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The GraphicalTools repo contains several different graphical-related PowerShell modules including:

  • Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools - A module that provides GUI experiences based on Avalonia.
  • Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools - A module that provides console-based GUI experiences based on gui.cs.



Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools


Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools




Linux Windows Mac
linux-gif window-gif macos-gif
  • Out-Gridview
    • View and filter objects
    • Generate reusable filter code


screenshot of Out-ConsoleGridView


  • Out-ConsoleGridview
    • View and filter objects


1. Install PowerShell 6.2+

Install PowerShell 6.2+ with these instructions.

3. Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

4. Install Invoke-Build

Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser

Now you're ready to build the code. You can do so in one of two ways:

Building the code from PowerShell

PS C:\path\to\GraphicalTools> Invoke-Build Build

Note: You can build a single module using the -ModuleName parameter:

Invoke-Build Build -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools

From there you can import the module that you just built for example:

Import-Module .\module\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools

And then run the cmdlet you want to test, for example:

Get-Process | Out-ConsoleGridView

NOTE: If you change the code and rebuild the project, you'll need to launch a new PowerShell process since the dll is already loaded and can't be unloaded.

Debugging in Visual Studio Code

PS C:\path\to\GraphicalTools> code .

Build by hitting Ctrl-Shift-b in VS Code.

To debug:

In a Powershell session in the c:\path\to\GraphicalTools directory, run pwsh (thus nesting powershell).

Then do the folowing:

Import-Module .\module\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools

This will import the latest built DLL and output the process ID you'll need for debugging. Copy this ID to the clipboard.

In VScode, set your breakpoints, etc... Then hit F5. In the VScode search box, paste the value printed by $pid. You'll see something like pwsh.exe 18328. Click that and the debug session will start.

In the Powershell session run your commands; breakpoints will be hit, etc...

When done, run exit to exit the nested PowerShell and run pwsh again. This unloads the DLL. Repeat.

Contributions Welcome!

We would love to incorporate community contributions into this project. If you would like to contribute code, documentation, tests, or bug reports, please read the development section above to learn more.

Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools Architecture

Due to the quirks of the PowerShell threading implementation, the design of GUIs in this application are non-standard. The cmdlet invokes an Avalonia application as a separate process to guarantee the GUI is running on the main thread. Graphical tools therefore consists of 3 .NET Projects.

  • Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools - Cmdlet implementations
  • OutGridView.Gui - Implementation of the Out-GridView window
  • OutGridView.Models - Contains data contracts between the GUI & Cmdlet



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


A module that mixes PowerShell and GUIs! - built on Avalonia



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


No packages published


  • C# 82.9%
  • PowerShell 17.1%