado.Net. (As of this writing it's still in progress).

2)Yatzhee Refactoring Project- a c# command line game of Yatzhee in which I got a badly designed program and refactored it.The game had to be refactored to comply with the core software design principles of encapsulation,delegation,and contract with attention given to Bob martin's SOLID principles where they apply.I also added an implementation to play the game(The original project just had the scoring methods without a program to play the game)

3)Html Project-This is a product review web page which uses Html for structure, Css for style and JavaScript for interactivity. There are 2 versions that use Jquery, 1 version in which the which the the html is hard coded and a 2nd version in which html is loaded dynamically from Jquery.Then there is a 3rd version which uses AngularJs.

Newer projects

BizAssist-A outgrowth of my original compuskills mvc project.This is a full web app that allows small buisnesses to manage there clients and employess.Primarily for employees to clock in and tally up there pay, and for clients to tally up there bill.

Encryption Decryption- A project that encrypts client data and sends it to a database and then when the user requests it the data.It decrypts it and sends it to the front end looking normal. This program is running on BizAssist


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